Dear Diary,
The pool guy just left and I think I'm going to enjoy seeing him once a week as he tends to the pool maintenance duties. Today he smiled and told me all about how he was just putting some chlorine in and scraping down the edges. It was delightful conversation!
Meanwhile I just brought possibly the 2nd to last load back to the house and Mom and Dad should arrive soon with the last one. Otherwise, I need to get ready for my first class of the semester and I'm having trouble locating things. Apparently that's typical during a move.
Hopefully, tomorrow holds at least some shampoo!...
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
August 30, 2009
Dear Diary,
Well, it is Day 2 of the big move. Most of the stuff is now in the house, but there are still some large items yet and miscellaneous small items that are just a pain to pack up. And there's the whole dilemma yet about what to get rid of and what to keep for the new place. I'm ready to buy all new furniture and pots & pans and such. Ready to make the place look nice.
It always seems like that's the kind of stuff you register for though when you're getting married. Is it bad that I get it all now, while single? I suppose not. Girl's gotta live, right? The nice thing about this move (and possibly the stress of everything happening at once) is that I have lost 5 pounds this week. I imagine a lot of it has to do with going straight from work to lay flooring, carrying boxes around and up and down stairs, getting in my 10,000 steps a day with the new schoolyear, and being just too nervous to eat from meeting Taylor Hicks. Add to that the stress involved in all of that and you've got yourself a weight-loss program. Problem is it will probably all come back once things settle down a bit.
But I can take comfort in the fact that the floor's aren't quite complete yet, and there is much unpacking to be done. That should hold off the gain for awhile. And the exercise possibilities now are inifinitely more. Well, perhaps not infinitely, but having a neighborhood with a fairly decent size makes for good bike/running/rollerblading paths. And we have a pool now, so laps have reentered the picture. Pigeon and I were both in the pool this morning! So, all told, the move is going well.
I just wonder what tomorrow holds....
Well, it is Day 2 of the big move. Most of the stuff is now in the house, but there are still some large items yet and miscellaneous small items that are just a pain to pack up. And there's the whole dilemma yet about what to get rid of and what to keep for the new place. I'm ready to buy all new furniture and pots & pans and such. Ready to make the place look nice.
It always seems like that's the kind of stuff you register for though when you're getting married. Is it bad that I get it all now, while single? I suppose not. Girl's gotta live, right? The nice thing about this move (and possibly the stress of everything happening at once) is that I have lost 5 pounds this week. I imagine a lot of it has to do with going straight from work to lay flooring, carrying boxes around and up and down stairs, getting in my 10,000 steps a day with the new schoolyear, and being just too nervous to eat from meeting Taylor Hicks. Add to that the stress involved in all of that and you've got yourself a weight-loss program. Problem is it will probably all come back once things settle down a bit.
But I can take comfort in the fact that the floor's aren't quite complete yet, and there is much unpacking to be done. That should hold off the gain for awhile. And the exercise possibilities now are inifinitely more. Well, perhaps not infinitely, but having a neighborhood with a fairly decent size makes for good bike/running/rollerblading paths. And we have a pool now, so laps have reentered the picture. Pigeon and I were both in the pool this morning! So, all told, the move is going well.
I just wonder what tomorrow holds....
Saturday, August 29, 2009
August 29, 2009
Dear Diary,
Today is moving day. It might extend into tomorrow too...or even Monday. But today's the main event. I'm mildly sentimental about it today. This is probably the longest I've ever lived in one location other than the house I grew up in. Truth be told, I'm ready to get out of here and out of apartment living. But there have been lots of good memories in this place. Not the least of which is the convenience to going to Disney World. And fireworks parties. However, those have been few and far between. But it's not like I'm leaving Disney World. I still live in "Greater" Orlando and will be there as often as possible.
When I go with my family, we have certain "Disney games" we play which are all very transferrable to other "attractions" or themes. There's "stop in the middle of the walkway," "I'm a Disney Idiot," "Which small world doll am I?," "Take a picture with a non-camera phone," "Name that attraction," and my personal favorite (among many others), "Flirt night."
Yep, that's the name of the game. And it's an every girl for herself kind of game. The rules? You have to flirt, when presented the opportunity. It can be as innocent as asking the next male cast member for directions, or as bold as "planting one" on the balloon guy. And it's all in good fun. It's a game I haven't played in quite some time, but we may pull it out this weekend. And the best part is that it's one of those "transferrable" games. You can play "Flirt night" practically anwhere: The mall, the movies, dinner, athletic events, the lake, downtown. Basically anywhere. (But it's always more fun at Disney World!) Who's in?
Is that what tomorrow holds, perhaps?....
Today is moving day. It might extend into tomorrow too...or even Monday. But today's the main event. I'm mildly sentimental about it today. This is probably the longest I've ever lived in one location other than the house I grew up in. Truth be told, I'm ready to get out of here and out of apartment living. But there have been lots of good memories in this place. Not the least of which is the convenience to going to Disney World. And fireworks parties. However, those have been few and far between. But it's not like I'm leaving Disney World. I still live in "Greater" Orlando and will be there as often as possible.
When I go with my family, we have certain "Disney games" we play which are all very transferrable to other "attractions" or themes. There's "stop in the middle of the walkway," "I'm a Disney Idiot," "Which small world doll am I?," "Take a picture with a non-camera phone," "Name that attraction," and my personal favorite (among many others), "Flirt night."
Yep, that's the name of the game. And it's an every girl for herself kind of game. The rules? You have to flirt, when presented the opportunity. It can be as innocent as asking the next male cast member for directions, or as bold as "planting one" on the balloon guy. And it's all in good fun. It's a game I haven't played in quite some time, but we may pull it out this weekend. And the best part is that it's one of those "transferrable" games. You can play "Flirt night" practically anwhere: The mall, the movies, dinner, athletic events, the lake, downtown. Basically anywhere. (But it's always more fun at Disney World!) Who's in?
Is that what tomorrow holds, perhaps?....
Friday, August 28, 2009
August 28, 2009

Dear Diary,
I take it back. I'm not down. I'm not even off the cloud. I'm amused at the momentum that has occurred since I first wrote you about Taylor. Tuesday was not the first time we met, by the way. I think the first time was...oh...January 2006, perhaps? Can't remember exactly, but we've been together for nigh on 4 years, now. At first it was admiration from a distance. And then he took to callin' me darlin'. In that beautiful southern drawl.
Let's pause a moment now to recall that encounter. And to remember that drawl.
Anyway, I was all nerves the first time. But since then I've grown comfortable with him. Tuesday, I was chilled, calm, collected. And did you notice how he leaned? How we matched? How he promised to see me in November? Well, I'll keep that promise, Taylor. I believe the promise was dinner and dancing? Something along those lines, anyway.
Oh yea! I was supposed to tell you about that Disney game, wasn't I? Well, let's just wait and see what tomorrow holds...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
August 27, 2009
Dear Diary,
I'm starting to come down from Tuesday's big event a little bit. Don't get me wrong. I'm still totally devoted to Taylor. But at some point I have to accept the fact that he can never be more than musical entertainment to me. (Though there is promise of another sighting in November!)
So, it's back to reality (oh, there goes gravity). In all the excitement, I forgot that I hadn't responded to Radar's email from the weekend, so I finally did email him back last night.
And the certificate of occupancy came through yesterday for the new house so the weekend will be busy with moving and such. Time is running short to spend on the hunt these days. Not that I'm nearing death. I just mean that right now, it's harder to work it in. Perhaps I can squeeze in one of my favorite Disney games this weekend. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!
Otherwise all the boys in my life right now are in 2nd grade.
At least I know who's holding tomorrow...
I'm starting to come down from Tuesday's big event a little bit. Don't get me wrong. I'm still totally devoted to Taylor. But at some point I have to accept the fact that he can never be more than musical entertainment to me. (Though there is promise of another sighting in November!)
So, it's back to reality (oh, there goes gravity). In all the excitement, I forgot that I hadn't responded to Radar's email from the weekend, so I finally did email him back last night.
And the certificate of occupancy came through yesterday for the new house so the weekend will be busy with moving and such. Time is running short to spend on the hunt these days. Not that I'm nearing death. I just mean that right now, it's harder to work it in. Perhaps I can squeeze in one of my favorite Disney games this weekend. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!
Otherwise all the boys in my life right now are in 2nd grade.
At least I know who's holding tomorrow...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
August 26, 2009

I don't think you can really top yesterday's entry. I mean engaged to Taylor Hicks? That's hard to beat. But I'll try. Let me start by saying that in case there was any confusion, I am not in real life engaged to Mr. Hicks. Although I do feel we are "MFEO." :) And I feel like being 12, so the acronym was appropriate.
Have you ever seen "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" with Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly? Well, there's a song in there that goes "It's fate, baby, it's fate." That rings true for me and Taylor. I mean, the man went to Auburn University for pete's sake! When he was autographing multiple items last night he asked who he should make it out to. I told him my name and then was about to spell it but remembered that he should know. And I said so, "You don't need to know how to spell Auburn." "Nah," he smiled.
Have I ever mentioned I'm a sucker for smiles? Well, the real story? He was brilliant in the show. He was amazingly kind in the Meet & Greet. And he remains as my favorite (living) artist. But he will probably never get around to popping the me.
So in other news, I was amused to hear from an old acquaintance the other day. He apparently now lives a rather high profile life. Even made national news just a few days ago. I barely had any conversations with him when we knew each other. But apparently he remembers me enough to make contact. Not that I'm saying there's anything there, but it was interesting to hear from him.
Where is this fame thing coming from in my Diary, recently? Makes it exciting to see what tomorrow should hold...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
August 25, 2009

Dear Diary,
I'm on Cloud 9 tonight! Went out to see Grease with one of my gal pals and not only did we see Taylor Hicks live and in person (from the far left balcony), we met him, talked to him, shook his hand, took his picture, got his autograph! It was a good night for the Diary! Right on the heels of meeting Mr. Jenner, I shake hands with my future husband. That's it for me. No other man will do. So long, Radar. Bye, bye, Crush. Take a walk, Friendly. And even the fella on the bill for tomorrow's entry. Ya'll can beat it. Taylor and I are takin' a walk down the aisle! We're too cute a couple to let love like this pass us by.
