Saturday, October 31, 2009

October 31, 2009

Dear Diary,

Happy Halloween! Still not sure what kind of costumed fun tonight entails, but currently, I'm watching my alma mater playing on ESPN. And so far, they look great. It's making me proud. When I was in college, I went to every home football game, and nearly every home basketball game for the duration of my college career. ...Except for my senior year, when for some reason, I decided it was time to quit the band and have more time for frivolous things. One of my biggest regrets about college.

At any rate, we never had much to cheer about at those games because we've never had a good team. We used to joke during our rehearsals for pregame that the Final formation would be our final formation on January 1st in Pasadena (Rose Bowl, kids). It was always treated tongue in cheek since we knew we didn't even have a shot at it. But the games were always a blast, anyway. I had a few crushes in the band. My first was as a freshman and he was a senior, and I had no idea how not interested he could possibly have been. He apparently liked boys.

I had a friend in the band who I was never romantically interested in, but we spent an awful lot of time together and went to events "together" so I guess you could say we dated. And then there was the boy my Grandmother affectionately called Johiah. That was not his real name but she could never remember it. He was the president of Hillel. We became fascinated by each other's faith. And there seemed to be mutual attraction there. We also "dated" some but never made anything official. It would never have worked out. But on one band road trip, the world actually slowed down around us. The only time that's ever happened that I can remember. We were joking around and he grabbed the bill of my hat and turned my face to him and said my name. That moment lasted forever. I don't even remember what happened after that, but I remember that moment.

He and my unromantic friend and I used to hang out a lot. Along with another friend. Considering I was a Christian, he was Jewish, she was Muslim, and unromantic friend was Agnostic, we always sounded like the beginning of a joke. But it was always a good time.

I sure do miss those college days.

But tomorrow, there's Taylor Hicks. And I'll tell you all about it tomorrow...

Friday, October 30, 2009

October 30, 2009

Dear Diary,

I spent most of the day working furiously on grades and enjoying the company of family over dinner and games. This evening is just 3 weeks away from my much-anticipated trip to Cincinnati. It also happens to be the first night of my mini-vacation from school. I have taken Monday off, so I'm treating the weekend with some degree of tourism. Disney World will of course be involved. Some Taylor Hicks, too. And perhaps some costumed madness for dinner tomorrow.

As I write to you, I can hear that the Halloween festivities have already begun at the house behind ours. Typically they are very quiet and I am fairly ignorant of their existence. But tonight, they have made themselves noticable. There seems to be much celebratin' goin' on back there.

At any rate, tomorrow is Halloween, and I hope to continue the tradition of disquised dinner. Not dinner that is unrecognizable, but at least one with costumed guests. Last year we visited the Brown Derby Restaurant, and dressed for the occasion. This year, Pecos Bill perhaps?

I'll follow up tomorrow, once I know what tomorrow holds...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

October 29, 2009

Dear Diary,

I didn't run last night. Or tonight. But I did try that 5 minute chocolate cake in a mug recipe. It was pretty good. Even the healthy version. But I think it has to be in a very large mug because it was awfully dense in our "oversized" mugs.

Otherwise today was a beautful day, weather-wise, and quite pleasant hanging out with some of my girlfriends. So nice to get that opportunity from time to time.

Last night I bought a new TV stand, so I also got that up and situated tonight. It's been a fairly productive day. ...But a long one. If it weren't already tomorrow, ...

I'd wonder what tomorrow holds...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28, 2009

Dear Diary,

I suppose we're allowed to fail from time to time. Tonight I tried my October recipe. And I don't really think I failed at following the recipe. I think the recipe itself was a failure. I decided to make a whole wheat penne pasta with fresh pea pesto from my Best Life cookbook. And while the pasta itself was good, the pesto tasted like I spooned out a chunk of my front lawn and piled it on my pasta. I don't recommend it at all.

And I haven't done my run yet tonight but the night isn't over. There's still time to head over to the Boardwalk and complete that task. It's too dark already to run at home, tonight.

The nice thing is that the students are on fall break for the rest of the week, so it should be an easier couple of days coming up.

