Dear Diary,
So, as it turns out, I do try to tackle everything at once. Keeping this blog on a daily basis is something I've been doing for some time, now. But everything else has kind of slipped. Running, dieting, cleaning, socializing. So now here it is almost 100 days into my blog and it's time to get control of everything apparently.
So, I have restarted Best Life, signed myself up for another race, tackled the laundry and more unpacking, headed back to my small group and social events, and even scheduled a party at the new house. I am nuts. There has been speculation for some time, but it is now confirmed. I am nuts.
Also got word today that I get to teach another college course next fall. I thought I would have another year or two off until my classes come around again, but not so. I'm getting another class. That's a little of good and bad. But the outlook right now is positive. So, I'm grateful.
And with such positivity in my head, I headed to the grocery store tonight to stock up and to prepare for October's new recipe, which has also taken a backseat to "getting by." Lucky for me, the cashier was pretty handsome and very chatty. And sounded like this guy I dated when I first moved down here. Fond memories. Unlucky for me, the grocery store was out of lettuce. (Seriously? Because I figured of all the groceries that a grocery store would stock, you'd think they'd have plenty of lettuce. It's like that time when Arby's ran out of roast beef back home.) Guess the salad will have to wait...
Ooh! And apparently there was another snake in the pool today. The little brother rescued the first one that I last wrote you about, but this one was already dead when he found it. (It's not the one pictured above).
Anyway, since there's no lettuce, what should I eat tomorrow?...
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