Dear Diary,
Surfing Class is another interesting idea. They offer classes at Typhoon Lagoon for about $150 or something. That could be fun and a small enough class that you'd get to know the others in the class most likely. However, I may have to wait awhile before investing in such a class.
Meanwhile, I did happen to visit my brother's church this morning (at the promise of many singles). This is the same church with the Bible Study I plan to visit this week, so I thought visiting the church once or twice couldn't be a bad thing. And while I don't doubt that my brother's observations might be true, I did not happen to notice anyone today. That doesn't make it any less likely that I should visit the "Singles" bible study this week. The only problem I see with this is the age range: 30-55. That's a pretty big spread. When you factor in also that some of those may be "single again" then it's really hard to know what I'm walking into.
But that's taking the wrong attitude, isn't it? I should be there to learn, and treat the "singleness" of everyone as fringe benefits, right?
...Anyway, I'm off to email "Radar" back. Think he's waited long enough?
We'll see what tomorrow holds...
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