But there's no tellin' what tomorrow holds...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 27, 2009

Dear Diary,

Did you know that yesterday was my 100th Diary entry? That was a day I meant to commemorate yesterday, but instead, I got hung up on pity as a surrogate for love. At any rate, Diary, here it is 100 days later, and no match has been made. I'm not terribly disappointed about that. I mean, yes, I'm disappointed that I haven't found him yet, but as I've said frequently and recently, I haven't had time to think much about it lately.

However, when I have thought about it, I act in somewhat the same manner as a particular reader of this diary. I have a tendency to wear pretty rings and switch them over to my left hand to see how it'd look. I get quite amused at this from time to time.

The other day, I wore such a ring, but on my right hand. When I put my hand down on a student's desk as I was helping him out, a little girl at his table was shocked amazed to find that I was married! She had no idea! ...Until the little girl next to her corrected her and told her, "It's not on her left hand." You know the dreams of getting married start early when a 2nd grader knew which hand the ring belonged on.

Wonder what amusements tomorrow holds...

Monday, October 26, 2009

October 26, 2009

Dear Diary,

I had an encounter with Mystery Man today which made me pity him to an extent and feel again like I shouldn't dwell so much on his shortcomings. Everyone is bound to have them, right? And today just wasn't his day for being overwhelmingly impressive. So I felt sorry for him.

And Dad always says that pity is a surrogate for love. But I think that means on the other side of the equation. That one would accept pity as that kind of attention because it's close enough to feeling loved. I have felt that before. I have sought out someone's pity because it does make you feel comforted and therefore loved.

But offering him my pity is not getting either of us anywhere. And I'm not even sure he's asking for it. I think in all honesty that he would just rather forget about the whole thing and start new another day. Not in relation to me, just in relation to the day. Nevertheless, I feel bad.

Tomorrow is a new day...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

October 25, 2009

Dear Diary,

I hereby promise you to not care any more about Crush. If I even mention him again as an interest, I give you my permission to show up on my doorstep and slap my face. I'd prefer you didn't, but if you must, you have my permission. :) It was just an odd encounter today. And I'm done.

So in all honesty, I am back to one man who has been around for awhile. You might say, he's been "on the radar." Yea, you know who I'm talking about. The nice thing about this forthcoming trip to Cincinnati is that it includes a visit with this gentleman. And because of said trip he has emailed quite frequently lately.

And being remotivated by such an event, I am still doing quite well on my diet and race training. The race this morning went very well, and I was glad to have gotten to participate in such an event on behalf of a friend.

It's been a great weekend and it's time to start heading for the week. So, here's to whatever tomorrow holds...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

October 24, 2009

Dear Diary,

It's been a long couple of days, but I actually got a nap in today. It was nice. Of course, here it is almost 1 in the morning, so napping can sometimes be counterproductive. Makes it difficult to get to bed at night.

At any rate, I have a race in the morning and I'll probably be pretty tired. But doing a race is always an adrenaline rush. And it's a shorter one, so that makes it better. Only 3 miles tomorrow.

Tonight I'm eager for the trip to Cincinnati and to see if there's anything there still with Radar. I miss him a lot lately. We have exchanged emails a bit more frequently lately and that's always encouraging. Still trying to find time to even think about relationships lately. Hopefully, though things will begin to slow down a bit. Not likely, but I had my last Saturday class of the semester today, so that should help at least. Of course there's still grading to be done for that course.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to running with the Faith Steppers tomorrow. Not sure what else the day will hold...

Friday, October 23, 2009

October 23, 2009

Dear Diary,

I'm feeling pretty good today. The Best Life diet and race training are going very well. I can see the difference already. I haven't been on the scale since Monday, though. I have gotten some cleaning done around the house, but not too much over the past couple of days, because I've had other things going on. Right now, I'm making dinner, studying for class tomorrow, and heading out in about an hour to pick up some friends from the airport. I'm excited to see them and get to spend some time with them this weekend.

It always seems that my schedule starts filling up pretty quick around this time of year. And it has. I'm having trouble keeping track of everything coming up. Luckily there are a few lighter days later next week that will help to allay the stress a bit. And next weekend, Taylor Hicks is back in town performing at Eat to the Beat at EPCOT. You can bet I'll be at all 6 shows. Couldn't miss it. ...Since it's free and all.

