Dear Diary,
Tonight I (almost) fell asleep on the couch watching back to back episodes of I Love Lucy. If it weren't for a friend's phone call I probably would have been out in just a moment. Then I would have begrudgingly awakened at 3 am still having to take the dogs out, and get things ready for work in the morning. Thankfully the phone rang.
But before, I sunk lower and lower into the couch, I was really enoying the classic TV show. I'm not over the top in fandome but I do like the show quite a bit. Tonight it was some kind of countdown to Halloween so they were playing some episodes with some goofy eeriness to the plot. But in general, I enjoyed the chauvenist blanket line by Ricky stating "I don want my wife in show busness. I want er to be a wife. To cook an clen and fesh my slipperss. An haf dinner on the table."
And while I like to fancy myself a bit old-fashioned, and somewhat in accord with what he's looking for, I also enjoyed Lucy's reply: "But you don't even wear slipperss."
It's not really a cutting feminist comeback, but it does sort of tone down the chauvenism a tad. Probably if I didn't have a job, I'd enjoy the housekeeping. And playing fesh with the slipperss. But with a job there's no time or energy. So is there a problem with looking for a man who can support us both? I'm just not built for two careers. (I can barely find one that's a good fit).
Wonder what tomorrow holds...
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