Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31, 2009

Dear Diary,

At last 2010 has arrived! That's not reflected in the date for this entry because this is a recollection of the last day of 2009. But as any self-reflecting person is apt to do on such a note, I will of course record for you some highlights of the previous year, and some goals for the coming year. Here's some food for thought as we delve into the new year...

Top Ten Memories from 2009; and Goals for 2010

I loved... ; But I resolve to...

1. Swimming with Roxy, our dolphin; Learn to surf (in a controlled "Typhoon Lagoon" type of environment)

2. Meeting Taylor Hicks twice!; Have a blast meeting Michael Buble

3. Moving into a new house; Finish unpacking and maybe get a new couch.

4. Getting down to a size 2 ; Return to a size 2

5. Beginning this Blog; Continue this Blog in an Olde English style.

6. My trip to Cincinnati; Take a trip in the Spring (perhaps to Connecticut or Colorado)

7. Acting Dopey with a 2 year old at EPCOT; Stop acting like a Mouse.

8. Competing in 3 Races in the Fall; Run 500 miles throughout the year.

9. Earning my Yellow Belt in Karate; Either continue in a new dojo or try something new.

10. Teaching college again; Work as little as possible over the summer.

What are your memories and goals as we begin this new year? Perhaps you can share them with me tomorrow...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December 30, 2009

Dear Diary,

Today was a day spent with girlfriends. The location was Universal Studios. The event was Flirt Day. I've written to you a few times in the past about this game, but most often it has been played at the park with a more copious guest list. It seemed to work out okay at this park too. There were small flirtations throughout the day. Namely, the Dippin' Dots dipper, the blinky tshirt guy, and the sunglasses master at the surf shop. But I think the true victory of the day was the ability to convince a complete stranger to take a picture of my friend and I alone on a surfboard. Quite heroic of the guy to salvage an otherwise, less successful day. And to further clarify, the convincing was hardly necessary. Friend and I stepped up on the surfboard and Stranger held up camera. I paused and asked, "Did ya get it?" (meaning the shot) and he smiled, turned and took the picture. Then he flashed another grin with a thumbs up in our direction as he went along his way. It's moments like that one that make Flirt Day one of my favorite games.

Perhaps I'll play again tomorrow...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 29, 2009

Dear Diary,

Here's a note to parents and other no-notice married friends who might be stopping by the home of the single on various lazy days off. Please in the future send notification that you might possibly be with a group of men on the front lawn doing manly things like mowing the lawn with eligible single men so that we single girls do not take our dogs out the front door for a walk in our pajamas and unbrushed hair and teeth. That would be a huge help to my life.

Or perhaps it would be a nice note to self to not under any circumstance walk your dog in pjs and unbrushed hair and teeth no matter how far away from civilization you perceive your house to be. There may just be an unexpected community of men on your front lawn. Excellent.

We'll try again tomorrow..."

Monday, December 28, 2009

December 28, 2009

Dear Diary,

What are you doing New Years? This is the first year in many that I don't have any plans. They don't usually involve dates, so I don't know why I'm upset this year, but I don't have plans, and I don't have a date for my lack of plans. So, I imagine I'll be spending New Years with you, Diary.

Which actually brings me to one of my resolutions for the year. And it involves you. See, we've been seeing each other for a little over 160 days now...not that I'm counting. I'm not really into those sorts of things...anniversaries, and whatnot...but it just so happens that everytime I go to post, it tells me how many posts I have made. Today is number 164. (And I assure you, I wouldn't have even noticed that if I wasn't "in to" those sorts of things). That's actually a lot, for me. It's been a really long time since I've stuck with something new for that long. Do you remember when I used to take Karate? Yea,...I wish that had stuck better...

At any rate, my resolution involving you has to do with that Mr. Darcy character we were discussing a few nights back. Did you know I wrote a book, Diary? It was in the style of Jane Austen, titled "He." I had a lot of fun writing it, because when I was going through a Jane Austen phase, I wondered if I would be able to write a book. Being not so up to the task, I aimed for a short story, comprised of letters between two friends. I reached my goal and was encouraged to go for the whole story. So, I sat down and a year or so later ended up with a completed manuscript of a story set in the Regent Era.

Also around that time, my sister and I began to exchange letters in the same style. It's a tradition we continue (when time permits) even now. I have so much fun writing in that olde English. So, given the idea from a friend, I decided that come New Years, you and I shall share the same style of correspondence. I will continue to write on the same topic, but in a more "proper" tone.