(We're registered at Pier One and JC Penney)
Taylor, baby, tell me what tomorrow holds for us...
Monday, August 24, 2009
August 24, 2009
Dear Diary,
So I have been trying things here and there to boost my confidence. Things like dressing sharp, painting my nails, dieting, exercising, etc. Most of the time I think, "It'd be really nice to meet the 'pay-off' but if nothing else, I feel good about me." It's part of that "least-expect-it" philosophy. I concentrate on me and not him. It's also a little self-indulgent...
Anyway, there does happen to be a guy who for some time now has been asking me out a lot. To karaoke, to Disney World, to whatever I think might be fun. I have always found him attractive, but he has some pretty big deal-breakers, so I haven't been all that encouraging to him. He used to do this on a weekly basis. Finally I mentioned it to a mutual friend who then explained to me that he is always misunderstood. That he isn't asking me out, but just wants to hang out. He's being "friendly." Whatever. Personally, in my head I find that hard to believe. But in my heart, I felt a little bit stupid for assuming that's what he was doing. And slightly arrogant.
But life has continued to move on, and I no longer take him seriously when he "asks" me places. And I don't feel as bad for turning him down. But I still take pleasure in his company and his smile. (I've always said I'm a sucker for a smile).
Well, the other day, I had taken my own advice of "dressing sharp" and "Friendly" could not wipe said smile off his face. In fact, he looked me up and down in perhaps one of the most blatant "check-outs" I have had in awhile. And I forgot how that felt. I like being worth a second glance. Perhaps in an ogling situation, I wouldn't quite care for it, but Friendly's was just a way of saying that I looked nice that day. Thanks Friendly, for the vote of confidence!
Now, on to whatever tomorrow holds!
So I have been trying things here and there to boost my confidence. Things like dressing sharp, painting my nails, dieting, exercising, etc. Most of the time I think, "It'd be really nice to meet the 'pay-off' but if nothing else, I feel good about me." It's part of that "least-expect-it" philosophy. I concentrate on me and not him. It's also a little self-indulgent...
Anyway, there does happen to be a guy who for some time now has been asking me out a lot. To karaoke, to Disney World, to whatever I think might be fun. I have always found him attractive, but he has some pretty big deal-breakers, so I haven't been all that encouraging to him. He used to do this on a weekly basis. Finally I mentioned it to a mutual friend who then explained to me that he is always misunderstood. That he isn't asking me out, but just wants to hang out. He's being "friendly." Whatever. Personally, in my head I find that hard to believe. But in my heart, I felt a little bit stupid for assuming that's what he was doing. And slightly arrogant.
But life has continued to move on, and I no longer take him seriously when he "asks" me places. And I don't feel as bad for turning him down. But I still take pleasure in his company and his smile. (I've always said I'm a sucker for a smile).
Well, the other day, I had taken my own advice of "dressing sharp" and "Friendly" could not wipe said smile off his face. In fact, he looked me up and down in perhaps one of the most blatant "check-outs" I have had in awhile. And I forgot how that felt. I like being worth a second glance. Perhaps in an ogling situation, I wouldn't quite care for it, but Friendly's was just a way of saying that I looked nice that day. Thanks Friendly, for the vote of confidence!
Now, on to whatever tomorrow holds!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
August 23, 2009

Dear Diary,
Another Sunday is almost wrapping up and I thought I'd get this entry in while my leftovers cool a bit. A little overheating in the microwave tonight. It's been an interesting weekend. Saturday began with a call from a friend who was headed out to the Gaylord Palms Resort for an event called "Drive the Discussion." She suggested it as an opportunity to "spice up your diary." The thought intrigued me, so I made the necessary rearrangement of plans and drove out to meet her.
The event was basically a "small-scale" conference for the "young republicans" of Florida, ages 18-35. I am politically very conservative. So this seemed like a good fit. Although I don't talk a lot about politics (as I'm told it's not appropriate in "polite society"), a man's politics are very important to me. However, I also find myself a bit intimidated by those who are very in to it. So, I wasn't sure how the afternoon would play out.
But as it turns out, political conventions aren't quite like visiting a new church. They're not overwelcoming necessarily. I really only had a conversation with two young men from the whole group. And neither seemed very young. And one is a rather famous athlete and television personality. And that wasn't really much of a conversation so much as a photo opportunity. So the one gentleman that seemed rather excited that my friend and I got in line behind him at the Java Roast (or whatever it was called) was really the only significant interaction we (or at least I) had for the day. And he wasn't all that significant.
But that's not to say the day was a bust. I actually really enjoyed myself. Bruce Jenner is quite the motivational speaker. And it was interesting to simply sit and hear what the panel had to say about things. And that 14-year-old kid was pretty well-spoken for a kid who's not even old enough to vote...
It just makes me wonder what tomorrow might hold...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
August 22, 2009
Dear Diary,
I have heard in books, magazines, movies, and on TV that one of the best places to meet people is at the grocery store. There are all kinds of cues on what to look for. Basket or Cart? Microwavables or Otherwise? Ring or Not? ...
I have never found it easy to meet someone in the grocery store, and it has always seemed like a random place to meet. About the best I can do is need help reaching something on the top shelf. That however is a common problem for me, and can often be misconstrued as me "approaching" someone. Quite frankly sometimes I need something off the top shelf and you're the only tall person around.
Also, I don't really see a lot of single guys at the grocery store.
However, the other night, I happened to go late in the evening and as I was putting my groceries in my car, two separate groups of single guys (seemingly "our age") pulled up and were headed inside. So, I think I've figured out the right time of day to do my grocery shopping. Perhaps that can assure more sightings, anyway. I can't do anything about whether or not they approach but the short thing can work, I suppose. :)
What sightings does tomorrow hold?...
I have heard in books, magazines, movies, and on TV that one of the best places to meet people is at the grocery store. There are all kinds of cues on what to look for. Basket or Cart? Microwavables or Otherwise? Ring or Not? ...
I have never found it easy to meet someone in the grocery store, and it has always seemed like a random place to meet. About the best I can do is need help reaching something on the top shelf. That however is a common problem for me, and can often be misconstrued as me "approaching" someone. Quite frankly sometimes I need something off the top shelf and you're the only tall person around.
Also, I don't really see a lot of single guys at the grocery store.
However, the other night, I happened to go late in the evening and as I was putting my groceries in my car, two separate groups of single guys (seemingly "our age") pulled up and were headed inside. So, I think I've figured out the right time of day to do my grocery shopping. Perhaps that can assure more sightings, anyway. I can't do anything about whether or not they approach but the short thing can work, I suppose. :)
What sightings does tomorrow hold?...
Friday, August 21, 2009
August 21, 2009
Dear Diary,
It occurs to me (because my friend brought it up) that there seems to be a discrepency between what specific features people place most importance on. Most people in the "mainstream" place much importance on physical features.Ugly people Sensitive people place more importance on what's inside.
I know there has to be a balance. Quite frankly (as my friend and I discussed) the physical attraction has to be there. Sometimes though that attraction can be ...I don't really want to say manipulated, but actions, emotions, glances, etc. For instance, there are certain people that I am not immediately attracted to. But once I get to know them, they grow more attractive when coupled with personality. I have, on occasion, had this happen over people who I otherwise find mostly unattractive physically.
BUT that doesn't happen very often. I know that what will eventually draw me to my husband will be his motives, actions, personality, and heart more so than what he looks like. But I am unlikely to be drawn to him to find those things out unless I am also drawn to his appearance.
However, I cannot make such statements and not expect it to be a two-way street. In fact, I think that it's more so coming from the opposite direction. I think that the way a woman dresses and fixes herself is understood to be reflective of her respect for her date/boyfriend/husband/etc. And it seems that men are not as likely to be drawn to personality first as women are.
So do not think I speak arrogantly or spilling over with advice for men. I see it as a reflecting on how I present myself. I am a woman of comfort. I love jeans, tshirts, and even sweats and baseball caps. However, I have not found that to be the best bait on the hook.
Just wondering what tomorrow holds...
It occurs to me (because my friend brought it up) that there seems to be a discrepency between what specific features people place most importance on. Most people in the "mainstream" place much importance on physical features.
I know there has to be a balance. Quite frankly (as my friend and I discussed) the physical attraction has to be there. Sometimes though that attraction can be ...I don't really want to say manipulated, but actions, emotions, glances, etc. For instance, there are certain people that I am not immediately attracted to. But once I get to know them, they grow more attractive when coupled with personality. I have, on occasion, had this happen over people who I otherwise find mostly unattractive physically.
BUT that doesn't happen very often. I know that what will eventually draw me to my husband will be his motives, actions, personality, and heart more so than what he looks like. But I am unlikely to be drawn to him to find those things out unless I am also drawn to his appearance.
However, I cannot make such statements and not expect it to be a two-way street. In fact, I think that it's more so coming from the opposite direction. I think that the way a woman dresses and fixes herself is understood to be reflective of her respect for her date/boyfriend/husband/etc. And it seems that men are not as likely to be drawn to personality first as women are.
So do not think I speak arrogantly or spilling over with advice for men. I see it as a reflecting on how I present myself. I am a woman of comfort. I love jeans, tshirts, and even sweats and baseball caps. However, I have not found that to be the best bait on the hook.
Just wondering what tomorrow holds...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
August 20, 2009
Dear Diary,
See, here's my thing. I have imagination. Sometimes it is over-active. I talk myself into believing something haunts me in my apartment. Or that theoretically, ghosts, ghouls, monsters, etc do not exist, but in the silent darkness....well, that part of my childhood never left me.
So being as imagination is a very large part of life, (to me, anyway), I utilize it frequently in dreaming of the future. You can probably guess where this is going, Diary. I like to imagine who will be with me in that future. When I have no one to place in that picture, is it wrong to place people who will not, in real life, actually fill that spot?