Apart from that, I am having some rather broad mood swings out of pure exhaustion. I can be so tired I'm loopy, or so tired, I'm miserable. And it changes in a heartbeat. But at the moment, I should probably try to prevent surmounting exhaustion and get back to my studying. Don't want to be up at all hours of the night.

Wonder what tomorrow holds...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 22, 2009

Dear Diary,

This is a terribly late entry today. So I'm going to try to make it somewhat shorter than what I usually tend to do. What I'm not going to do is tell you about my 4th snake encounter this week. Because frankly, I'm tired of thinking about them, probably about as much as you are hearing about them. So I won't even mention it. :)

But what I will tell you about is seeing Michael W Smith in concert tonight. This is the famed concert where I was a would-be "back-up singer." Unfortunately, I didn't make the cut. (The cut being that you had to be a member at the hosting church. And the "back-up singer" gig was technically a choir). But with or without being on stage, it was a pretty awesome show. I am not as much the fan as I was as a kid but he is still like a childhood friend to me. So tonight was like a reunion or something. I just wish he could realize that.

I won't say that the show was without fault, but for me it was (at times) like being home. Especially the old songs medley. However, it would have been nicer since the show started at 7pm, if "Dubya" could have appeared sometime before 9pm. That would have been nice. I'm not so much a fan of Phil Stacey or the others that seemed to do a whole concert before the main event. The choir did a nice job, though. And the "security" was nice enough to be somewhat non-existent, allowing us to wander to the front for a photo, some video, or even just to stand and watch the show directly in front of the stage. For the courtesy of the higher-paying patrons, I decided to only sneak down for a picture and return to my seat toward the rear of the auditorium.

I miss seeing Michael W in concert. It seems like he hasn't been to Orlando since I moved here, but I think that's not the case. It's just that it rarely works out for me to see him. And since all the kids are into some of the newer bands and artists out there, few spend the money to see such a classic. But I'll take him any day over Chris Tomlin and Switchfoot. Smitty's just my style.

Wonder what tomorrow holds...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 21, 2009

Dear Diary,

I'm beginning to love home ownership. If you can ignore the fact that I don't actually own the house and if I did, I'd be in the middle of a legal battle since the folks that sold me the house, didn't have that right, and that snakes keep trying to drive me away. And that teenagers from the next neighborhood over are intent on trespassing. If you can ignore all of that, you could see that I love home ownership.

Truth is, I do like the new place. I love it. But I'm all of the sudden feeling like someone's trying to drive me out. I already told you about the snakes in the pool. Well, today, I arrived home and climbed out of my car to open the garage door. The automatic opener is not hooked up yet since it is futile to put more money into the house until the legal battle is settled. So, I did my daily garage door cross training and opened the door and climbed back in my car and pulled on in. Then I gathered my things and headed inside the house, but was halted again by a locked door. The door from the garage to the kitchen has a lock with no key. For some reason, we never got that key, so we have to still go through the front door. So, I turned back around, headed out of the garage and right up to the front door, shuffling through all of my keys. When I was about to put it in the door, I saw out of the corner of my eye, a snake slithering past me along the door and sticking it's tongue out at me. That was more aggressive than the smaller, less intimidating, struggling snake in the pool. So, I backed away, (but still close enough to snap a quick picture) and began to dial. I didn't know who to call and then remembered that it's pool maintenance day and the screen doors would be unlocked. And they were. But not the sliding door into the house. So back around to the front again. I double checked the front door and my new "friend" was gone again. Don't know where he went. I examined the door frame and made certain he couldn't have gotten in. And then I quickly inserted my key and ran through the door slamming it quickly behind me. Now I am safe on the inside. And feeling a bit held hostage by the snake that has moved on. I just wish I knew where he moved on to. (And despite all of your pity for the snake in the pool, I wish I had the guts to slaughter him with the hoe!)

Thanks for listening, Diary. I could really use a husband about now. Really.