But not until New Years....not even tomorrow...

December 27, 2009

Dear Diary,

For a few weeks, now sis and I have spotted the same two guys at church. Both appear to be single, and seem to sit in the same vicinity each week. By no laid out plans, we tend to be seated close by. Take note that is the usher's doing, not ours. But today, Usher sat us directly in front of them. This is the closest we've been so far. And so after the service, we did our best to stand up, collect our belongings and turn in their direction so as to make ourselves open for conversation. We couldn't have done much more. And yet, flirting or 'coming on' is forbidden in church. You are looked down upon if you go to church to 'meet people.'

Obviously that should not be your sole purpose there. But if not at church, where?

Anyway, sis and I are both partial to the same one of the two. That might be a problem. But it can't be all that problematic, as the real case to solve seems to be the one of even making contact.

And there's nothing can be done to remedy such a problem, tomorrow...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 26, 2009

Dear Diary,

It's hard to believe that Christmas is all over again. In many ways, it's like welcoming back my single life. I watched self-indulgent movies today like "Surviving Christmas," and "The Legend of Zorro." Why are these self-indulgent, you might ask. Well, the first is because few people enjoyed let alone even remember the first one. And when it came on, I recalled it being not very good at all. But after the viewing tonight, I rather identified with it a little bit. And the latter film was nice to remember what Zorro has meant to me. Antonio Banderas, too.

But the real joy in movie-watching tonight came a little earlier, with a showing of "Sherlock Holmes." Have I ever mentioned that I quite enjoy Robert Downey, Jr.? Well, he is remembered fondly as Damon Bradley, but I particularly fell in love with Iron Man. Holmes sealed my affection. But the thought of Damon Bradley reminds me of a discussion going on in the facebook world of Jane Austen.

The question is, does Mr. Darcy actually exist? If it were a question of whether there was actually a man upon which the character of Mr. Darcy is based in Jane Austen's life, then I might perceive it as an interesting discussion. But it doesn't appear to be. It appears to be a question of whether there is a Mr. Darcy out there for every girl. My immediate reaction is, "of course there is, don't be ridiculous." Just like there is a Damon Bradley out there. A more common name for him is "soul mate" I think.

Maybe it is a question without a definite answer, or one we single girls go back and forth on. We make up answers such as "If there were, wouldn't I have found him already?" or "What if I already let him go?" or my favorite, "He just hasn't found me, yet."

Anyway, New Year's Eve is coming. And it makes me sad tonight. I don't think I've ever spent such a holiday "with" someone.

Is there any remedy for that tomorrow?

Friday, December 25, 2009

December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas! It has been quite a day. The presents and breakfast and naps and dinner, and playing with all the new toys. It wore my puppy out for sure, and I am uncertain why I am still awake myself. Needless to say, there's not much to write in the way of boys, or dating tonight. I can remark on the progress of my diet, but however unashamed, I am I did not keep well to such a commitment today. I frankly don't think it's necessary. But there were some easy adjustments that could be made to the menu that made it less guilty today.

The good news is that I took a one-mile bike ride, I ate some whole-wheat substitutes, and I received movies like "Julie & Julia" and "No Reservations" to inspire my culinary expeditions.

Probably one of my favorites of today's exchanges was a fashionable trunk full of memories that have been kept over the years. Elementary school report cards, programs from performances, photographs as a toddler and even some from college. Things I haven't looked through in years. Some of the photographs (from college) have reinspired me in my dieting. And there's New Year's Resolutions to look forward to. I have considered a few...

But perhaps that is a conversation for tomorrow...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

