Dear Diary,
It is officially fall. It doesn't quite feel like Fall down here in Florida. But I notice the subtle differences. The 80- rather than 90-degree weather. The decor at Disney World is different. Ipod is getting more eager to play the Christmas music. And Halloween costumes are out in force at all the Targets and Walmarts out there.
I'm not they type of girl to avoid Halloween. I love it. In my opinion, it's all in good fun. I'll carve the pumpkin and dress as a witch and hand out teeth-rotting candy to all who show up on my doorstep. But with all the fun it involves, I have a tendency to get spooked at times. It's that overactive imagination that never left me as I grew up.
One shift I remember distinctly at Disney World was early in my 6-year stint there. In fact it might have been my 2nd or 3rd day there. I was working the Halloween party that night. That part was fun. Not only did I have a job where I got to dress up anyway, but on these nights, I got to dress up as someone dressed up as someone else. It was fun. But finding my location that night was a different story. Not so fun, in fact. I had to walk through a deserted parking lot, carrying a body (very large costume) in a black bag, around a building that wound around next to a small forest lit only by a single green light and the night sky. All the while, I was alone and hearing the blaring of Haunted Mansion music over the speakers.
At times like that, and times like these, I wish I had that protectorate. Oh, where are you?
What fears may cloud tomorrow?
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