Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 30, 2009

Dear Diary,

I'm sitting here thinking I need to go change and go for my run. I missed it last night because of a late night at work. And though I know I'll get ti done tonight, I can't seem to get it done at this moment. Truth is, I'm waiting for the pizza to arrive and it just would have beat me home if I went for a run earlier. And now that I'm waiting, it's getting darker which means, I need to travel over to the Boardwalk for the run. This is not a horrible circumstance as I do most of my running there. But it does make the run last longer because of the round-trip drive time. At any rate, when I started my training again, I was dropping weight and inches pretty quick. That might be because I started at 4 miles. But I've hit a standstill and I'm having a hard time getting motivated. Especially since exhaustion is making it's finest appearance these days.

Either way, I intend to remain seated for the time being. I think I've earned it. Even if it means a drive, later.

Wonder what tomorrow holds...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September 29, 2009

Dear Diary,

The new house has some unique intrigue. Every morning, I can count on either hot air balloons or sand cranes, or potentially both in abundance. And rainbows seem to arrive every evening on my way home. These are simple pleasures.

But I always find it peaceful and reassuring in the morning, when I'm more tired than I could possibly imagine, and more discouraged due to lack of sleep and lack of dates, and I hear in overwhelming volume the sand cranes calling back and forth to each other from across the neighborhood. If I didn't already have to be awake, I might view this quite differently. The volume and peculiar noise these birds create can be too much for one who wants to stay in bed.

But seeing these birds who are always in pairs, makes me happy to know that God created "soul mates" for birds. I don't think I've ever seen a "single" sand crane. Another "Friends" episode comes to mind when Phoebe calls Ross Rachel's "lobster." And I recall the video of the otters on youtube who are lounging and holding hands. I love that animals can enjoy this companionship.

The passage comes to mind "Consider the birds of the air..." Perhaps it's not talking about soul mates specifically, but I still think that if God gives as such to the sand cranes, then He's got someone in mind for me too.

Just wonder if He's thinking of revealing him to me tomorrow...

Monday, September 28, 2009

September 28, 2009

Dear Diary,
I am extremely exhausted tonight, but it's been a mostly good day. It started with the weather forecast predicting 60 degree temperatures later in the week, and ended with a fantastic sing-along with Richard Marx out at EPCOT's Eat to the Beat Concert Festival.

I like Richard Marx, but I am not, per se, a "fan." I do admit to having 2 cassette tapes, though, and even bought a more recent CD and bonus disc a few years back. To be honest, I always thought he wrote a good lyric. And he retains the same tenderness in recent years that he had back in junior high. Well, when I was in junior high, not him. The album I bought most recently has a song called "Falling" on it that I really enjoy. It's one of my favorites, and not just among RM repertoire, but among ballads.

But other than that, Mr. Marx will always remind me of a certain lad in junior high from whom I received my cassette tapes. A young boy with the same initials as Richard Marx. I was over the moon for this boy, and when he finally asked me to "go with him," I was elated. And imagine my excitement when the next day he bought me a gift. The sad thing was that he originally bought/brought me an LL Cool J album which I was unable to accept because of the language. So the next day he came back with two Richard Marx tapes. I listened to them tirelessly, imagining the other RM singing each song directly to me. Those were wonderful days. They may have even been gifted with a necklace. I can't remember.

Unfortunately, my relationship with RM didn't last awfully long. It was probably a couple weeks later when I gave him the necklace back, and I'm pretty sure I saw it on the girl who's locker was next to mine, a few weeks after that. Ah, Junior High Romance. I wonder why that's popping up so frequently lately. First Drakkar, now RM.

We'll see what curiosities tomorrow should hold...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

September 27, 2009

Dear Diary,
Ordinarily, I am a very normal girl. Sometimes I can be completely cool. On very rare occasions, I am the life of the party. But I have my moments where I become a complete idiot.

I have thought very little of one gentleman in particular as of late. In fact, it has probably been over a month since I even remembered his existence. Typically, I see him every Sunday, or sometimes in the middle of the week. But since school began, I have found myself incredibly busy and worn out, which has pulled me away from the activities in which I would have otherwise seen him. That's actually a good thing because as I have discovered time and again, he does not return my affection. (Though at times, his actions say otherwise). And out of sight in this case has in fact, turned into out of mind.

But today I knew I'd see him. In fact, I drove up and scanned the parking lot looking for his car. This I assumed was a momentary lapse. I didn't see his car and therefore put him out of my mind once again. But he did show, and I still was able to not think much of him.

...Until we spoke for a short time. And he introduced me to his guests, and we talked about Disney World and in one fell swoop, I became an idiot. My voice got goofy, my laugh got ridiculous, and I stumbled over every word. Why does that always seem to happen in his presence? Crushes should come with all the safety gear that rollerblading entails: the helmet, elbow pads, wrist guards, and knee pads. That way on days like today we come out unscathed.