December 24, 2009

Dear Diary,

It's the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature is stirring, not even a spouse.
The stockings are hung at Mom's house tonight, in hopes that St. Nicholas, knows where to light.
The children are nestled in some house, I'm sure, but puppy and I are awake and alert.
If I had a kerchief or husband or hat, I might settle down for a restful-type nap.
But out on the lawn, the sprinklers do splatter, and I try to wonder just what was the matter.
Away to my diary I write it all down, about no Christmas romance or how I do frown.
A peek out the window shows no fallen snow, and no luster of midday, no twinkly-eyed beau.
But what to my wondering eyes should appear, a blinking red light in the starry-night clear.
A cell tower 't wasn't, for I knew it's flick. I knew it as none other than jolly St. Nick.
The nose of his guide went on blinking and on, but no whistling or shouting, or eight-reindeer-song.
But Dasher, and Dancer, and Prancer, and Vixen, and Comet, and Cupid, and Donder, and Blitzen
would see to it that at this time next year, I'd have someone to dash away, dash away fears
just as dry leaves that before the wild hurricanes fly, when they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
so I shall have someone who leaps to rescue, like that jolly old beard, turning stresses askew.
And then in a twinkling, as if I were aloof, this prancing and pawing, I do in this spoof,
would be but a mem'ry of days independent, before Nicholas gave me a ring, quite resplendent.
That's Nick, dressed in fur, from his head to his foot. The one who was tarnished with ashes and soot.
But the bundle that he had flung on his back, would have something or someone for me in that pack.
His eyes, will they twinkle! His dimples, how merry. His cheeks and his ears and nose, I'll love very.
His smile will just melt me, as quick as the snow. And the beard on his chin, no more than a shadow.
The stump of a pipe, he will never have touched, for to smoke would not be in his character, much.
His face might be broad and so might his belly, but not so much so that it jiggles like jelly.
But if he were chubby or short as an elf, and I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself,
a wink of his eye, and a twist of his head, would soon give me to know, I had nothing to dread.
We'd speak a few words, about Christmas and work, and I'm sure that I'll find he'd be no kind of jerk.
And laying his hand neath his chin in a thought, he'd pull out the box with the gift he had brought.
I'd spring to his arms, neath a small mistletoe, and embrace as dear Santa would wave to below.
And we'll hear him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

...See ya tomorrow...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

December 23, 2009

Dear Diary,

I'm just counting down the hours at this point. I love Christmastime, like many of us do. Tomorrow's celebrating will begin awfully early with a morning movie, a late afternoon Christmas Eve service at church and then the family Progressive Dinner in the evening. Then I turn into an 8 year old kid who has the worst trouble falling asleep on Christmas Eve. I find I still watch the sky for a bright and shiny red nose and a trail of reindeer. After all, Dad still points him out as we drive along around Christmastime. For some reason, Dad's got the best eye for spotting Rudolph. At any rate, I promised you something last night and I shall now deliver...

See this Music & Science book talks about the amplitude of various pitches as they relate to the pipes of an organ. Actually, I'm not scientifically minded, necessarily, and I have some trouble digesting the whole picture, but what it amounts to is that two notes close in pitch placed next to each other would theoretically produce a sound double the size of what one pipe would produce. But instead, what happens is the air used to produce the sound in each pipe actually cancels the other pipe out and you get nothing, rather than double the sound. The reason is that the pitches are too near to identical. I don't really understand why that is, but I find it interesting that when you take two people who are very similar in almost every way, rather than getting a fuller more complete person, you sometimes end up with two people who are very boring and disintegrated. Do you suppose that musical notes might also thrive on the diversity that we as human beings crave? We do not look for someone exactly like ourselves, lest we become fully disinterested in the other person at end.

Anyway, it's not profound, I just found it interesting that it was mirrored in the scientifically musical realm. Perhaps it's something to ponder less tomorrow...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December 22, 2009

Dear Diary,

It seems like there's a lot on my mind today. Yet putting 'pen to paper,' so to speak, I can't quite put into words whatever I've been thinking. It has something to do with elation over seeing things work out for good friends. Something to do with excitement over the festivities so far, and those yet to come. Something to do with feeling 'at home' having time to spend on profitless ventures and movie experiences. And a little something to do with science & music.

I have a friend who seems to be getting some particular not-so-unwanted attention from a fella, lately. And she, being excited about this, seeks to find a similar situation for me. Truth be told, I don't have a single realistic crush at the moment. (My crushes currently fall on George Clooney, Russell Crowe, Harrison Ford, ...all the 'Leading Men'). So, she's eager to find an interest for me. So she has given me a new definition for what I'm looking for. I can share that with you another time.

As for festivities, did I tell you I got a bike for Christmas? I don't know if I've ever gotten a bike for Christmas. One year I got a scooter...much larger than the newer "Razor" variety. That was a fun Christmas. But this year, I have been talking about getting one because of the new house. And when presented with several Gift Cards over the past week, I put them together and bought a bike. It's sitting under my tree...Well, next to my tree. And all that jewelry from my party a couple weeks ago finally came in. And in just a few days, Christmas (proper) will be here!

