Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30, 2009

Dear Diary,

Well, it is Day 2 of the big move. Most of the stuff is now in the house, but there are still some large items yet and miscellaneous small items that are just a pain to pack up. And there's the whole dilemma yet about what to get rid of and what to keep for the new place. I'm ready to buy all new furniture and pots & pans and such. Ready to make the place look nice.

It always seems like that's the kind of stuff you register for though when you're getting married. Is it bad that I get it all now, while single? I suppose not. Girl's gotta live, right? The nice thing about this move (and possibly the stress of everything happening at once) is that I have lost 5 pounds this week. I imagine a lot of it has to do with going straight from work to lay flooring, carrying boxes around and up and down stairs, getting in my 10,000 steps a day with the new schoolyear, and being just too nervous to eat from meeting Taylor Hicks. Add to that the stress involved in all of that and you've got yourself a weight-loss program. Problem is it will probably all come back once things settle down a bit.

But I can take comfort in the fact that the floor's aren't quite complete yet, and there is much unpacking to be done. That should hold off the gain for awhile. And the exercise possibilities now are inifinitely more. Well, perhaps not infinitely, but having a neighborhood with a fairly decent size makes for good bike/running/rollerblading paths. And we have a pool now, so laps have reentered the picture. Pigeon and I were both in the pool this morning! So, all told, the move is going well.

I just wonder what tomorrow holds....

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