Friday, August 7, 2009

July 23, 2009

Dear Diary,

I must say it has been very interesting keeping such a diary and making it available to some select public. I have gotten an interesting reaction. Some writing with suggestions. Some accosting me over the back of a couch to discuss discreet alusions from previous entries. (You know who you are). Some have suggested that age shouldn't matter. Some have challenged my ability to really be a "yes" girl. I mean, truly to take everyone's advice is going to, at some point, become ridiculous. There are only so many hours in a day and so many funds budgeted toward "the hunt." But most of the suggestions I like. So, I plan to try out 3 in the next few months. I am giving myself more time simply because funds will be more available come school year. So if you offered the suggestion, either pat yourself on the back, or quickly write and tell me you weren't serious. Here they are:

1) It's Just Lunch Orlando. I don't like the idea of not seeing faces before the date, but hey, it's just lunch, after all....

2) Cooking class. Ok, point taken, "dude's gotta eat." So if you really think it's a good venue, I'll try it...but is the dude going to be in the class, or just really want me to know how to cook before I meet him? However, in all honesty, this one's on the fence because there are some theological issues I could run into...more on principle....with this one, that may be unnecessary.

3) I'm going to find some kind of other Bible Study. Not to the exclusion of my own, but perhaps there are some other single professionals out there who are looking for me, too...

With that in mind...I wonder what tomorrow holds...

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