I spent some time last night catching up on things I don't have time to do during the normal semester. I was up until 6 in the morning. You can't do that when you're required to be up again at 6:30. It was nice. Even went to the movies tonight. It's been a good week for movies.

And as it turns out, I finally finished that book on dating. I do intend to start putting some of those things into practice (such as finding 5 a week for the log), but I got that satisfied, yet on-to-the-next feeling when I finished. I always feel like once I finish reading a book, it's time to find another. So the one I landed on wasn't exactly "pleasure" reading like one would think because it's on the science of music. Don't get me wrong, though, I'm enjoying it! I started it a long time ago, but never finished because it's harder work than just reading a novel or self-help book. It makes you stop and analyze what's going on. And in the midst of my reading tonight, I couldn't help but take the combination of science and music and apply it to dating...Stay tuned tomorrow for my incredible insights. I think you'll find them fascinating...or boring...or not all that insightful...or possibly genius...or not...

But make that decision tomorrow...

Monday, December 21, 2009

December 21, 2009

Dear Diary,

Welcome back, Winter! Today is the official arriving of such a season, and the weather did okay to confirm it. This Florida day caught me wearing short sleeves, but with my Bomber jacket. And then I did much shivering whilst eating dinner at QDoba.

When I was in college, I remember borrowing a sweatshirt from my boyfriend on such a cool day, because in the style of Lorelai Gilmore, we girls never wear things that are 'weather-appropriate' when we're trying to impress. So on that particular evening, I was caught a little cooler than was expected. So I borrowed Boyfriend's layers. And then, like most girlfriends are apt to do, I kept it awhile because it smelled like him. And I would wear it for days after that. In fact, I took it home over what must have been Thanksgiving Break, because I remember I had homework to do.

We headed to my Aunt's house for dinner and I holed up in a vacant room studying away, but enjoying the aroma of my boyfriend on my new favorite sweatshirt. He was not at this particular gathering. And while I'm not finding myself impatient to find someone, I do miss little pleasantries like those that come with the obvious pleasantry of dating someone.

Best Buy, however proved to be of little help today. Perhaps tomorrow...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 20, 2009

Dear Diary,

Tonight I am simply trying to brainstorm ideas for where to meet guys. I have decided that I've been keeping a log for too long, and it's time to move on to the next assignment. Five new guys a week. The rules are the same:

*He must be completely new to me
*He must have enough of an encounter to know whether he would like to ask me out
*He must have a way to get in touch with me

These are difficult things to be sure of in 5 new guys a week, but if I make the commitment, then perhaps I will start to get somewhere with it. Right now, I'm loosely keeping a 'log' of how many. And I have pretty much reported to you whenever someone has matched those criteria. So, you could probably figure out that I'm meeting far fewer than 5 a week.

So the question now arises, 'Where?'

Again, there are ideas like church groups, classes, parties, etc. But what classes? And how do you connect at church without some kind of mixer (and large number of young singles)? And who's having a party? Again, I assure you that I am willing to meet your friends, nephews, cousins, brothers-in-law, etc if you are interested in a 'fix-up.' I don't think I can fill my quota on my own. And you never know, we might be just perfect for each other.

Though I've been told that's not the point. Again, I am reminded that the point is simply to date. Not to marry. (Besides, if I marry, this little pasttime of writing to a diary about 'singlehood' completely goes away). :)

So, tomorrow I'm off to Best Buy to look for an XM Receiver. I know there are menfolk who shop that store. See ya tomorrow...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

December 19, 2009

Dear Diary,

So I realize it seems to be taking me a long time to read this book, but things have been busy and so my self-help books have been moved lower on my priority list. But I read a little bit last night and found it interesting what he had to say about 'looking in the mirror.'

However briefly he talks about Song of Solomon, I can't remember, but he does make a point about taking care of your outward beauty as well as inside. He says that our appearance, shouldn't become an afterthought just because we are Christians and expect that Christian behavior should look on the inside. While that is true, we don't, nor can we be expected to ignore the outside of someone we could potentially date.

He makes the statement that Solomon 'goes into great detail throughout the Song of Songs about physical attraction and beauty as well as about character.' It is about the 'total package,' he says. And he cites Song 1:15-16.

It's really been awhile since I've read Song of Solomon, but I liked what he had to say about it. Perhaps it's because I want a reason for being 'so shallow' as to consider what a man looks like. Perhaps I feel if it is Biblically justified, than I can continue to make decisions based (partially) on appearance.