For instance, I have (in my mind) lived out a day as the wife of many celebs. Taylor Hicks, Ryan Seacrest, Bruce Willis, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby. But I don't limit such pictures to celebrities. "Crush," as I have come to refer to him, is one of those place-holders. "Radar" may be as well. Even So-And-So from that one summer long ago.
Is there a problem with place-holders in our imagination? Or those "harmless crushes" when nothing serious is on the horizon? Is it ok of me to immediately place a new acquaintance in that picture to see how he looks? Personally I think that's natural. It doesn't have to be a serious pontification, just a picture.
Who does tomorrow's picture hold, I wonder...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
August 19, 2009
Dear Diary,
Let me say that about 8 or 9 times a day I get a text from an extremely handsome fellow. One you have probably heard of before. He's got perfect features, quick wit, natural charm, and he seems to be a good age and height for a girl like me. He's a bit of a workaholic, but I can deal with that. His job(s) are somewhat high-profile, but I think I'm ok with that too. He's a bit silly which is endearing, and he's moderately dorky, which again is pleasing in a backwards sort of way.
In fact, if I knew he was a devout Christian and I had to make a decision about it, yes, I suppose, Mr. Seacrest that I would go out with you. You've won me over.
Unfortunately, his texts are not directly from him. They're somewhat rerouted to me via Twitter. So, I guess all told, we are not that close to a relationship, Ryan and I. But they still brighten my day...usually. Sometimes they wake me up in the middle of the night with the 3-hour time delay on the west coast. ...
Anyway, if I can't have Ryan Seacrest, I'm going for the next best thing. And that next best thing emailed again tonight. The turnaround is getting shorter! This is wonderful news!
Who's to say what tomorrow holds
Let me say that about 8 or 9 times a day I get a text from an extremely handsome fellow. One you have probably heard of before. He's got perfect features, quick wit, natural charm, and he seems to be a good age and height for a girl like me. He's a bit of a workaholic, but I can deal with that. His job(s) are somewhat high-profile, but I think I'm ok with that too. He's a bit silly which is endearing, and he's moderately dorky, which again is pleasing in a backwards sort of way.
In fact, if I knew he was a devout Christian and I had to make a decision about it, yes, I suppose, Mr. Seacrest that I would go out with you. You've won me over.
Unfortunately, his texts are not directly from him. They're somewhat rerouted to me via Twitter. So, I guess all told, we are not that close to a relationship, Ryan and I. But they still brighten my day...usually. Sometimes they wake me up in the middle of the night with the 3-hour time delay on the west coast. ...
Anyway, if I can't have Ryan Seacrest, I'm going for the next best thing. And that next best thing emailed again tonight. The turnaround is getting shorter! This is wonderful news!
Who's to say what tomorrow holds
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
August 18, 2009
Dear Diary,
Last night I chatted very briefly with Online guy and have decided to "dump" him. Can you dump someone you're not dating? Anyway, I am. And it's convenient because it makes one less website that I have to visit every day. The boy just doesn't use more than 3 words in his emails. He'll answer questions. He initiates every conversation. But he never says anything. So I'm cuttin' him loose. So long, OG.
And two remain...
I was invited to yet another Bible Study yesterday as well, so I may check that one out. At least I know it's age appropriate, and quite possibly "single"-driven. Though I think there may also be marrieds mixed in.
To set the record straight, I like married people. If it seems like I don't, I do. (Get it? "I do" is a most important phrase to married people...) Married people often know other singles that they would like to see married at some point. They're good networking people. :) But I don't use them for their networking case I'm digging a hole with all the married folk out there.
I'm pretty sure that there's naught but housework tomorrow, but I could be wrong. There's no tellin' what tomorrow holds...
Last night I chatted very briefly with Online guy and have decided to "dump" him. Can you dump someone you're not dating? Anyway, I am. And it's convenient because it makes one less website that I have to visit every day. The boy just doesn't use more than 3 words in his emails. He'll answer questions. He initiates every conversation. But he never says anything. So I'm cuttin' him loose. So long, OG.
And two remain...
I was invited to yet another Bible Study yesterday as well, so I may check that one out. At least I know it's age appropriate, and quite possibly "single"-driven. Though I think there may also be marrieds mixed in.
To set the record straight, I like married people. If it seems like I don't, I do. (Get it? "I do" is a most important phrase to married people...) Married people often know other singles that they would like to see married at some point. They're good networking people. :) But I don't use them for their networking case I'm digging a hole with all the married folk out there.
I'm pretty sure that there's naught but housework tomorrow, but I could be wrong. There's no tellin' what tomorrow holds...
Monday, August 17, 2009
August 17, 2009
Dear Diary,
Last night I emailed Radar back. I only waited a day this time around. Which is a smaller window than normal. And to be honest, I really am starting to gravitate toward him more and more. There are times when I think he's the one. And we have been super close to being "the ones" for each other in the past, so that's not a big surprise.
But one friend has suggested that perhaps that's why I still go back to him. We have never had any real "closure." Whenever I hear that word, I think of that Friends episode when Rachel calls Ross from another date and leaves him a message about finally having closure and then he listens to it in her kitchen the next day and she basically tackles him to get him to hang up the phone. And then it's real fun because they get together and stuff and...I probably watch too much Friends.
Anyway,...I wonder what tomorrow holds...
Last night I emailed Radar back. I only waited a day this time around. Which is a smaller window than normal. And to be honest, I really am starting to gravitate toward him more and more. There are times when I think he's the one. And we have been super close to being "the ones" for each other in the past, so that's not a big surprise.
But one friend has suggested that perhaps that's why I still go back to him. We have never had any real "closure." Whenever I hear that word, I think of that Friends episode when Rachel calls Ross from another date and leaves him a message about finally having closure and then he listens to it in her kitchen the next day and she basically tackles him to get him to hang up the phone. And then it's real fun because they get together and stuff and...I probably watch too much Friends.
Anyway,...I wonder what tomorrow holds...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
August 16, 2009
Dear Diary,
Wow. I am overwhelmed by the number of books I'm being recommended, lately. And I do plan to get to all of them. Once I finish struggling through the boring one. At any rate, Sundays usually afford some fun with the few singles that do show up at church.
Today was mildly humorous when the subject of struggling marriages came up. Not that marriages that struggle are funny in the least bit, but when my friend who is also single leaned over to me and commented that she's having some real marriage problems, I concurred, with a simple, "Yea, I'm struggling, too!"
The single guy next to me didn't quite pick up on the banter and mumbled something about struggling to just find a date.
While it's hard to give earnest wisdom as a girl who writes a (somewhat) public diary about being single, I would advise, however that if that is your circumstance (struggling to find a date), don't brag about it to your potential dates. It is an immediate turn-off. One then begins to wonder why that is, and start looking not only at your faults, but looking for your faults.
I struggle with this frequently. Being humble is not always the best course of action, I think. Humility does not always exude confidence, and I think confidence the dating realm anyway. Just an opinion.
I wonder what tomorrow holds...
Wow. I am overwhelmed by the number of books I'm being recommended, lately. And I do plan to get to all of them. Once I finish struggling through the boring one. At any rate, Sundays usually afford some fun with the few singles that do show up at church.
Today was mildly humorous when the subject of struggling marriages came up. Not that marriages that struggle are funny in the least bit, but when my friend who is also single leaned over to me and commented that she's having some real marriage problems, I concurred, with a simple, "Yea, I'm struggling, too!"
The single guy next to me didn't quite pick up on the banter and mumbled something about struggling to just find a date.
While it's hard to give earnest wisdom as a girl who writes a (somewhat) public diary about being single, I would advise, however that if that is your circumstance (struggling to find a date), don't brag about it to your potential dates. It is an immediate turn-off. One then begins to wonder why that is, and start looking not only at your faults, but looking for your faults.
I struggle with this frequently. Being humble is not always the best course of action, I think. Humility does not always exude confidence, and I think confidence the dating realm anyway. Just an opinion.
I wonder what tomorrow holds...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
August 15, 2009

Dear Diary,
I am at last home from the great evening out last night to watch my sister in a Waltz to the Death against Batman. I'm pretty sure she won. And I know that Batman is an ever-changing role, making Bruce Wayne fairly hard to pick out of a crowd, but generally he's the devastatingly handsome one. I would venture to say that's also the case here. Batman was definitely the most handsome fellow in the room.
Now, I do not speak with real interest in the lad, but if my goal was to do some dancing with some handsome men, I think the night was not a total loss. Sis wins, but at least I got to have one dance with the hero. It's not my favorite of dances, but it was a dance nonetheless. I'm not all that fond of merengue.
And after putting in some hard-working hours on the new house, I came home to discover another email from my good friend "Radar." And let me tell you, Diary, it was a very good email! It's hard to say why for sure without giving specifics, but it was exciting to hear from him.
And since all this reading is happening, I'm wondering. Many books (and other guys I've talked to) have hinted that making him wait for a response is always a good strategy. And because I think like a woman, I would think it would encourage him more if I wrote right away. What should I do? Perhaps the variable on the equation is that he and I have a history, which makes it harder to be mysterious...
What should tomorrow hold?...
August 14, 2009
Dear Diary,
I admit, after such a surprisingly exciting week last week, I have hit a lull. Nothing is happening.
Tonight has some promise, though. I'm headed down to Ft. Myers tonight to watch my sister in a Ballroom showcase. She's dancing a Viennese Waltz as the Joker. It promises to be a good show! And the other plus is that in between performances, there is general dancing! I haven't been ballroom dancing in quite some time, but I plan to tear up the floor tonight!
I have been told, however that the dancing scene in that bit of FL is not very young. My sister's partner is young though, so if nothing else, maybe I'll score a dance with him. If not, perhaps Fred Astaire will be there. He's about that age, right?
The rest of the weekend is about laying flooring in the new house. Maybe some handsome stranger will come along offering to help.
It's worth hoping that's what tomorrow holds...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
August 13, 2009
Dear Diary,
So, I'm reading another one of those completely uninspiring "self-help" books. That's not to say that all self-help books are uninspiring, but this one, does not belong in the category, I think. It's called "Dreams of a Woman: God's Plan for Fulfilling Your Dreams." The trouble with it is that it's way too "on the nose," making claims about Barbie being every girl's ideal for body image and yet if Barbie were a real person, her proportions would be way off...blah...blah...blah...