And maybe no prospect of husbands, but at least there's the Smitty concert tomorrow!...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 20, 2009

Dear Diary,

So, as it turns out, I do try to tackle everything at once. Keeping this blog on a daily basis is something I've been doing for some time, now. But everything else has kind of slipped. Running, dieting, cleaning, socializing. So now here it is almost 100 days into my blog and it's time to get control of everything apparently.

So, I have restarted Best Life, signed myself up for another race, tackled the laundry and more unpacking, headed back to my small group and social events, and even scheduled a party at the new house. I am nuts. There has been speculation for some time, but it is now confirmed. I am nuts.

Also got word today that I get to teach another college course next fall. I thought I would have another year or two off until my classes come around again, but not so. I'm getting another class. That's a little of good and bad. But the outlook right now is positive. So, I'm grateful.

And with such positivity in my head, I headed to the grocery store tonight to stock up and to prepare for October's new recipe, which has also taken a backseat to "getting by." Lucky for me, the cashier was pretty handsome and very chatty. And sounded like this guy I dated when I first moved down here. Fond memories. Unlucky for me, the grocery store was out of lettuce. (Seriously? Because I figured of all the groceries that a grocery store would stock, you'd think they'd have plenty of lettuce. It's like that time when Arby's ran out of roast beef back home.) Guess the salad will have to wait...

Ooh! And apparently there was another snake in the pool today. The little brother rescued the first one that I last wrote you about, but this one was already dead when he found it. (It's not the one pictured above).

Anyway, since there's no lettuce, what should I eat tomorrow?...

Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19, 2009

Dear Diary,

Mondays are usually blah days, but not as much so today. I actually felt productive and efficient. The school year is beginning to roll along a bit easier. Plus, there were no major medical emergencies at school today.

And when it comes down to it, my Crush relapses only occur as long as I'm around him. Then he fades quickly back into the recesses of my mind. What it amounts to is that I should no longer see Crush. Ever. Except for that race we're both doing this weekend...But then after that, it's never again. Ever.

Well, ...except for on Sundays and Wednesdays. But not any other time. ...Unless there's some party we're both invited to...

No. I'm done. Done. Done. (Have I said it enough?) Done. (There).

But Mystery Man again falls short in intelligence for me. I just kind of feel like he's not all there all the time. I suppose we all get that way from time to time, and I do think he's fun. But I don't see that working out...for a very long time, anyway.

So, ...

Guess we'll see what tomorrow holds...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 18, 2009

Dear Diary,

I am about at my wits end with this silly infatuation with Crush. I keep trying to ignore it, trying to let it go, trying to dwell on his faults and blemishes. Unfortunately, when he's almost out of mind, he shows up unexpectedly. Yesterday it was a text message to see if I would be available for lunch to celebrate his cousin's birthday. When I saw his name pop up on my phone, my heart lept about 30 feet into the air. Seriously saw it come out of my chest and up as high as the stairs above me. (No, not seriously, but you get the idea). I knew it was not a personal invitation or meaningful in any way. But my heart didn't recognize that fact right away. My heart was in the clouds. That doesn't happen when I receive word from Radar. Then again, Crush is still a bit unknown to me. Still mysterious. Radar and I know each other quite well.

I waited about an hour to respond to Crush, and by the time he texted a 2nd time, my heart was calm and prepared, I suspect. There was no leaping involved. I, too, calmed down and had forgotten about it. Even throughout most of the service this morning, I had thought very little of him. But we did one of those "huddle up and pray" kind of prayer times this morning and there he was standing next to me. And someone suggested we all hold hands in a circle.

Now, I had begged and pleaded and prayed for this opportunity throughout most of last year. Just to be near him and to hold his hand. Even if it was for something completely unrelated to dating, like prayer. But it has never ever happened when I was next to him. Until today. When I have been trying my hardest to get over this guy. To not let him get to me. To not let him seep into my thoughts. And especially to not have any physical contact with him.

But his hand was strong, and warm, and comforting. And I'm right back to square one. So at lunch, I was determined to sit at the opposite end of the table. And I did. And it helped. But seriously, I still think about him. I'll get back to having him mostly out of my mind, I'm sure. And that happens quicker and quicker each time. But he reenters just as quick when I see him. Not sure how to stop that.

