Dear Diary,
I'm beginning to love home ownership. If you can ignore the fact that I don't actually own the house and if I did, I'd be in the middle of a legal battle since the folks that sold me the house, didn't have that right, and that snakes keep trying to drive me away. And that teenagers from the next neighborhood over are intent on trespassing. If you can ignore all of that, you could see that I love home ownership.
Truth is, I do like the new place. I love it. But I'm all of the sudden feeling like someone's trying to drive me out. I already told you about the snakes in the pool. Well, today, I arrived home and climbed out of my car to open the garage door. The automatic opener is not hooked up yet since it is futile to put more money into the house until the legal battle is settled. So, I did my daily garage door cross training and opened the door and climbed back in my car and pulled on in. Then I gathered my things and headed inside the house, but was halted again by a locked door. The door from the garage to the kitchen has a lock with no key. For some reason, we never got that key, so we have to still go through the front door. So, I turned back around, headed out of the garage and right up to the front door, shuffling through all of my keys. When I was about to put it in the door, I saw out of the corner of my eye, a snake slithering past me along the door and sticking it's tongue out at me. That was more aggressive than the smaller, less intimidating, struggling snake in the pool. So, I backed away, (but still close enough to snap a quick picture) and began to dial. I didn't know who to call and then remembered that it's pool maintenance day and the screen doors would be unlocked. And they were. But not the sliding door into the house. So back around to the front again. I double checked the front door and my new "friend" was gone again. Don't know where he went. I examined the door frame and made certain he couldn't have gotten in. And then I quickly inserted my key and ran through the door slamming it quickly behind me. Now I am safe on the inside. And feeling a bit held hostage by the snake that has moved on. I just wish I knew where he moved on to. (And despite all of your pity for the snake in the pool, I wish I had the guts to slaughter him with the hoe!)
Thanks for listening, Diary. I could really use a husband about now. Really.
And maybe no prospect of husbands, but at least there's the Smitty concert tomorrow!...
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