It also brings up some other topics that are not new. It should be titled "One woman's collection of everyone else's ignorant wisdom." But I have to finish it. I have an entelechial problem with not finishing a book I started.
In other news, I heard again from "Online Boy" as I'll henceforth refer to him. Still a bit underwhelmed, but he'll be out of town for a few days camping, so that's makes him slightly more interesting. At least it's one of those adventurous "manly" passtimes...
Somedays I guess there's just not much to report...
Hopefully there's more in what tomorrow holds...
So, I'm reading another one of those completely uninspiring "self-help" books. That's not to say that all self-help books are uninspiring, but this one, does not belong in the category, I think. It's called "Dreams of a Woman: God's Plan for Fulfilling Your Dreams." The trouble with it is that it's way too "on the nose," making claims about Barbie being every girl's ideal for body image and yet if Barbie were a real person, her proportions would be way off...blah...blah...blah...
It also brings up some other topics that are not new. It should be titled "One woman's collection of everyone else's ignorant wisdom." But I have to finish it. I have an entelechial problem with not finishing a book I started.
In other news, I heard again from "Online Boy" as I'll henceforth refer to him. Still a bit underwhelmed, but he'll be out of town for a few days camping, so that's makes him slightly more interesting. At least it's one of those adventurous "manly" passtimes...
Somedays I guess there's just not much to report...
Hopefully there's more in what tomorrow holds...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
August 12, 2009
Dear Diary,
I can't believe we're halfway through August already (or thereabouts). I have had a couple of strikeouts since I last wrote to you. The promised visit to a new Bible Study, for instance, will not happen this week. Not because it's not meeting, but because I'm not going. Maybe I'm being silly, but after finding out a bit more about it, I discovered that the average age of the 30-55 spread is right in the middle (40s). That of course makes sense. However, it didn't sound like anyone was outside of "average" which makes everyone at least 10 years my senior.
Some are not opposed to such age differences. I'm not wholly opposed, I suppose, but I'm not quite sold(opose) on the proposal. :) (That was my rhyme-bit for the day. Didn't realize this diary had a rhyme-bit, did ya? I think it livens the place up a bit...)
Anyway, so I've decided to pass on this particular group. Instead, I went with eager anticipation to the informational meeting on the trip to the French Riviera. Let me tell you, Diary, that what I saw was absolutely beautiful. ...Well, the retro slide show of France was beautiful. If you like the archaic presentation format. However, when it seemed to be just me and a mother-daughter team, I began to lose hope in meeting the man of my dreams on this trip.
I have not ruled out that the gentleman could very possibly be from France and I would need to take the trip in order to meet him, but it seems I've heard that Frenchmen are kind of should I put this...not into deoderant? Or anyway, most Frenchmen are in France, so the courtship might prove difficult...
I have come away with one positive, though. My Dad happened to point out to me that one benefit of marrying when you're older (and by older, I mean 30s), is that you get to see how people age. And avoid the risk of getting stuck with someone who maybe was cute with that baby face but then...
Ok, so it's mildly shallow, but it's a "bright side" ...and we singles have to latch onto those from time to time...
So, here's to whatever tomorrow holds...
I can't believe we're halfway through August already (or thereabouts). I have had a couple of strikeouts since I last wrote to you. The promised visit to a new Bible Study, for instance, will not happen this week. Not because it's not meeting, but because I'm not going. Maybe I'm being silly, but after finding out a bit more about it, I discovered that the average age of the 30-55 spread is right in the middle (40s). That of course makes sense. However, it didn't sound like anyone was outside of "average" which makes everyone at least 10 years my senior.
Some are not opposed to such age differences. I'm not wholly opposed, I suppose, but I'm not quite sold(opose) on the proposal. :) (That was my rhyme-bit for the day. Didn't realize this diary had a rhyme-bit, did ya? I think it livens the place up a bit...)
Anyway, so I've decided to pass on this particular group. Instead, I went with eager anticipation to the informational meeting on the trip to the French Riviera. Let me tell you, Diary, that what I saw was absolutely beautiful. ...Well, the retro slide show of France was beautiful. If you like the archaic presentation format. However, when it seemed to be just me and a mother-daughter team, I began to lose hope in meeting the man of my dreams on this trip.
I have not ruled out that the gentleman could very possibly be from France and I would need to take the trip in order to meet him, but it seems I've heard that Frenchmen are kind of should I put this...not into deoderant? Or anyway, most Frenchmen are in France, so the courtship might prove difficult...
I have come away with one positive, though. My Dad happened to point out to me that one benefit of marrying when you're older (and by older, I mean 30s), is that you get to see how people age. And avoid the risk of getting stuck with someone who maybe was cute with that baby face but then...
Ok, so it's mildly shallow, but it's a "bright side" ...and we singles have to latch onto those from time to time...
So, here's to whatever tomorrow holds...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
August 11, 2009
Dear Diary,
So I think probably the best thing to pull you out of a "downer" day is to do something positive. So, last night, I got out my Best Life cookbook, found a recipe and cooked a nice dinner. Spicy Pork Tenderloin with Citrus Salsa, Roasted Red Potatoes, and Whole Grain Mac 'n' Cheese! THEN, I went for a run. 10k training back on track!
And tonight is the informational meeting for the Cast trip to the French Riviera. Again I make no promises that I will follow through with the trip, but I do intend to go to the meeting. At least there I can see whether anyone interesting is considering it...
So our attitude, Diary, is on the up and up today. No more complaining about whether or not he'll come along. At least not for today...and possibly tomorrow...
But you never know what tomorrow will hold...
So I think probably the best thing to pull you out of a "downer" day is to do something positive. So, last night, I got out my Best Life cookbook, found a recipe and cooked a nice dinner. Spicy Pork Tenderloin with Citrus Salsa, Roasted Red Potatoes, and Whole Grain Mac 'n' Cheese! THEN, I went for a run. 10k training back on track!
And tonight is the informational meeting for the Cast trip to the French Riviera. Again I make no promises that I will follow through with the trip, but I do intend to go to the meeting. At least there I can see whether anyone interesting is considering it...
So our attitude, Diary, is on the up and up today. No more complaining about whether or not he'll come along. At least not for today...and possibly tomorrow...
But you never know what tomorrow will hold...
Monday, August 10, 2009
August 10, 2009
Dear Diary,
You know the old adage "Brevity is the soul of wit?" Well, perhaps you can tell by the length of this entry that wit is not what I'm going for. I haven't quite figured out the life-blood of this diary, to be honest. Is it to give you an accurate picture of what goes on in the heart of the single? Or is it to be a satire on the single life?
To be honest, I am discouraged today. I am down-hearted. And I haven't quite decided whether that's ok. I would say that if I believed in coincidence as the definitive voice of God then, perhaps God was speaking to me on the way home from the movies last night. Or perhaps even during the movies.
I saw a movie in which the two female leads were named Summer (a variation on my middle name) and Autumn (often mistaken for my first name). Reading into this, I would extract some mystic message that someone out there is desperate to meet and fall in love with me. This should provide encouragement.
So on the way home, I turned on my iPod as I often do and the first song was one by a group called The Waiting (coincidental in that I'm "waiting for him to come along") called "You Believe." The only line I know or can even recollect is "You believe enough for the both of us." On it's own, I could maybe read into that being that I can hold out hope that the other half of my "both" will come along. That's weak. However, when followed by "Make Believe" by Bing Crosby and then "If love were all" by Judy Garland (which contains the line, "I believe..."), it gives one pause. I know that iPod seems to at times, intuitively latch ahold of a theme for the evening. Sometimes it's a particular artist, sometimes, a genre, ...Last night it's apparently a common word. So is there a theme of holding out hope being sent to me from the heavens through my iPod? Of believing when I feel the most discouraged about circumstances being as they are? I don't doubt that God COULD send such messages through my iPod. But I think it's coincidence, friends.
Nevertheless, today I need such encouragement. I am not a super-woman. I have always lived with the hope of finding someone to shoulder the weight of life with me. Why does it seem some days like it's never going to happen to me? It brings on self-doubt, self-pity, and about every other selfish emotion you can imagine. Being yourself alone can have that affect.
However, I have resolved to treat my iPod with respect. I'll take it's advice and just keep on keeping on. Maybe I'll travel to France in the Spring (since the very next song that came up happened to be "Mademoiselle de Paris") and hopefully soon, I'll have that Happy Ending projected in the 5th song on the list ("Someday My Prince Will Come").
You never know what tomorrow holds....
You know the old adage "Brevity is the soul of wit?" Well, perhaps you can tell by the length of this entry that wit is not what I'm going for. I haven't quite figured out the life-blood of this diary, to be honest. Is it to give you an accurate picture of what goes on in the heart of the single? Or is it to be a satire on the single life?
To be honest, I am discouraged today. I am down-hearted. And I haven't quite decided whether that's ok. I would say that if I believed in coincidence as the definitive voice of God then, perhaps God was speaking to me on the way home from the movies last night. Or perhaps even during the movies.
I saw a movie in which the two female leads were named Summer (a variation on my middle name) and Autumn (often mistaken for my first name). Reading into this, I would extract some mystic message that someone out there is desperate to meet and fall in love with me. This should provide encouragement.
So on the way home, I turned on my iPod as I often do and the first song was one by a group called The Waiting (coincidental in that I'm "waiting for him to come along") called "You Believe." The only line I know or can even recollect is "You believe enough for the both of us." On it's own, I could maybe read into that being that I can hold out hope that the other half of my "both" will come along. That's weak. However, when followed by "Make Believe" by Bing Crosby and then "If love were all" by Judy Garland (which contains the line, "I believe..."), it gives one pause. I know that iPod seems to at times, intuitively latch ahold of a theme for the evening. Sometimes it's a particular artist, sometimes, a genre, ...Last night it's apparently a common word. So is there a theme of holding out hope being sent to me from the heavens through my iPod? Of believing when I feel the most discouraged about circumstances being as they are? I don't doubt that God COULD send such messages through my iPod. But I think it's coincidence, friends.