My impulse is to talk to him about it. All of my knowledge of his disinterest is coming second hand. He's never actually told me that, himself. But then, he's never asked me out either. So I'm sure it's very clear. But I always have this urge to make a "last ditch effort," and ask the guy out. But again, it's not my job. Or is it? What's the rule these days? I like him. A lot. But I think I already know the answer.

Perhaps tomorrow he'll be a distant memory again...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

October 17, 2009

Dear Diary,

Oh Husband, Where art thou? I was about to get off the couch and head out for the day when I discovered a small black stripe in my pool. And then it slithered and popped its head up out of the water trying desperately to reach the lip of the pool for escape. It was unsuccessful. I quickly sought help from Dad who recommended I immediately chlorinate the pool and poison the sucker. I found the bag of chlorine in the laundry room and headed out to do the deed. All the while cringing and shivering at the look and thought of the reptile in my pool. Nevertheless I did my job well, occasionally dumping the chlorine directly on his head. He wiggled and coiled when I did that. Then I headed back to the couch to watch from a distance. Every now and then I go back out and check on him. See if he's drowned yet. Unfortunately he's still struggling for survival. I did some research and discovered he's a southern ring-necked snake, often found in Florida swimming pools. No kidding. He's apparently harmless, but I happen to remember a similar creature in that story about the apple. I'd like him to die.

Just not sure what to do with him once he does.

Maybe I'll deal with that tomorrow...

Friday, October 16, 2009

October 16, 2009

Dear Diary,

I can't quite figure out how to remit today's activity to you. Occasionally, the educational field provides some unusual circumstances. And today's was one of those occasions. It started at recess when a child was playing innocently on the jungle gym and found herself seconds later bashing her lip against one of the bars on her way down. She hit just right that provided quite a mess to clean up.

I didn't stick around to clean it up. Rather, I accompanied the child inside where we iced the lip and called 911. There was difficulty in determining just how much damage had been done. Soon the EMTs arrived and I was elected to ride with the child.

To allay any fears outright, the little girl came away with no unusual breaks or concerns. She will likely have a swollen lip for a few days, and with her garrulous nature, it may be swollen a tad longer than what might otherwise be expected.

But once we were in the Ambulance and on the way to the hospital, I began to relax. The fellas had her taken care of. She was in good hands. And I had a moment to breathe and reflect on the last 15 minutes or so.

The moment didn't last very long because the driver began to engage me in conversation. I suspect he could see my nerves beginning to wear and was attempting to keep me calm. It must have worked because I was thoroughly engrossed for the rather lengthy trip back to the hospital.

In the small amount of time, I learned quite a bit about said driver. He's from Hawaii. The island of Oahu, to be specific. Sometimes it snows there in the mountains. Otherwise it can get up to 90, but it's not as humid as Florida. He likes living here. He looks a bit like "David" from Lilo & Stitch, and he quickly became as endearing. And he was close to becoming the man of my dreams ...until I learned of his daughter's favorite tv show.

It was quite the whirlwind fact took about 15 minutes for it to begin and end. About the length of the drive. But he was definitely a gentleman and insisted on helping me down from the truck.

So long "David." Thanks for the ride.

Now on to tomorrow....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 15, 2009

Dear Diary,

Guess what? I have booked a flight out of pure spontaneity! After mentioning the need to buy the movie White Christmas whenever I see it, a friend offered the option of seeing it live in Cincy. So after researching flight prices and lodging, ticket options, I booked the flight.

The opportunity to see Bing Crosby live and in person is just too much to pass up! I mean, it's amazing that some 57 years after its opening on the silver screen, Bing returns to the role in the small Ohio town.

What's that you say? It's not really Bing? Of course it's Bing! Don't be ridiculous! And at any rate, it promises a sighting of two (potentially three) close friends along the way.

But that's not until November.

I wonder what tomorrow holds...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 14, 2009

Dear Diary,

I'm pretty sure I hold this sentiment more often than I'd like to admit, but tonight I very much want to marry a man with some wealth...very soon. Call me lazy, call me old-fashioned, or call me a "gold digger" but I'm tired of having to support myself. I'm ready to marry him and take an early retirement.