Back when I first met Crush, I fell hard and fast for him. And that was over a year ago. Four months ago, the attraction still lingered. I couldn't shake him. After finally being rid of him for a time, he shows up and has this affect. Crush, I'm trying to just be cool so could you please just go away? :) (Actually, don't leave, I adore being an idiot...)

Tomorrow should be Crush-free...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

September 26, 2009

Dear Diary,

I love my sister dearly, but perhaps I was misleading with my last entry as regards Sister Day. After spending some time with her last night, it may not be her overwhelming beauty that attracts such glances.

Now before, I go on, please take this entry with the sarcasm it is intended. Sis is absolutely beautiful and deserves every look she gets.

But have you ever seen the movie Easter Parade? (Again with the movies...) Well, there's a scene in the beginning of the movie where Fred Astaire is trying to find out if men ever turn around and look at Judy Garland. So he tries something. He steps back and lets her walk on ahead. In a matter of moments, passersby are turning around and watching as they pass her by. He then rejoins her and excitedly announces "That's it. You've got it." She smiles and thanks him, but the audience knows that the passersby were turning and smiling -- almost laughing -- at the fish face she had affected in order to get people to take notice. It was quite ridiculous, and hilarious at the same time. Fred is none the wiser.

Well, last night, I thought that Sis was getting quite a few glances, but they were often due to her antics. She was not alone in such antics, I was also a bit loopy. But it just goes to show that sometimes attention is not because of one's beauty, but because of one's level of "crazy."

Now, having said that, she knows I'm just using her as an example to point out a misconception, however un-misconceived it is in her case... :)

Wonder what tomorrow holds...

Friday, September 25, 2009

September 25, 2009

Dear Diary,

Well, my dreams are not shot, but as it turns out that very special aspiration of someday singing alongside Michael W Smith will not come to fruition after all. I am not heartbroken, but slightly disappointed. This didn't seem like such a long shot for awhile, but it just didn't work out. I did go ahead and buy my tickets though to the show, so I'll still get to experience that again. :) And congrats to the friend who DOES get to live out my dream. :)

Meanwhile, the week is at long last at a close...kind of. Tomorrow holds a special kind of excitement, but there's still much preparation to be done for that. And unfortunately no new prospects on the horizon.

As for the old prospects, well after emailing Radar at the beginning of the week, he emailed the very next day. I still have not replied. And I haven't given much thought to Crush lately, nor have I even seen him. Friendly, on the other hand I a not-interested-in-dating kind of way. Remember that little girl who ran from the bouquet? Well, that's me with Friendly. But I love when he comes around. And today he gave me a subtle wink as he left. Very cute.

Wonder what tomorrow holds...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

September 24, 2009

Dear Diary,

Tonight when I got home from teaching a trumpet lesson, my neighbor was parked across from my house in the street and was talking to a couple of teenagers who were standing in the yard of the vacant lot next to ours. Neighbor came to talk to me while Neighbor's Wife continued to talk to the teenagers. Apparently, as it turns out, the kids were caught meandering behind the houses on the street, and behind ours in particular. Neighbor then told me to keep an eye out and informed me that he and Wife were confronting the kids right then.

A few minutes later when I had changed for my run, the kids were gone and neighbor was still parked and appeared to be on the phone. Then he left. About a mile into my run, Neighbor returned to the same spot, and shortly thereafter, a cop arrived as well. The two began to trapse around the houses next door, and then paused in my driveway to pick off the sandburs that had collected all over their legs. I stopped running to see what was happening.

"Are they still around?" I asked Neighbor. "No, they caught 'em," he said with a smile. But the commotion continued for another hour or so. What I eventually found out is that it's not the first time such a thing has occurred and that the police are now doing foot patrols through ours and other closeby neighborhoods. Amazingly, after having such criminal action take place (the kids were charged with trespassing and criminal mischief), I feel safer. But panic definitely took over when Neighbor first approached me with the situation. "Keep an eye out?" I thought. "As if I'm in a position to confront or arrest anyone?" "Where's my husband at times like these?" thought I.

But as it turns out, single as I am, and old as I feel these days, I do alright alone. I do just fine. I just want more than fine...

I wonder what (mischief) tomorrow holds...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September 23, 2009

Dear Diary,

I have long been frustrated at the lack of initiative many guys have these days. And I'm not sure it's that necessarily, but at least in relation to me, not many guys will approach. I'm not trying to be self-deprecating, it's just the truth. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've been asked out. Well, that's probably not true, either, but it doesn't happen a lot. And I figure it's probably the circles I run in. Christian guys especially have little initiative.