Nevertheless, today I need such encouragement. I am not a super-woman. I have always lived with the hope of finding someone to shoulder the weight of life with me. Why does it seem some days like it's never going to happen to me? It brings on self-doubt, self-pity, and about every other selfish emotion you can imagine. Being yourself alone can have that affect.
However, I have resolved to treat my iPod with respect. I'll take it's advice and just keep on keeping on. Maybe I'll travel to France in the Spring (since the very next song that came up happened to be "Mademoiselle de Paris") and hopefully soon, I'll have that Happy Ending projected in the 5th song on the list ("Someday My Prince Will Come").
You never know what tomorrow holds....
Sunday, August 9, 2009
August 9, 2009

Dear Diary,
Surfing Class is another interesting idea. They offer classes at Typhoon Lagoon for about $150 or something. That could be fun and a small enough class that you'd get to know the others in the class most likely. However, I may have to wait awhile before investing in such a class.
Meanwhile, I did happen to visit my brother's church this morning (at the promise of many singles). This is the same church with the Bible Study I plan to visit this week, so I thought visiting the church once or twice couldn't be a bad thing. And while I don't doubt that my brother's observations might be true, I did not happen to notice anyone today. That doesn't make it any less likely that I should visit the "Singles" bible study this week. The only problem I see with this is the age range: 30-55. That's a pretty big spread. When you factor in also that some of those may be "single again" then it's really hard to know what I'm walking into.
But that's taking the wrong attitude, isn't it? I should be there to learn, and treat the "singleness" of everyone as fringe benefits, right?
...Anyway, I'm off to email "Radar" back. Think he's waited long enough?
We'll see what tomorrow holds...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
August 8, 2009

Dear Diary,
Yesterday I went shopping with my sister at a warehouse called Mouse Surplus. We really got some great deals while we were there. That was due to the rather handsome fellow that ran the place. I noticed that he did an awful lot of smiling (which is good salesmanship, I suppose), but he apparently did quite a bit of winking at my sister, too. :) He was funny and sarcastic. Strong, as he lifted our cabinets into the waiting truck. These are all good qualities to possess. It was the cigarette hanging out of his mouth that made it difficult to care whether I ever saw him again.
However, I haven't quite figured out what feature in particular caused it, but he made us both think of my first real boyfriend. Not sure if it was the smile or the natural charm. Could have been the way he carried himself. Not real sure, but it got me to thinking about Erik again and missing him. Not in the way that I miss other past relationships. Erik passed away just before Christmas. We hadn't been close in years, really but I still remember all those emotions when our relationship first began.
I remember how he knew about my crush and got just as embarrassed as I anytime anyone teased us. Of course, he hadn't given in yet. But somewhere in February, he asked me to dinner and a movie. Then to a Basketball game. Then he put his arm around me. And as he describes it, I froze. I didn't know what was happening because all this time he had not been interested. How on earth could he be asking me to dance at the Friday night dance? None of it made sense, but eventually we got past all of that and had lots of memories to share. I'm glad I got to remember all of that in the face of the salesman...
And actually, it reminds me that I changed Erik's mind about us. So changing one's mind is not impossible. Perhaps if there's someone out their that shares Erik's initial resistance, who's to say that's the end of it? ;) Do you know who I'm thinkin' of? :D
Let's just see what tomorrow holds....
Friday, August 7, 2009
August 7, 2009

It seems with tuxes and rocks behind me we're back to the same opportunities that have been around for quite awhile. "Radar" popped back up on the drive home last night, getting in a late-night email to check in on how my trip went. It's nice that he thinks about such things. I thought about him quite a bit this evening. Especially after seeing the movie Julie & Julia...
After watching it, it's hard to not want to go home and cook your way through a cookbook. I have already expressed an interest in the art and if you aren't already aware, Diary, I do have the aspiration of being the type of wife who would have dinner on the table when my husband comes home. However archaic that may sound, that's who I want to be. I'm often a little too lazy for such mighty goals, unfortunately. I have a tendency to put off making dinner for more important things like reorganizing my bookshelf for the 80th time that week.
But whatever this has to do with "Radar" is that I kind of get the sense that he and I are unequally matched in terms of our tastes in food. He orders seafood whenever we go out and I cannot stand the stuff. So if I am to cook for him at home, what sort of delicacies could I choose from? I do not feel that he could appreciate me for the brilliant chef that I am (in other words, I no longer need to ask directions on how to boil water). On the flip side, however, he does enjoy trying new things whether food or fun, so I suppose if we couldn't agree on the menu at home, we could always go out to dinner...preferably to a place that serves both burgers and seafood. Or pizza....there's always pizza....
Oh, do I wonder what tomorrow holds....
August 6, 2009

Dear Diary,
I am home from an exhausting week in Pensacola. What seemed to be an uncommon atmosphere for meeting men (see image), I did walk away with some great memories of such company. I have remitted many stories already to you over the past few days and with today being a travelling day for the most part, I don't have too much to add to them.
However, I last told you that I would be returning to the Rocks last night to do some more climbing and a bit of mingling with the instructor. The unfortunate turn of events however was the onset of sore muscles, making the climb much more difficult. I did however strap in to one of the easier courses and made it to the top just in time to repel down and high five the instructor.
Wasn't able to do much more climbing after that so we headed off to the roller-rink and miscellaneous other rec center adventures. Unfortunately none of those adventures included a reappearance of "Man in Tux."
So although the week did afford a good bit of flirting, I still find myself worthy of this diary. A single girl with perhaps a few more sore muscles than last week.
I wonder what tomorrow holds...
August 5, 2009

Dear Diary,
Needless to say, I am eager to return to the rec center tonight. Not only for "Man in tux" but also because I failed to mention, let alone expound upon, the delightful features that "Rock Climbing instructor" had going for him. In our brief encounter, I discovered that he's handsome, funny, not a college student, and from Tampa. Tampa is not too long distance from Orlando. And he can climb rocks without harnesses or assistance! That is masculinity at its finest.
(I actually don't know about that last fact, but I'm assuming he can because he's an instructor and devastatingly handsome, which equals unordinary rock climbing ability...)
We heard howling outside the window as we were settling down and getting ready for bed last night and the girls and I determined that it must have been "Man in tux" in the yard outside howling and holding a boom box on his shoulder. I mean, what other explanation could there be, right?
At any rate, I have found the ideal hotspot to frequent at the Rec Center upon my return tonight. It's pictured on the upper right . I wonder what tomorrow should hold...
August 4, 2009

Dear Diary,
Talk about unexpected. Today, on my way back to session, I passed a guy who (I believe unlawfully) smiled and said hello. This is great news, Diary. This means that the whole "least expect it" philosophy may play out.
So, taking this to heart, I set out for the evening to enjoy a girls only visit to the rec center. Needless to say, I was quite shocked when discovering as I was stepping off the ice rink that "Man in tux" was just suiting up for a nice stroll around the ice. I immediately grabbed my camera and eagerly snapped a picture of the handsome skater. Of course having not seen such a masculine face in my recreation this week, I did not stop to think that he might find it odd that I was taking his picture. ....So I played it off, told him to smile and he gave me one of those AND a thumbs up. Nice progress.
Know what else? "Man in tux" reappeared throughout the rec center several times then after our encounter. I think he was following me. What do YOU think?
Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds...
August 3, 2009
Dear Diary,
So much for using this conference as an opportunity to meet men. Guess what? We have stepped back in time for the week. This much I knew, given the dress code we were forewarned about. What we didn't know is that the recreational activities held separate operating hours for men and women. So, if you are not keen on disrupting the workshops to flirt, little can be done on your free time instead.
This brings me to another point. I love the old saying that it happens when you least expect it. I love it more this week. My sister has pointed out that women in their 30s ALWAYS expect it. However, if I were to ever LEAST expect it. It would be this week when I'm not allowed to socialize with the opposite sex. Bring it on!
It should be very interesting to see what tomorrow holds...
So much for using this conference as an opportunity to meet men. Guess what? We have stepped back in time for the week. This much I knew, given the dress code we were forewarned about. What we didn't know is that the recreational activities held separate operating hours for men and women. So, if you are not keen on disrupting the workshops to flirt, little can be done on your free time instead.
This brings me to another point. I love the old saying that it happens when you least expect it. I love it more this week. My sister has pointed out that women in their 30s ALWAYS expect it. However, if I were to ever LEAST expect it. It would be this week when I'm not allowed to socialize with the opposite sex. Bring it on!
It should be very interesting to see what tomorrow holds...
August 2, 2009
Dear Diary,
So that first gentleman I wrote you about was back at church today. Not a major break through by any means as he seemed even younger today. But at least I was able to point him out to those whose curiosity may have been peaked before.
And my brother gave me a suggestion for another meet-up opportunity. A place called Belhaven College here in Orlando. It's like a Christian College for working adults, I guess. So I'm looking into it for a class or two...
Tomorrow begins the conference and may be difficult to write everyday, but I shall be back ...
...depending on what tomorrow holds...
So that first gentleman I wrote you about was back at church today. Not a major break through by any means as he seemed even younger today. But at least I was able to point him out to those whose curiosity may have been peaked before.
And my brother gave me a suggestion for another meet-up opportunity. A place called Belhaven College here in Orlando. It's like a Christian College for working adults, I guess. So I'm looking into it for a class or two...
Tomorrow begins the conference and may be difficult to write everyday, but I shall be back ...
...depending on what tomorrow holds...
August 1, 2009
Dear Diary,
I made reservations for the informational meeting about the trip to the French Riviera. It seems like a long shot but I'm not letting anything by me right now, so who knows...
Also, "Radar" emailed today. Was good to hear from him. Not sure what I think about long-distance relationships, though. I know they can work, but at some point one of you has to move to the other's locale. I'm thinking long-distance marriages are not in vogue, really...
Today, though is about hangin' with my girlfriends and forgetting about boys. (I never forget, btw...)
Wonder what tomorrow holds...
I made reservations for the informational meeting about the trip to the French Riviera. It seems like a long shot but I'm not letting anything by me right now, so who knows...