And though I think for awhile it became 'hip' to say that one is looking only at what a person is like on the inside, the truth is that we all 'judge' also what a person looks like.

So, I bought some 'Boyfriend jeans' tonight because they were cute. I'll let you check 'em out tomorrow...

Friday, December 18, 2009

December 18, 2009

Dear Diary,

Christmas break has finally arrived! To celebrate, I'm going out to see the new 'chick flick' 'Did You Hear About the Morgans?' I'm pretty excited to see it after a bit of a dry spell with such a genre. Though it hasn't been as dry as can be lately. 'The Proposal,' I thought was pretty good.

But the 'critics' are calling this one 'perfect.' That worries me. We need a good addition, but a critic rating of perfect makes me think it is otherwise. Or it gets my hopes up too high. But I'll have to let you know what I think of it after I see it.

The good news is that things are still on track with my dieting (even after our class party today). I have hit a new (recent) low, which is only 3 pounds from my lowest Florida low. I still think 3 pounds is do-able by Christmas.

And Radar emailed again and he's really working this 'hard times' thing to his advantage. I'm totally feeling for him. I worried about seeing other interests this week because I thought it would have a more negative affect than what it did, but I survived and think I've gained closure in those interests. But Radar keeps hanging around. I'm really working hard to pull myself away from having feelings for him. I know the movie tonight probably won't help matters.

Then again, it might. I'll have to let you know tomorrow...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

December 17, 2009

Dear Diary,

I have a favorite sermon that I listen to frequently. That is, other than Dad's. I suppose though that since that's not Dad's livelihood anymore, I'm allowed to have other favorites too. That was always the case when it was Dad's livelihood, too, but I never thought about it before...

Anyway, if there's any good that can come from teaching 6th grade Math at an innercity school two hours away for a good four days, it's that you might happen upon a morning radio show called 'Truth For Life' Broadcasts. And the speaker for such broadcasts is a Scotsman from Cleveland named Alistair Begg. He's even apparently a film actor as well. But he has an easy voice to listen to and tells stories well.

At any rate, he did a series on relationships at some point. It was a two-part broadcast on what to look for in a future husband or wife, and what not to look for. And I have saved that particular podcast on my iPod and return to it frequently. It's always a nice little dating 'pick-me-up.' I begin to feel again like I have made the right decisions along the way as to who not to marry and even who to pursue, should I decide to be on that end.

I wish it was readily available so I could say, 'Find that sermon and give it a listen. You won't regret it!' But as I recall, it's not always on his list of available podcasts. If you do happen to find it, it's simply titled 'Relationships A & B.'

Try searching it out tomorrow...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 16, 2009

Dear Diary,

Today I take another lesson from a preschooler. It happened to be the preschool Christmas program today and as I watched the 4 year olds line up on the stage, I happened to notice a little boy, standing between two little girls, as he reached for one of the little girls' hand. She, apparently quite offended at the notion, ripped her hand away and scowled in his direction.

This little boy was unbeaten, though. He turned to the girl on his right instead. He tried again, reaching for her hand, and she gave him the exact same reaction. It's a wonder guys have any reason to continue the pursuit at all.

So, I promise to not be so rude in opposition to a pursuer. I shall try with the nicest of tones to say no with some measure of 'polite.' Or you never know; I may just accept!

Perhaps tomorrow....

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15, 2009

Dear Diary,

So, I find that I'm starting to be interested in a guy I've never met. I've heard much about him from a friend who thinks we'd be a good match, but there is a significant age difference. I don't know how much that matters. At any rate, from what I know, I like. But I really don't know much.

And I maybe still need closure with Radar because I was looking through pictures tonight (for other purposes) and came across several with him. And I have a hard time getting over us as a couple. We look pretty good together.

And I was thinking of trading in my car. I have been thinking that for awhile, but tonight, I was considering it because I found out that Bing is returning to XM this holiday season with his own channel and 24/7 Christmas shows. It's probably an irrational reason to buy a new car, but this is who you're dealing with...

Maybe I'll go car shopping tomorrow...

Monday, December 14, 2009

December 14, 2009

Dear Diary,

We are now down to just 4 days of school left. Finished the college courses tonight actually. Now it's just a matter of 'coasting' until Friday, and then eating a bunch of cookies!