Should I give notice to my employer tomorrow?...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13, 2009

Dear Diary,

I was on my way to getting out of the "office" in good time this afternoon. Finished my responsibilities, began to gather my things, and then Friendly walked in. Somehow we happened into some deep theological discussion tonight and my journey home got delayed about an hour.

I didn't mind. I think some of the things we talked about were things he needed some answers to. I was glad to provide some. And to hear where he was coming from. I have never considered Friendly as a sincere possibility. But have for a long time valued his friendship. And felt like there is a reason he's in my life at the moment.

Perhaps these questions are that reason. He probably needs someone who is not going to shy away from him. Who's not going to hand him blanket answers that are unresearched and provided with little thought. He asked if he could come back tomorrow and continue the discussion. Absolutely, thought I.

My only concern is that I was thinking of taking a "personal day" tomorrow. My mental health could use it.

But only God knows what tomorrow holds...

Monday, October 12, 2009

October 12, 2009

Dear Diary,

Tonight I (almost) fell asleep on the couch watching back to back episodes of I Love Lucy. If it weren't for a friend's phone call I probably would have been out in just a moment. Then I would have begrudgingly awakened at 3 am still having to take the dogs out, and get things ready for work in the morning. Thankfully the phone rang.

But before, I sunk lower and lower into the couch, I was really enoying the classic TV show. I'm not over the top in fandome but I do like the show quite a bit. Tonight it was some kind of countdown to Halloween so they were playing some episodes with some goofy eeriness to the plot. But in general, I enjoyed the chauvenist blanket line by Ricky stating "I don want my wife in show busness. I want er to be a wife. To cook an clen and fesh my slipperss. An haf dinner on the table."

And while I like to fancy myself a bit old-fashioned, and somewhat in accord with what he's looking for, I also enjoyed Lucy's reply: "But you don't even wear slipperss."

It's not really a cutting feminist comeback, but it does sort of tone down the chauvenism a tad. Probably if I didn't have a job, I'd enjoy the housekeeping. And playing fesh with the slipperss. But with a job there's no time or energy. So is there a problem with looking for a man who can support us both? I'm just not built for two careers. (I can barely find one that's a good fit).

Wonder what tomorrow holds...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

October 11, 2009

Dear Diary,

So there's nothing like new jewelry, a new haircut, and a 6 mile run to give you a better outlook on life. The 10k was this morning, and went much smoother than I was expecting. I think in my training, I must have been running a much longer mile than what a mile actually is. But at any rate, I finished and then ate food that doesn't belong in one's system immediately after a long run. But that was kind of the point of the race. It was after all called the Race for the Taste.

And a couple days ago, I told you I was done with all the current prospects. But admittedly, they remain in my thoughts from time to time. Yesterday, I went back to considering Mystery Man. Today, a friend called and told me that Pen Pal was back at church today. And when asked about Radar, I remitted that I hadn't heard from him in awhile and that was okay. ...And ten minutes later he emailed me. Another good email, too. So who knows where my allegiances lie these days.

But things are good when there's a haircut and jewelry involved.

Wonder what tomorrow holds...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 10, 2009

Dear Diary,

Today was a fun day of Disney World, Race Prep, and a Jewelry Party. Disney World was beyond fun considering it was class, today. But even as class, Disney World is a blast.

Race Prep is exciting even though it was only "Packet Pick-up." Still 6 miles is coming in less than 12 hours, and that is always a rush.

And the jewelry party was just what I needed. Some social interaction that has been hard to come by, some new jewelry, and a reason to feel prettier. That is also much needed.

New excitement is in the works...

Maybe tomorrow I'll tell you about it...

Friday, October 9, 2009

October 9, 2009

Dear Diary,

Some events occurred today that got me excited for a friend. The funny thing about this Diary, is that I now have occasionally received notes, etc addressed to me as "Dear Diary." And I get to hear what is happening in the lives of my readership. I enjoy it! (So don't be deterred).

And one such writer had some exciting news today about the writer's own dating life. Congratulations, Friend. Looking forward to seeing what unfolds, now. But it also causes me to reflect on all the rules that people put on dating.