However, at recess yesterday, I think I discovered what happened. As I sat there watching the kids play and receiving 3-4 bouquets of wild flowers from the girls in my class, I happened to notice a little 1st grade boy. He had wandered around the playground gathering what appeared to be pine needles (the long ones that come in twos, not the little douglas fir, kind), and carefully and deliberately put them together in a bouquet of his own. Then, looking as proud as can be, held them straight out in front of him, and leaned back to admire them, quite proud of his work. And not lowering them one bit, he walked right over to the 1st grade girl of his choice and was ready to pass them off as a token of affection when she spotted him and took off running. He chased her briefly, and then gave up.

This, I imagine, is a common experience among little boys. And at receiving such a reaction, I'm pretty sure they are not eager to approach with more flowers anytime soon. I don't fault the boys in this scenario. Rather I see myself in that little girl. As much as I am eager for the right boy to come along, I tend to decide right away whether he's the "right" one, and if he's not, I'm outta there lickity split! I panic, I babble, I make up excuses, or just plain look the other way. For some reason, dating just to date is a scary thing to me. It's something I'm willing to work on, though.

Here's hoping tomorrow my feet are more firm...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September 22, 2009

Dear Diary,

It is officially fall. It doesn't quite feel like Fall down here in Florida. But I notice the subtle differences. The 80- rather than 90-degree weather. The decor at Disney World is different. Ipod is getting more eager to play the Christmas music. And Halloween costumes are out in force at all the Targets and Walmarts out there.

I'm not they type of girl to avoid Halloween. I love it. In my opinion, it's all in good fun. I'll carve the pumpkin and dress as a witch and hand out teeth-rotting candy to all who show up on my doorstep. But with all the fun it involves, I have a tendency to get spooked at times. It's that overactive imagination that never left me as I grew up.

One shift I remember distinctly at Disney World was early in my 6-year stint there. In fact it might have been my 2nd or 3rd day there. I was working the Halloween party that night. That part was fun. Not only did I have a job where I got to dress up anyway, but on these nights, I got to dress up as someone dressed up as someone else. It was fun. But finding my location that night was a different story. Not so fun, in fact. I had to walk through a deserted parking lot, carrying a body (very large costume) in a black bag, around a building that wound around next to a small forest lit only by a single green light and the night sky. All the while, I was alone and hearing the blaring of Haunted Mansion music over the speakers.

At times like that, and times like these, I wish I had that protectorate. Oh, where are you?

What fears may cloud tomorrow?

Monday, September 21, 2009

September 21, 2009

Dear Diary,

It's the start of another week and we are 1/8 of the way through the year. Hooray! Sometimes, it's probably safe to say that with the momentum of a new school year, dating can hit a lull. And sometimes, not even dating, but that very dull stage just shy of dating, called interest. There are relatively few gentlemen out there at the moment who hold that sentiment from me.

But in the busy-ness of course prep and upacking at the house, I occasionally briskly pass a particular candle with a very distinctive aroma. It has become one of my favorites since I first discovered it sometime in college. It's the Yankee Candle flavor "Midsummer's Night." Ordinarily, that title for a scent would not jump out at me, but after discovering it, I have been taken back time and again to junior high dances. The candle to me is reminiscent of Drakkar Noir, the popular scent of the junior high boys of the time. That was a fabulously memorable time in my childhood. When you're that age, you don't even talk to the boys you dance with. You simply sway awkwardly, trying desperately not to accidently look at each other at the same time. What great fun.

What's tomorrow's aroma?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

September 20, 2009

Dear Diary,

I'd like to title this entry "If I were a Rich Wife." I affectionately do so in honor of Topol as he continues to travel the country as Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof. And also in honor of our garrulous cook at HuHot yesterday. One of the many things he decided to share with us is how he has never begrudged having a job. He likes to work. He likes to have something to do. In fact, if Cook did not have something to do at every moment, he thinks he would go insane. He doesn't understand women who don't work. Or men who are content to live off welfare.

Now, to a certain extent, I agree with him. Welfare is not supposed to be a cop out. And laziness is not terribly commendable. And I won't say that as soon as I'm married, I'm giving notice to my employer. I just don't think I'm one of those girls who would "go crazy" if I didn't have a job. It's true that after a certain amount of time of having nothing to do, one might get a little restless. But I think that if I were to marry a man of some wealth, I could probably find other things to do rather than be fully concerned with a career.

For instance, "If I Were a Rich Wife..."

I would take lots of classes -- Dance, karate, art, photography, etc.

I would go to the gym and accept and embrace the idea of being a "trophy."

I would have coffee or ice cream with the other rich wives during the day.

I would take Pigeon to the dog park, or lounge by the pool.

I would catch up on my Jane AustenI would write letters, and books.

I would perfect my culinary capabilities and "have dinner on the table."