Also, "Radar" emailed today. Was good to hear from him. Not sure what I think about long-distance relationships, though. I know they can work, but at some point one of you has to move to the other's locale. I'm thinking long-distance marriages are not in vogue, really...
Today, though is about hangin' with my girlfriends and forgetting about boys. (I never forget, btw...)
Wonder what tomorrow holds...
July 31, 2009
Dear Diary,
There is news on the horizon! Remember that book club I told you about? Well, they have scheduled a new meeting! And it's in....November. So I have a few months to wait yet, but still, it is still an opportunity out there. And the author is slated to attend. Should be interesting.
Also, after so cleverly stating that I have heard little from the 3 gentlemen of note, 2 of the 3 contacted me today. :) It doesn't matter which two, but it is fun nonetheless!
And I am toying with the idea of going on a trip planned for cast members and their friends and families. The trip is to the French Riviera. Nothing is decided for certain, but it is another one of those opportunities. We shall see!
You never know what tomorrow holds....
There is news on the horizon! Remember that book club I told you about? Well, they have scheduled a new meeting! And it's in....November. So I have a few months to wait yet, but still, it is still an opportunity out there. And the author is slated to attend. Should be interesting.
Also, after so cleverly stating that I have heard little from the 3 gentlemen of note, 2 of the 3 contacted me today. :) It doesn't matter which two, but it is fun nonetheless!
And I am toying with the idea of going on a trip planned for cast members and their friends and families. The trip is to the French Riviera. Nothing is decided for certain, but it is another one of those opportunities. We shall see!
You never know what tomorrow holds....
July 30, 2009
Dear Diary,
I have two words for you: Hula Hoop! Believe it or not, that is one fantastic workout. Really works your middle...which is the place most of us like to concentrate, anyway. And it's so much fun! My mom had heard some story on this lady that lost somewhere around 50 pounds just adding some daily hula hoop to her regimen. That's impressive! So when I don't have time to leave the house for exercise or it's just too hot outside, Hula Hoop! It seems like there used to be some catchy Saturday-morning ad jingle for the hula hoop but if I was around for it, I've forgotten it. Either way, I want to sing it this moment. It does take some time to relearn the art, but I have found that the slower you twist, the easier the hoop spins.
Meanwhile, I have been gearing up for a conference I'm attending next week. This is another one of those "meet-up" opportunities. I'm not expecting much, but I can't discount it's potential, either. We'll see...
I'm finding the biggest problem I'm having with staying on course with the diet is the water intake. I forgot to be drinking water all day yesterday so I tried to make up for it right before I went to bed. Not the best idea. :)
Anyway, it's been a few days since I've heard from "Dave" but that's probably ok. I've probably mentioned that I don't see that being the great romance of my life. And the "radar" guy has also been unusually silent. Typically he'll email back right away, but I know he's had a busy summer. The other "crush" is more of an out-of-sight, out-of-mind situation, so that has been better as well.
At least until I see what tomorrow holds...
I have two words for you: Hula Hoop! Believe it or not, that is one fantastic workout. Really works your middle...which is the place most of us like to concentrate, anyway. And it's so much fun! My mom had heard some story on this lady that lost somewhere around 50 pounds just adding some daily hula hoop to her regimen. That's impressive! So when I don't have time to leave the house for exercise or it's just too hot outside, Hula Hoop! It seems like there used to be some catchy Saturday-morning ad jingle for the hula hoop but if I was around for it, I've forgotten it. Either way, I want to sing it this moment. It does take some time to relearn the art, but I have found that the slower you twist, the easier the hoop spins.
Meanwhile, I have been gearing up for a conference I'm attending next week. This is another one of those "meet-up" opportunities. I'm not expecting much, but I can't discount it's potential, either. We'll see...
I'm finding the biggest problem I'm having with staying on course with the diet is the water intake. I forgot to be drinking water all day yesterday so I tried to make up for it right before I went to bed. Not the best idea. :)
Anyway, it's been a few days since I've heard from "Dave" but that's probably ok. I've probably mentioned that I don't see that being the great romance of my life. And the "radar" guy has also been unusually silent. Typically he'll email back right away, but I know he's had a busy summer. The other "crush" is more of an out-of-sight, out-of-mind situation, so that has been better as well.
At least until I see what tomorrow holds...
July 29, 2009
Dear Diary,
As far as holding me accountable to the task at hand, I did run as promised last night. And have been faithful to the Best Life Diet in the past 3 meals. Not a major accomplishment but a good start...and good at helping me feel better about myself. It's probably no mystery that I am sufficiently lacking in self-confidence and I always feel better about the dating scene when I am more comfortable with my size. So, first thing's first, diet and exercise. It's part of the "being prepared" philosophy.
Sometimes the dating scene feels like those carnival games that you can only win with a stroke of luck. Otherwise they're completely rigged against you. They're designed to make you fail. I had a bout of discouragement today, if you hadn't noticed, but my attitude is on the rise. I have a mantra that I chant to myself while I run. And I use it here to keep myself positive and on track.
"Hang in there, kid!" Lol, it's not much for a mantra, but for some reason, calling myself kid gives me an added boost of endurance. :)
So, here's to seeing what tomorrow holds...
As far as holding me accountable to the task at hand, I did run as promised last night. And have been faithful to the Best Life Diet in the past 3 meals. Not a major accomplishment but a good start...and good at helping me feel better about myself. It's probably no mystery that I am sufficiently lacking in self-confidence and I always feel better about the dating scene when I am more comfortable with my size. So, first thing's first, diet and exercise. It's part of the "being prepared" philosophy.
Sometimes the dating scene feels like those carnival games that you can only win with a stroke of luck. Otherwise they're completely rigged against you. They're designed to make you fail. I had a bout of discouragement today, if you hadn't noticed, but my attitude is on the rise. I have a mantra that I chant to myself while I run. And I use it here to keep myself positive and on track.
"Hang in there, kid!" Lol, it's not much for a mantra, but for some reason, calling myself kid gives me an added boost of endurance. :)
So, here's to seeing what tomorrow holds...
July 28, 2009
Dear Diary,
Dave continues to email me and I'm starting to feel comfortable with our brief exchanges. I still don't see it going anywhere serious, though. He's from a more pentacostal background than myself. Today is about making sure I'm prepared when Mr. Right does happen to show up. So today's lesson? Back on Best Life, and start training for the Taste 10k coming up! :) We'll see how this goes, but Diary, you need to be my accountability. Check up on me! See if I'm drinking enough water and following through with the training. That's about all I can do right now.
I have been somewhat discouraged lately at the cost of betterment. I mean, it is necessary to be out of the house in order to meet people. But taking classes and perusing dating sites does mean a little out of pocket. So I'm researching the cheaper avenues. Again, I got word on another Bible Study. The unfortunate thing is that it meets at the same time as my "home" study, so I may have to check them out only once in awhile. I am excited to go, though.
I can research all kinds of "meeting places" but what it comes down to is whether or not I can be myself there. I will say that I enjoy cooking and photography, so classes of that nature are not out of the question (once I get back into a more comfortable financial situation), but taking a scuba class in order to meet someone would be ridiculous. I do not swim with fish. So now perhaps the journey must include some self-discovery to a point. What are some things that ignite my interest? Perhaps we'll know when we find out...
...what tomorrow holds?
Dave continues to email me and I'm starting to feel comfortable with our brief exchanges. I still don't see it going anywhere serious, though. He's from a more pentacostal background than myself. Today is about making sure I'm prepared when Mr. Right does happen to show up. So today's lesson? Back on Best Life, and start training for the Taste 10k coming up! :) We'll see how this goes, but Diary, you need to be my accountability. Check up on me! See if I'm drinking enough water and following through with the training. That's about all I can do right now.
I have been somewhat discouraged lately at the cost of betterment. I mean, it is necessary to be out of the house in order to meet people. But taking classes and perusing dating sites does mean a little out of pocket. So I'm researching the cheaper avenues. Again, I got word on another Bible Study. The unfortunate thing is that it meets at the same time as my "home" study, so I may have to check them out only once in awhile. I am excited to go, though.
I can research all kinds of "meeting places" but what it comes down to is whether or not I can be myself there. I will say that I enjoy cooking and photography, so classes of that nature are not out of the question (once I get back into a more comfortable financial situation), but taking a scuba class in order to meet someone would be ridiculous. I do not swim with fish. So now perhaps the journey must include some self-discovery to a point. What are some things that ignite my interest? Perhaps we'll know when we find out...
...what tomorrow holds?
July 27, 2009
Dear Diary,
I was hesitant to write today. Let's just say I wrote a whole lot a few minutes ago, but thanks to the modern convenience of "backspace" it doesn't have to be "world news" anymore. Some thoughts are probably best kept at more discretion...The short version is that I do have a crush. But little can be done about said crush and truth is, I believe I deserve to be pursued. No matter what we have discovered about women's rights, or it simply being the 21st Century, I will not pursue a man. That's his job.
I have also mentioned before that initiative is something I desire in a man. The ability to make decisions and act on those decisions. And it is generally acknowledged that I have a hard time making decisions. So this fact was pointed out quite nicely to me while enjoying another old-fashioned game of MASH. The one pointing it out stated that the game was infantile. He stated that women to a degree probably accept the outcome with a certain element of belief. Men on the other hand do not rely on such devices in order to decide what they want. They simply think, "Ah. I think I'll live in this state, with this girl and drive this car to this job."
Interesting. I must say that while I enjoy the game and of course want it to come out to my liking, I do not place large sums of money on the veracity of its results. However, in some peculiar way, I probably do turn to similar devices in my decision making process. Does that make sense?
Will MASH or the Magic 8-ball tell me what tomorrow holds?...
I was hesitant to write today. Let's just say I wrote a whole lot a few minutes ago, but thanks to the modern convenience of "backspace" it doesn't have to be "world news" anymore. Some thoughts are probably best kept at more discretion...The short version is that I do have a crush. But little can be done about said crush and truth is, I believe I deserve to be pursued. No matter what we have discovered about women's rights, or it simply being the 21st Century, I will not pursue a man. That's his job.