Actually, the scale did it to me again. I had a bit of a diet vacation last week, and went a little crazy on some meals. But the good news is, that I held it together just enough. I didn't gain any weight back and actually managed to maintain a weight I thought would only be a brief snapshot of where I could be if I really focused.

I have heard often that sometimes going off your diet, kick starts your body again. Seems it worked out okay for me this time, but I'm not sure I recommend it as 'rules to live by.'

At any rate, I'm happy the damage wasn't worse. And I did very well today, because of such results! ...But we'll just see what tomorrow holds...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 13, 2009

Dear Diary,

Tonight was one of the 'best' meteor showers of the year. And the best viewing was supposed to be at Midnight. I caught a little of it on my way home from Ft. Myers, this evening. I have always enjoyed the night sky. Few vistas impress me more.

And shooting stars have always been what dreams are made of. The image that comes to mind is the opening of 'Wishes' at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom. And it has always seemed to be something to be shared with that 'special someone.' I never have seen the fireworks with him. I have perhaps been on 'dates' to Disney World, but that opportunity has never crossed my path.

I remember going one time with a guy that I liked and he stood behind me and would make comments to me while the fireworks were going and the music blasted. And I remember that I got chills everytime he spoke. It wasn't just that he was there, it was the whole picture.

I remember in high school sitting on my front lawn with a couple of high school boys, and we were staring up at the stars and chatting about the really important things that teenagers chat about. But from my front lawn, you could see a million stars, at least. The preacher, tonight talked about this mountain in Arizona being the best star-viewing area because of the lack of ambient light, but I'm willing to bet that it's because he's never visited my front lawn in Indiana.

But anyway, the point is, I can never get over how beautiful the stars are. And how romantic they have the potential to be...

And I also learned that egg-whites make a great facial. I'll have to try that sometime...

Perhaps tomorrow...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

December 12, 2009

Dear Diary,

Today was our staff Christmas Party, and very little 'log' interaction. Radar emailed me back, and the momentary weirdness between us is gone again. I am back to thinking no closure is necessary and that we can just resume our friendship like normal. (Don't worry, it won't last...)

And I was able to continue my commitment to one new recipe a month. But today I actually tried two! I have been in love with Apple salad lately, since Mom made it for Thanksgiving. I had it at my party last weekend, but again, Mom brought it. So today, I got the recipe and prepared it for the Christmas party. I was pleased to see so much of it return home with me.

I also whipped up a Creamy Potato Chowder for dinner, and started working on the Whole Wheat version of my Grandma's homemade noodles. We'll see how those work out on a later date. And all the cooking and baking today has again made me wish for the movies 'Julie & Julia,' and 'Ratatouille' for Christmas. I'm always inspired by cooking movies.

Where will inspiration rise tomorrow?...

Friday, December 11, 2009

December 11, 2009

Dear Diary,

Today, I decided it was time to get closure with Radar. So on my way to work this morning, I penned the letter in my head:

'I would have called,' I would write, 'but you never have your phone on.' Which is true.

'The thing is that I'm never sure if the door is closed with us. And perhaps we need to figure that out,' I would continue. So after school, I sat down at my computer, opened the 'compose message' link on my email and began to write:

'Hey! Seen any good movies lately? I'm headed to the movies tonight. Probably going to see The Princess and the Frog...' and on I went, never saying a word about doors or making decisions, or giving excuses about him never having his phone on.

I have days where I decide I need the closure. But when it comes down to getting such closure, I recoil, thinking it's a momentary bout of weakness.

We'll see what tomorrow holds...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 10, 2009

Dear Diary,

Again, some kind of winter weather has crept into Orlando. Knowing the coldness that's going on in other parts of the country, I'm not apt to call this 'freezing,' but to this Florida transplant, it's getting pretty chilly. I like it though. It's funny, because it actually started off pretty warm this morning.

I took my dog out this morning for her normal walk, but we were interrupted by a bit of 'creep-out' from the new neighbor. He was standing on his driveway in little more than a bathrobe, smoking a cigarette, and asking me a million questions about the HOA and shiny pavers. As if I know or care about such things. I found him fully irritating and disturbing, on top of the fact that I was already running late to work.

So when I do meet guys and have a conversation with them, it always seems like it's those kinds of guys. And you should have seen the other guy that I encountered today. It would have been a good day for the log, but can I just not count these two? Seriously?