You see, I am a sucker for those self-help books. I've read several and followed the rules and suggestions and guidelines. Sometimes I see results, sometimes nothing changes. I've also heard people say that when you least expect it, that's when it happens. So there are times when I disregard the rules, and think nothing of dating. (Which is mostly what's happening now, because of the speed and velocity at which my life is clipping along this semester). And still, with that advice nothing happens. And yet, here's my friend who is not being terribly proactive with the dating, and big news hits for her.

So for all the advice handed one another, I think it's safe to say that Humphrey Bogart (or rather Rick Blaine) was right in that "The problems of three little people..." (You, Me, and that guy I'm interested in) "...don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world."

Someday, I'll understand that...

Maybe not today,...

Maybe not tomorrow....

(But soon and for the rest of my life)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

October 8, 2009

Dear Diary,
I spent the day at the Brevard Zoo and then discussing Philosophy with my Dad at a Five Guys. I love such discussions with Dad. I have always admired the wealth of knowledge I find in him. The man is quite possibly the smartest man in the world. ;) At any rate, our philosophy discussion had very little to do with the topics discussed in this daily commentary. However, I have found that by discussing philosophy with Dad, I have reached an impasse with nearly every potential date on the horizon.

The ones I have favored for the duration of this diary, are not measuring up, today. I am tired of the back and forth (much like a tennis match) with Radar. I am not interested in being unappreciated with Crush. I'm not even sure that Mystery Man has the smarts to be the leader I see in Dad. Online Boys, Rock Climbing Instructor, Man-In-Tux, and even the great Taylor Hicks have faded into the background.

As it turns out, not having any interest in those in my current circle, kind of makes things exciting. As Sis would say, "The world is my oyster."
Wonder if tomorrow holds the pearl...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October 7, 2009

Dear Diary,

Facebook has apparently caught on to our daily confidence. He (aka Facebook) is always telling me about ways to meet guys. Should I find that irritating? Today's suggestion is to find someone who loves tennis.


I think among all the compatible interests that are important to me, tennis is not high on the list. I do like a good volley from time to time, and I really enjoy playing. But it's not often that I just have to play some tennis. And if I did, again, there are plenty of girls I would rather try my hand against than some guy who could knock me out with the speed and velocity of which he can hit the ball. It's almost the same as co-ed softball.

Am I afraid? "No!" screams the inner-sportswoman. But "yes," timidly admits the girly-me. I want him to like sports. And occasionally, I wouldn't mind casually playing with or against him. But it's not important to me to find someone who loves tennis.

But thank you, Facebook, for the suggestion.

Wonder what tomorrow holds...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 6, 2009

Dear Diary,

Today was an infinitely better day than yesterday. And tomorrow shows much promise. In fact, after dinner at HuHot tonight, my "statement cookie" (because it's more of just a statement than a fortune) said that there is much to be gained from social events right now. I wish I had time for those sorts of activities on a regular basis.

But as it turns out, I am going to the symphony tomorrow. Not too much of a "social event" I suppose as I'm going with about 20 elementary kids...and a few adults. But it's one of those high brow events to put on my social resume. I really miss going to the symphony and to the opera. That was the nice thing about going to school at IU. Stuff like that was always available.

I went to the Opera a few months ago, but it was in a movie theatre and just wasn't the same, in my opinion. And I'm not the type of girl who will expect her man to go to the opera and symphony every time it's in town, but I do think I'd like a man who's open to the idea from time to time. And if he's not, then, I'll bring my Mom or Sis or some other girlfriend.

I can deal with that.

So that's what tomorrow holds...

Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5, 2009

Dear Diary,

Well, I told Radar exactly what I told you the other day. That when things get rough I have the impulse to talk to him. You know what happened? His response was careless and unsatisfactory. So long, Radar...for now.

Of course I broke my own rules by telling him. Anytime I get sentimental with him he turns into a rather boring character. I've said before that I don't understand them.

And then another friend invited me to an event which may have some single guys present. Maybe not. Anyway, the unfortunate thing about this semester is that I simply don't have the time to pursue these kinds of invitations.