I have also mentioned before that initiative is something I desire in a man. The ability to make decisions and act on those decisions. And it is generally acknowledged that I have a hard time making decisions. So this fact was pointed out quite nicely to me while enjoying another old-fashioned game of MASH. The one pointing it out stated that the game was infantile. He stated that women to a degree probably accept the outcome with a certain element of belief. Men on the other hand do not rely on such devices in order to decide what they want. They simply think, "Ah. I think I'll live in this state, with this girl and drive this car to this job."
Interesting. I must say that while I enjoy the game and of course want it to come out to my liking, I do not place large sums of money on the veracity of its results. However, in some peculiar way, I probably do turn to similar devices in my decision making process. Does that make sense?
Will MASH or the Magic 8-ball tell me what tomorrow holds?...
July 26, 2009
Dear Diary,
I just played MASH. Both on Facebook and the old fashioned way. The result? Well, FB told me I would make $8/Hr and live in an Apartment married to a guy I met in Art school. I work in the service industry and we have 1 child. Glamorous.
The old-fashioned way was not much fact could be worse. It said I was destined to live in a shack, married to "Dave" (online guy). I would still have my fusion and still live in FL. I would be the stay-at-home mother of 2 kids. We must have spent all our money on our honeymoon to Alaska...
This does not make for an encouraging start. :)
So to feel as though I'm making progress, I joined the mailing list of a local book club. They only meet once a quarter and I just missed their last meeting. (It was last week). So maybe in a couple months, I'll get to try that out. And I have started researching photography classes as well...
While spending some time with friends this afternoon the subject of "padding your resume" came up. We're talking about your dating resume...not how much dating experience you have but perhaps how much culture and intrigue you bring to a relationship. I have to agree that a guy that can be a leader in some form of partner dancing (swing, salsa, two-step, or any ballroom) is automatically more attractive to me...than he was before, that is. Not necessarily more so than the guy next to him.
But what sorts of activities or culture make a girl more attractive to a guy, I wonder. In what ways can I pad my resume?
Boy do I wonder what tomorrow holds...
I just played MASH. Both on Facebook and the old fashioned way. The result? Well, FB told me I would make $8/Hr and live in an Apartment married to a guy I met in Art school. I work in the service industry and we have 1 child. Glamorous.
The old-fashioned way was not much fact could be worse. It said I was destined to live in a shack, married to "Dave" (online guy). I would still have my fusion and still live in FL. I would be the stay-at-home mother of 2 kids. We must have spent all our money on our honeymoon to Alaska...
This does not make for an encouraging start. :)
So to feel as though I'm making progress, I joined the mailing list of a local book club. They only meet once a quarter and I just missed their last meeting. (It was last week). So maybe in a couple months, I'll get to try that out. And I have started researching photography classes as well...
While spending some time with friends this afternoon the subject of "padding your resume" came up. We're talking about your dating resume...not how much dating experience you have but perhaps how much culture and intrigue you bring to a relationship. I have to agree that a guy that can be a leader in some form of partner dancing (swing, salsa, two-step, or any ballroom) is automatically more attractive to me...than he was before, that is. Not necessarily more so than the guy next to him.
But what sorts of activities or culture make a girl more attractive to a guy, I wonder. In what ways can I pad my resume?
Boy do I wonder what tomorrow holds...
July 25, 2009
Dear Diary,
Did you know that it takes $2000 annually to find the love of your life? Well, according to "It's Just Lunch" it does. It was a nice thought, but I think I'll pass. The representative I spoke to offered as a trial run a 6-month plan for the low, low price of $600. While I am serious about finding Mr. Right, I don't think I'll spend 2 grand or even half a grand on simply a possibility.
So we're down to 2 of the ideas I promised to explore. I'm still waiting to hear back from Chef Andy about the cooking class, and I'm still looking into some other Bible studies. After learning more about the one on Sunday night, I don't think I'll chance it quite yet, but there is still another group out there that I'm exploring.
Also I chatted with "Dave" a little more. If nothing else, I think he'd be a fun date. Seems fun and likes Star Wars. What more could a girl ask for? :)
I wonder what tomorrow holds...
Did you know that it takes $2000 annually to find the love of your life? Well, according to "It's Just Lunch" it does. It was a nice thought, but I think I'll pass. The representative I spoke to offered as a trial run a 6-month plan for the low, low price of $600. While I am serious about finding Mr. Right, I don't think I'll spend 2 grand or even half a grand on simply a possibility.
So we're down to 2 of the ideas I promised to explore. I'm still waiting to hear back from Chef Andy about the cooking class, and I'm still looking into some other Bible studies. After learning more about the one on Sunday night, I don't think I'll chance it quite yet, but there is still another group out there that I'm exploring.
Also I chatted with "Dave" a little more. If nothing else, I think he'd be a fun date. Seems fun and likes Star Wars. What more could a girl ask for? :)
I wonder what tomorrow holds...
July 24, 2009
Dear Diary,
I have taken some steps toward what I expressed yesterday. Last night I visited a new Bible study. While I was there, I was invited to another group that meets at a different time. And I just requested information on yet another group in the area.
I also found a local cooking class in the area that has some classes going on this weekend, but I probably won't be able to do those on such late notice. However, the chef is going to be sending me some information on "coming attractions."
Last night, my Dad suggested I check out Hannidate on Sean Hannity's website. I was amused at the thought so I looked. With only 2 criteria (age and location) there was not a single match to be found. I gave a 13 year spread in age within 250 miles of Orlando. Nothing. That was kinda funny to me.
I wonder what tomorrow holds....
I have taken some steps toward what I expressed yesterday. Last night I visited a new Bible study. While I was there, I was invited to another group that meets at a different time. And I just requested information on yet another group in the area.
I also found a local cooking class in the area that has some classes going on this weekend, but I probably won't be able to do those on such late notice. However, the chef is going to be sending me some information on "coming attractions."
Last night, my Dad suggested I check out Hannidate on Sean Hannity's website. I was amused at the thought so I looked. With only 2 criteria (age and location) there was not a single match to be found. I gave a 13 year spread in age within 250 miles of Orlando. Nothing. That was kinda funny to me.
I wonder what tomorrow holds....
July 23, 2009
Dear Diary,
I must say it has been very interesting keeping such a diary and making it available to some select public. I have gotten an interesting reaction. Some writing with suggestions. Some accosting me over the back of a couch to discuss discreet alusions from previous entries. (You know who you are). Some have suggested that age shouldn't matter. Some have challenged my ability to really be a "yes" girl. I mean, truly to take everyone's advice is going to, at some point, become ridiculous. There are only so many hours in a day and so many funds budgeted toward "the hunt." But most of the suggestions I like. So, I plan to try out 3 in the next few months. I am giving myself more time simply because funds will be more available come school year. So if you offered the suggestion, either pat yourself on the back, or quickly write and tell me you weren't serious. Here they are:
1) It's Just Lunch Orlando. I don't like the idea of not seeing faces before the date, but hey, it's just lunch, after all....
2) Cooking class. Ok, point taken, "dude's gotta eat." So if you really think it's a good venue, I'll try it...but is the dude going to be in the class, or just really want me to know how to cook before I meet him? However, in all honesty, this one's on the fence because there are some theological issues I could run into...more on principle....with this one, that may be unnecessary.
3) I'm going to find some kind of other Bible Study. Not to the exclusion of my own, but perhaps there are some other single professionals out there who are looking for me, too...
With that in mind...I wonder what tomorrow holds...
I must say it has been very interesting keeping such a diary and making it available to some select public. I have gotten an interesting reaction. Some writing with suggestions. Some accosting me over the back of a couch to discuss discreet alusions from previous entries. (You know who you are). Some have suggested that age shouldn't matter. Some have challenged my ability to really be a "yes" girl. I mean, truly to take everyone's advice is going to, at some point, become ridiculous. There are only so many hours in a day and so many funds budgeted toward "the hunt." But most of the suggestions I like. So, I plan to try out 3 in the next few months. I am giving myself more time simply because funds will be more available come school year. So if you offered the suggestion, either pat yourself on the back, or quickly write and tell me you weren't serious. Here they are:
1) It's Just Lunch Orlando. I don't like the idea of not seeing faces before the date, but hey, it's just lunch, after all....
2) Cooking class. Ok, point taken, "dude's gotta eat." So if you really think it's a good venue, I'll try it...but is the dude going to be in the class, or just really want me to know how to cook before I meet him? However, in all honesty, this one's on the fence because there are some theological issues I could run into...more on principle....with this one, that may be unnecessary.
3) I'm going to find some kind of other Bible Study. Not to the exclusion of my own, but perhaps there are some other single professionals out there who are looking for me, too...
With that in mind...I wonder what tomorrow holds...
July 22, 2009
Dear Diary,
Some say to sign up for a class or something. A great place to meet people. Last summer, I took that advice and signed up for Karate. Now I have fallen in love with karate and yet have met no men. Well, no options given my strict code of potential. :) I actually have a crush on one of the black belt instructors. He's actually the sensai's son. And he is one of those who is very generous with his smile. Trouble is, he's in his early 20s, and he's really into the whole UFC thing (Ultimate Fighting Champion). I'm not sure I can get behind that. Do you remember that Friends episode where Monica was dating the multi-millionaire and he invited her over to tell her he was going into that. He comes out in a complete body cast. It's not that I'm super protective and don't want his poor limbs to break. It's just that I find that kind of silly. And yet for some reason, I like karate. Go figure. Anyway, I have determined that most guys are probably not interested in a girl who can beat them up. But I can't seem to give up karate. It's too fun and a great workout.
So I'm looking for some other kind of class that might be a nice venue for meeting guys....preferably a little closer to my age. I have had the tendency to go dancing from time to time, and really that's a good venue. But I like variety. And I'm too shy to ask guys to dance...
So again I ask why good-looking single guys close or into their 30s are not at church? What's wrong with you, boys? :)
I wonder what tomorrow holds...
