Dear Diary,
I am at last home from the great evening out last night to watch my sister in a Waltz to the Death against Batman. I'm pretty sure she won. And I know that Batman is an ever-changing role, making Bruce Wayne fairly hard to pick out of a crowd, but generally he's the devastatingly handsome one. I would venture to say that's also the case here. Batman was definitely the most handsome fellow in the room.
Now, I do not speak with real interest in the lad, but if my goal was to do some dancing with some handsome men, I think the night was not a total loss. Sis wins, but at least I got to have one dance with the hero. It's not my favorite of dances, but it was a dance nonetheless. I'm not all that fond of merengue.
And after putting in some hard-working hours on the new house, I came home to discover another email from my good friend "Radar." And let me tell you, Diary, it was a very good email! It's hard to say why for sure without giving specifics, but it was exciting to hear from him.
And since all this reading is happening, I'm wondering. Many books (and other guys I've talked to) have hinted that making him wait for a response is always a good strategy. And because I think like a woman, I would think it would encourage him more if I wrote right away. What should I do? Perhaps the variable on the equation is that he and I have a history, which makes it harder to be mysterious...
What should tomorrow hold?...
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