And another friend is going to maybe try the Speed Dating experience. What do you think?

We'll see what tomorrow holds...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 4, 2009

Dear Diary,

This weekend has provided some much needed rest and relaxation, as well as brought order to the new house a little bit. I have also discovered the house I intend to buy, and run 5.5 miles in a very mundane circle. I almost feel ready for the school week.

I will admit that with no "summer vacation" of sorts, this year is proving very difficult to get through. But I'm just trying to take it one day at a time. And although evening activities have had to get put on hold for the time being, I am not yet discouraged about my current social life.

I will say however that although I love my church and my small group very much, I have contemplated for some time trying some place new. Not just for social aspects alone but especially because with the move it has become increasingly harder to make the drive to church every week. And most of my family has begun to settle on one church together. It might be nice to go where they go every week. And the social prospects at this church seem to be much larger.

I'm not talking about just having stuff to do or making new friends because I have that at my home church. I'm talking about the prospect of meeting some single guys there. Apparently there are several. And it's the 5th fastest growing church in the nation.

Mom reported to me today that she found a fella for me at the services this morning. Whether or not she'll ever see him again is unclear but if Mom approves of him, I'm willing to drop by and check him out.

I have however, also been in the mood for Radar to simply relocate to Florida, marry me, and get started on our lives together...

So we'll see what impulses tomorrow might bring...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

October 3, 2009

Dear Diary,

So, it's a new month which means a new recipe must be learned. I was thinking instead of trying a meat dish this time, I would try a new pasta recipe, as I seem to be in love with pasta lately. In fact I had a fantastic pasta dish at dinner last night and I'm wondering if it's cheating to try and recreate that dish. At least it would taste good.

I've had a very relaxing and yet productive day today. It's been awhile since I've had a Saturday all to myself. And it was a much-needed day. I'll probably go shopping for the house in a little bit and maybe EPCOT a little later. Depends on how long the productive energy lasts. :)

We'll see what tomorrow holds...

Friday, October 2, 2009

October 2, 2009

Dear Diary,

Another week is over and it's the weekend, again. I went looking at houses tonight. I realize I just moved into a new house, but in case you missed the premise to that, it belongs to Mom and Dad. I'm just renting it temporarily. The plan is to buy a new one before that government program runs out. So that means I need to get moving on it, so we can close before the end of November.

I actually found one that I like tonight. From the outside, anyway. I need to now contact my realtor and have her show me the inside. I think it shows much promise, though and seemingly in the right price range.

Is it intimidating to a guy for a girl to be so settled down already? I mean, career, house, dog. I always imagined marriages beginning with nothing. Right out of college, first jobs, apartment living, buying the dog together...
Just didn't expect to have to wait so long. Honestly, though I'm comfortable with having to know how to live on my own (though I technically never have). I do know how to take care of occasional hassles like oil changes and laying flooring. I just find it tedious and to be more of the man's job.

I'm not saying I have it all together. I'm just wondering if he wants to put it together instead.

Wonder what tomorrow holds...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1, 2009

Dear Diary,

You have probably gathered from recent entries that I am becoming increasingly exhausted and frustrated. And not all of that is the singleness of my life. Frankly, besides these conversations between you and me, I rarely think about it. Much else consumes my thoughts throughout most of the day. But when that's the case, I can't help but want to call Radar and talk to him about everything that's happening. It's an impulse that has never really gone away.

And I'm not sure why that's an impulse for me. I mean he's been one of my closest friends for approximately 12 years. But whenever I do get to talk to him about the stress I'm feeling on any given occasion, he never responds the way I want him to. I'm not even sure what kind of response I'm looking for. He's always been a good listener, but for some reason he never has the right thing to say.

Like many guys, he'll possibly try to "fix" the situation. Sometimes, I just want to get it out, not get it fixed. Or he simply doesn't have the sympathy I'm looking for.

Frankly, that's just me being a girl and not understanding guys, and guys not understanding girls. But even so, I never get the satisfaction I'm looking for by taking my concerns to my occasional "soul mate."

Sure would like to talk to him, though.

Perhaps tomorrow....