Some say to sign up for a class or something. A great place to meet people. Last summer, I took that advice and signed up for Karate. Now I have fallen in love with karate and yet have met no men. Well, no options given my strict code of potential. :) I actually have a crush on one of the black belt instructors. He's actually the sensai's son. And he is one of those who is very generous with his smile. Trouble is, he's in his early 20s, and he's really into the whole UFC thing (Ultimate Fighting Champion). I'm not sure I can get behind that. Do you remember that Friends episode where Monica was dating the multi-millionaire and he invited her over to tell her he was going into that. He comes out in a complete body cast. It's not that I'm super protective and don't want his poor limbs to break. It's just that I find that kind of silly. And yet for some reason, I like karate. Go figure. Anyway, I have determined that most guys are probably not interested in a girl who can beat them up. But I can't seem to give up karate. It's too fun and a great workout.
So I'm looking for some other kind of class that might be a nice venue for meeting guys....preferably a little closer to my age. I have had the tendency to go dancing from time to time, and really that's a good venue. But I like variety. And I'm too shy to ask guys to dance...
So again I ask why good-looking single guys close or into their 30s are not at church? What's wrong with you, boys? :)
I wonder what tomorrow holds...
July 21, 2009
Dear Diary,
I have read a truckload of those dating books lately. I've learned how to not be that girl. I've perused the "rules," and kept track of how to "win him over." Right now, I'm reading one that isn't necessarily a dating book. It's just a book about how guys should be guys. It was enlightening at first. Now it's kind of irritating. To a certain extent I agree that guys need to face challenge and they need danger and battles and whatnot. Ok. But not to the exclusion of morality. I think this author likes to give men excuses for their behavior. So, to add to my list of what I want? Yes, I want a man willing to face danger. But also one willing to be a "gentleman" at times. He doesn't have to be a caveman ALL of the time. Though to be honest I think that's one characteristic that draws me in. The caveman type...
The particular fella I'm thinkin about tonight doesn't necessarily have the caveman quality in him, but maybe more of a "ninja" quality. He's been on the radar for a long time, this guy. Today, he's back in my thoughts. Kinda ridiculous that it's been this long and he's still there, but it is what it is. I have not been in the mood for being "prepared" at every moment lately but at word from him, I'm ready to go for a run and make sure I am prepared.
And those guys on that website keep emailing. I'm trying to stay open to the idea, but neither one has swept me off my feet yet. I have heard the advice of just not thinking about it. Not focusing so much on finding someone. That perhaps that's when it comes along. So today I focused on the study of modern-day spiritual gifts theology. What do ya think? Good distraction? lol...
I wonder what tomorrow holds...
I have read a truckload of those dating books lately. I've learned how to not be that girl. I've perused the "rules," and kept track of how to "win him over." Right now, I'm reading one that isn't necessarily a dating book. It's just a book about how guys should be guys. It was enlightening at first. Now it's kind of irritating. To a certain extent I agree that guys need to face challenge and they need danger and battles and whatnot. Ok. But not to the exclusion of morality. I think this author likes to give men excuses for their behavior. So, to add to my list of what I want? Yes, I want a man willing to face danger. But also one willing to be a "gentleman" at times. He doesn't have to be a caveman ALL of the time. Though to be honest I think that's one characteristic that draws me in. The caveman type...
The particular fella I'm thinkin about tonight doesn't necessarily have the caveman quality in him, but maybe more of a "ninja" quality. He's been on the radar for a long time, this guy. Today, he's back in my thoughts. Kinda ridiculous that it's been this long and he's still there, but it is what it is. I have not been in the mood for being "prepared" at every moment lately but at word from him, I'm ready to go for a run and make sure I am prepared.
And those guys on that website keep emailing. I'm trying to stay open to the idea, but neither one has swept me off my feet yet. I have heard the advice of just not thinking about it. Not focusing so much on finding someone. That perhaps that's when it comes along. So today I focused on the study of modern-day spiritual gifts theology. What do ya think? Good distraction? lol...
I wonder what tomorrow holds...
July 20, 2009
Dear Diary,
Today, a friend sent me a link to yet another dating site. Yes, this one seems different. No pictures. Just an interview with staff and they match you for a lunch date. I like the idea of the arrangement, but I'm not very likely to want to go to lunch with someone who is a complete mystery to me. I know that a perfect match is more about personality and emotional connection, but no one can tell me that it doesn't have anything to do with physical attraction. I want to SEE what this gentleman will look like before I consent to a date. The amusing thing is that most of my friends who know me VERY well, and know the areas where I am EXTREMELY picky often strike out when attempting to fix me up. So why is it, I would allow a complete stranger to do so?
At any rate, in discussing these dating sites with various "listeners" today, I came to the realization that I often find new hope in signing up or corresponding with a few. However, it ends up being the same guys and the same stories. They tend to be somewhat blah there. And the singles cruises, though much more scenic, I fear would be filled with the same. A sort of "last resort" destination if you can excuse the pun. I did however email "Mason" back. He may have some potential if he could stop gushing about everything...
While watching a Die Hard marathon the other day, I got to thinking, Where can I find a man like John McClane. Without the vagrant profanity of course. And then of course I started wondering, what is it about John McClane/Bruce Willis that I like so much. Perhaps the real question is, What am I looking for in a guy? Some mix of John McClane, Luke Danes, and any Bing Crosby character? Even perhaps Father O'Malley? Possibly.
I can see strength/tough guy in many of those. Some may protest having seen that in Bing, but between you and me, Diary, Bing was a tough guy. A man's man of his time.
Ok, so strength is one characteristic. Initiative I think is another. Why is it that in the whole of the United States, John McClane is the only cop who knows how to take charge and do something about the situation?
For him to be a Christian is an understatement. But I do ask for a guy who doesn't drink. Not one drop. Not an eency teency bit. That I find is the kicker. If I can't find that, is it a deal breaker? Yes. Yes it is.
Now add to that that he's got to be devastatingly handsome? Or at least generous with his smile. :) Well, anyway, it's nice to at least dream of what he'll be like...
Today, a friend sent me a link to yet another dating site. Yes, this one seems different. No pictures. Just an interview with staff and they match you for a lunch date. I like the idea of the arrangement, but I'm not very likely to want to go to lunch with someone who is a complete mystery to me. I know that a perfect match is more about personality and emotional connection, but no one can tell me that it doesn't have anything to do with physical attraction. I want to SEE what this gentleman will look like before I consent to a date. The amusing thing is that most of my friends who know me VERY well, and know the areas where I am EXTREMELY picky often strike out when attempting to fix me up. So why is it, I would allow a complete stranger to do so?
At any rate, in discussing these dating sites with various "listeners" today, I came to the realization that I often find new hope in signing up or corresponding with a few. However, it ends up being the same guys and the same stories. They tend to be somewhat blah there. And the singles cruises, though much more scenic, I fear would be filled with the same. A sort of "last resort" destination if you can excuse the pun. I did however email "Mason" back. He may have some potential if he could stop gushing about everything...
While watching a Die Hard marathon the other day, I got to thinking, Where can I find a man like John McClane. Without the vagrant profanity of course. And then of course I started wondering, what is it about John McClane/Bruce Willis that I like so much. Perhaps the real question is, What am I looking for in a guy? Some mix of John McClane, Luke Danes, and any Bing Crosby character? Even perhaps Father O'Malley? Possibly.
I can see strength/tough guy in many of those. Some may protest having seen that in Bing, but between you and me, Diary, Bing was a tough guy. A man's man of his time.
Ok, so strength is one characteristic. Initiative I think is another. Why is it that in the whole of the United States, John McClane is the only cop who knows how to take charge and do something about the situation?
For him to be a Christian is an understatement. But I do ask for a guy who doesn't drink. Not one drop. Not an eency teency bit. That I find is the kicker. If I can't find that, is it a deal breaker? Yes. Yes it is.
Now add to that that he's got to be devastatingly handsome? Or at least generous with his smile. :) Well, anyway, it's nice to at least dream of what he'll be like...
July 19, 2009
Being single in your 30s is tough. Though I have many other single friends, I find that a great many of my closest friends have moved into that "married" category. And let's face it, married people don't really know what to do with single people. As I've heard oft expressed before, they simply pat you on your head and say, "It's ok. You'll get married." It's heartfelt I'm sure, but hardly helpful or encouraging. So, I thought perhaps for some of you in my same predicament, you might be encouraged to know that someone else is going through the same thing. And for you married people, perhaps you'd enjoy a little look at the "hunt" having been detached from it for so long. So I decided that (for a select handful of you) I will record my journey from time to time here. Be it encouraging, disheartening, or simply amusing I shall repeat this exercise as often as there is occasion to report. And chime in if you feel so moved. :) My diary begins now.
Dear diary,
Today I exchanged emails with some guys online. From their pictures, they look handsome. But when "Dave" writes only 2 sentences in each letter, and "Mason" gushes over everything, I am disinclined to respond again. So I find myself gravitating back to interests which have already rejected me. And again, this morning, finding no available seats with my friends, I found myself sitting next to a new arrival, single, handsome. And yet as I continually steal glances at this guy, he appears younger and more self-conscious, though I believe it is no reaction to my subtle glances. They say to be prepared at any time. Like wearing lipstick for a run. Mostly what that does is have me emotionally ready for the pay-off at any moment, when in actuality it does little more than make me late for everything. This afternoon, however, I will again take careful note of all of my intake and I'll beat myself up in exercise in order to prepare for that golden opportunity. What does tomorrow hold, I wonder.
Dear diary,
Today I exchanged emails with some guys online. From their pictures, they look handsome. But when "Dave" writes only 2 sentences in each letter, and "Mason" gushes over everything, I am disinclined to respond again. So I find myself gravitating back to interests which have already rejected me. And again, this morning, finding no available seats with my friends, I found myself sitting next to a new arrival, single, handsome. And yet as I continually steal glances at this guy, he appears younger and more self-conscious, though I believe it is no reaction to my subtle glances. They say to be prepared at any time. Like wearing lipstick for a run. Mostly what that does is have me emotionally ready for the pay-off at any moment, when in actuality it does little more than make me late for everything. This afternoon, however, I will again take careful note of all of my intake and I'll beat myself up in exercise in order to prepare for that golden opportunity. What does tomorrow hold, I wonder.
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