Okay, I'm over my rant. We'll see what tomorrow holds..."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December 9, 2009

Dear Diary,

Today was Dad's actual birthday, and it just so happens that my Aunt & Uncle are also in town. So this evening was an adventurous trip to the Magic Kingdom (which is becoming increasingly more difficult to get into in the evenings) only to find out that the restaurant where we were going to eat closed a half an hour earlier. So after a bit of shopping we headed off to Logan's, Dad's favorite place to eat.

There is always a lot of laughter when you do dinner with family, but I was amused tonight to hear about the 'dating scene' of my parents' youth. As it turns out, my dad and two of his brothers all dated the same girl, (not simultaneously, of course). And that this happened not once, not twice, but three times! (Three different girls). I have never considered dating a guy that Sis has dated or offering one of my 'exes' to her. That just seems like shaky territory. But maybe it was different then, or different with boys. Who knows?

In fact, at some point, I heard that one of the brothers said to another, "I'm not interested in her, but perhaps you should date her."

There's just one more proof that I don't understand men. But it was good to see Aunt & Uncle! :) Luckily, they'll be here tomorrow, too...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 8, 2009

Dear Diary,

Have you ever dined alone? I always think of that scene in 'Hope Floats' where she goes to the restaurant on her own while she's exploring her photography career. Harry begins to compliment her for going alone. 'It's not for everyone,' he says. And he gives tips on how to pull it off.

I am often torn between whether it is sad or theraputic. I have at times felt it was freeing somehow. An exercise in independence. During Grad school I used to go every afternoon to a favorite establishment and I would eat and study or write. It was when I was working on my show. I sat at the same booth every day, had the same waitress, and ordered the same thing. They all said hello when I entered, I never really had to order, my food would just arrive, and there was something very 'romantic' about the whole ordeal. I had a place where 'everybody knows my name.'

Other than that, I have only done it once or twice. I once took myself to Olive Garden and felt as though the waitstaff was very disappointed to have to put in time for a table of one. I felt like an inconvenience. But I do think it's an excellent exercise of independence. I enjoy the experience.

And I'm not unequal to it. But I hope I won't be dining alone tomorrow...

Monday, December 7, 2009

December 7, 2009

Dear Diary,

Tonight, I stopped in at the grocery store to buy some cookies for tomorrow's Band Christmas Party. Meanwhile, I dropped in to Papa John's to order a Whole Wheat Pepperoni Pizza. Now, there's a dichotomy. Cookies for a party, and Whole Wheat for dinner. Actually it doesn't sound that bizarre, but there is something funny about the width between them. At any rate, it's discontinued, that pizza. They don't make it anymore!

I have had a good run lately on this Best Life pursuit. However, I have somewhat been following a 'modified' Best Life diet. I gave up the 6 things, but have forgone (again, is that a word?) the water requirement, dinner cut-offs, breakfast and snacks, upped exercise, omega 3s, and portion control. On top of that, I have somehow managed to 'okay' any type of dessert. I don't know how I managed to decide desserts were okay, but that's where I am.

Problem is, it has still been working. However, from time to time, I rely on well-tested establishments, like Papa Johns to provide me the 'breakout' without going too far. Whole Wheat crust was essential to the plan. Without it, all I have left is California Pizza Kitchen, which is much too far away and highly forgettable.

So I'm begging you, Pops! Bring it back! Even tomorrow....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 6, 2009

Dear Diary,

I ended up at the big church today. I went with Sis and sat away from Mom and Dad for a change. They understood. There were three boys a couple rows in front of us whom we found appealing...from the backs of their heads anyway. One was bald with a gotee. Sis liked him, but alas one glance at the left hand and we ruled him out. The next had dark, curly-ish hair. He looked good from behind though I thought his back and shoulders seemed bony and sis caught a mustache when he turned his head.

We both think that mustaches, unless on the right people, can be kind of silly. You have to be pretty special to pull it off. Not this kid.

The third was also bald, though sis thought his head was too small. To me he looked alright, but again, I may have to agree with my brother. Church is not set up to meet people. We never spoke...

We'll see what tomorrow holds...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

December 5, 2009

Dear Diary,

Today we celebrated Dad's (and Walt Disney's) birthday. Dad's birthday isn't until Wednesday, but we were all together today, so it seemed like a good time to celebrate. He got some lots of cool stuff (to him) and we ate steak, so all in all it was a good day!

