Dear Diary,
What are you doing New Years? This is the first year in many that I don't have any plans. They don't usually involve dates, so I don't know why I'm upset this year, but I don't have plans, and I don't have a date for my lack of plans. So, I imagine I'll be spending New Years with you, Diary.
Which actually brings me to one of my resolutions for the year. And it involves you. See, we've been seeing each other for a little over 160 days now...not that I'm counting. I'm not really into those sorts of things...anniversaries, and whatnot...but it just so happens that everytime I go to post, it tells me how many posts I have made. Today is number 164. (And I assure you, I wouldn't have even noticed that if I wasn't "in to" those sorts of things). That's actually a lot, for me. It's been a really long time since I've stuck with something new for that long. Do you remember when I used to take Karate? Yea,...I wish that had stuck better...
At any rate, my resolution involving you has to do with that Mr. Darcy character we were discussing a few nights back. Did you know I wrote a book, Diary? It was in the style of Jane Austen, titled "He." I had a lot of fun writing it, because when I was going through a Jane Austen phase, I wondered if I would be able to write a book. Being not so up to the task, I aimed for a short story, comprised of letters between two friends. I reached my goal and was encouraged to go for the whole story. So, I sat down and a year or so later ended up with a completed manuscript of a story set in the Regent Era.
Also around that time, my sister and I began to exchange letters in the same style. It's a tradition we continue (when time permits) even now. I have so much fun writing in that olde English. So, given the idea from a friend, I decided that come New Years, you and I shall share the same style of correspondence. I will continue to write on the same topic, but in a more "proper" tone.
But not until New Years....not even tomorrow...
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