And now the battle commences. Every Saturday night (and sometimes Sunday morning) I am faced with the decision of where to go to church on Sunday. I love and miss my home church, but it's just not where my family goes. And the other church certainly has the numbers covered so that there is greater opportunity for a 'cute meet.' As I've stated before, though this gets more difficult when I go with family. Don't get me wrong, I love to go with family, but tagging along with my parents lowers my 'approachability' factor, and going with my brother, we tend to get confused for a couple. And yet, I still feel that church is something you do with family.

As for the log, I did have a guy in line at Target tonight notice an item I was buying and comment joyfully on it. He was old though so I'm not sure that counts. And there was no information exchanged, so...

I'll let you know where I end up tomorrow...

Friday, December 4, 2009

December 4, 2009

Dear Diary,

Now can we call it 'smooth sailin'?' Tonight was the other big event that I've been preparing for and it was also loads of fun. I'm glad that things always work out in the end. And when you get large groups of women together, the topic inevitably turns to men at some point. So there were many stories swapped about good guys and bad guys and smart guys and dumb guys. At one point it was a community counsel on the way men and women are different.

It has been suggested that women need to vent and men need to fix. This can often cause problems, but this is one that most of us are aware of. Another difference between us is that when women feel confused and concerned, we tend to need to 'talk.' Men view this as they are 'in trouble,' and they retreat. We freak out and they grow less and less attentive. So perhaps a cure is to give them space but to make sure that we pronounce in some manner the things that we 'respect' about them. To flatter them in a way that they actually feel flattered.

A hard one to figure out, I think. Our instinct is to connect, their instinct to retreat. How do you overcome that?

Perhaps tomorrow I can tackle the problem of not only the retreat, but where are they to begin with?...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

December 3, 2009

Dear Diary,

Shew! I think the madness is at last beginning to die down. Or at least I hope so. It would be nice to be able to think about something other than how to publish a video file from Windows Movie Maker when it wasn't supposed to be compatible with the program from the beginning!

At any right, the show went off...not 'without a hitch' but eventually it all worked out just great! And tomorrow I can sing my favorite Friday song. I'm singing it for you now, but you obviously can't hear me.

I did hear from 'It's Just Lunch' today and it was an ad to give an IJL coupon to a friend. Apparently not confirmation that the 'free trial' is still an option. So, we'll put that one on hold again. The book does encourage joining a 'service' so I'm still considering some options out there. I talked with a friend today about Eharmony. I always try the 'free weekends' but I have such a hard time forking out the money for it.

Maybe tomorrow, though. However, tomorrow, it's all about the jewelry...Drop on in around 7:30 if you're interested!"

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December 2, 2009

Dear Diary,

I just don't have much to pontificate about tonight. Stresses are mounting, and life is rolling along. There's no news on what makes me single or what might cure such a situation. Sometimes, I feel very frank about the whole thing. I am single. No games, no books, no forced circumstance is going to really make the difference. Sometimes it seems like it's just a waiting game. Waiting for someone to walk in my life. And sometimes, I'd rather wait in the comfort of my own home. Perhaps the UPS guy will drop by. But waiting at home, does very little unless someone sends the UPS man to my door.

Mostly though, tonight, I'm not even awake enough to believe it matters too much at the moment. Either way, I am loved by many people. And a spouse can't cure my problems. (Though he might be able to help shoulder some of them...)

Anyway, we'll see what tomorrow holds...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1, 2009

Dear Diary,

I never realize what bad timing I have until things begin to collide around me. I know that I procrastinate, and therefore have the attitude many times that 'if I can just make it through the week...'

Well, for some reason, I scheduled a party amidst a whirlwind of activity that usually accompanies the holidays. I'm excited about everything going on, I just wish it wasn't all happening right now. And to add to that, I keep promising myself that a dating life will come in due time. But who has time?

What it comes down to is that people make time for the things that are important to them. And while finding someone to end my diary is important to me, I have a more discouraged outlook on it tonight as my head bobs from drowsiness and my thoughts attack me for not following my own rules.

Yesterday, I wrote to you about feeling bold and wanting to know. But I didn't really act too intensely on such a notion. I merely made contact. About needing help with a project he happens to have some expertise in. And he responded by saying he wasn't familiar with the program I was using and thus he would be somewhat useless to me. And that was it.

I don't know what I was expecting. Certainly not a great overture of love. But it sort of hit my funny bone, and I'm a bit bitter about having reached out at all. I am not built to pursue, I always tell myself. I insist on being pursued.

I'll do well to follow my rules tomorrow...