I don't think I'd grow restless with pedicures, malls, and Disney World about. I think I could actually enjoy it. ...if I were a rich wife...

Wonder what riches tomorrow will hold...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

September 19, 2009

Dear Diary,

This afternoon was a sister day. We lounged at the pool, then off to lunch at HuHot and then a trip to the mall. Sister Day is always a holiday to me. All my life I have wanted to be just like my sister. I chose activities and studies because that's what she chose, along the way. I remember being so sad that I couldn't play the flute, or even attend the same college. Sis was always the ideal. And she still is, to me.

I've always thought she was beautiful but as we have "grown up" it becomes even more apparent to me. And even more proven, time and again, when we have days like today, because I am never approached as frequently by men as when I'm with my sister.

Today for instance, at lunch, the cook just would not stop talking to us. On a typical visit to said establishment, the cook might say hello or ask a question or two, but that would be it and he would go about doing his job at grilling your food and that of the rest of the guests in line. Today was different. Today, this man wanted to tell us everything about life and find out if we had boyfriends or husbands or kids or jobs or if we were on welfare, or eating healthy or come to HuHot in the daytime or evening time. My he was chatty.

All this occurred while another man continued to steal glances at her from across the restaurant. I still strive to be like sis. On top of being smart and successful, she's the prettiest one. ;)

Perhaps tomorrow holds another Sister Day...

Friday, September 18, 2009

September 18, 2009

Dear Diary,

For a time, Friendly used to ask me to play for him when I'd have my guitar. I felt weird about this. Most of the songs I know are songs I wrote. So, it wasn't like he would know the songs I was playing. But one day he asked me if I knew the Shania Twain song, "From This Moment." Of course I knew it. I like that song a lot. But apparently he meant, did I know how to play it on guitar. The answer to that question was "no."

Once the confusion was cleared up, he hasn't really asked me to play that song since. But then I started thinking that I do like that song. So, the other day, I found the chords and learned it. It's not a tough one at all. I was all ready to try it out for him the next time I saw him, but then I started feeling weird about that.

I like Friendly. He's really nice and fun to joke around with. But I'm not interested in him. And I thought it might be strange if I pulled this song out of nowhere. Especially since I didn't know it until he asked me to play it. Then it would appear that I went and learned it just for him. Which is not the case.

I've felt the pull of music on my sleeve lately. Wanting to dive in and recapture the feeling of what it is to perform. To either write from the heart or as Taylor says, decide to make one your own. I've never been good at that -- singing someone else's song. I've always felt like it's sacred to the original artist. You can't take that away from them. So, I've just written my own. But people would rather hear songs they know, I've found.

Anyway, I'm not really sure what I'm getting at, but I was thinking about that lately, since I've been considering my "dreams." Christian artistry has always been a part of that. Sometimes I let it slip from my memory. But I love to play. I love to perform. I really love to pour my heart out in a song.

What's tomorrow's song?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

September 17, 2009

Dear Diary,

Today is an important day in many respects. Not the least of which is that today is my "niece's" 4th birthday. She's not a niece by blood relation, but she's the daughter of my very best friend of 23 years. And from stories her mom has told me, it sounds like the trials of dealing with boys starts very young. :) I kind of remember that from being a kid, myself...Either way, I hope the day was a smashing success for the birthday girl. Wish I could have been there to celebrate.

Unfortunately, I wasn't. I was here in Florida, begrudging the heat and the fact that I signed myself up for 3 races in October and that I can't slack on my training. Well, truth be told that I've only registered for 2, but the 3rd one's on the agenda soon. So off I went to the Boardwalk for a pleasant, and abbreviated 2-mile run tonight. I couldn't believe my eyes, though when I started the first lap and immediately crossed paths with "Running Man" from my Sunday run. That NEVER happens. And although he was hardly worth it on Sunday, at least he smiled....once....tonight. He must have recognized me as well.

And then I ran on to discover that Life Guard and Ship's Captain were also both on duty tonight! Perhaps such sightings are not as insignificant as they might initially appear to be.

And having absolutely nothing to do with the previous encounters, it might behoove you to know that tomorrow is "Talk Like a Pirate" Day (observed). So...

I be waitin' to see what booty lies in tomorrow's adventures...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 16, 2009

Dear Diary,

I had few dreams as a child that I can recollect. In terms of what I would be when I "grew up," that is. As it turns out, I happen to have very vivid sleeping dreams. But one probably had something to do with Disney World. I don't believe that as a child I would have known to dream about being Mickey Mouse, but I'm sure I dreamt of living there.

I had aspirations of becoming a famous basketball player and playing for Coach Bobby Knight. Height somewhat killed that dream, though I did "play for" Coach a roundabout sort of way.

But the other dream I distinctly remember was to be a Christian Recording Artist. And more specifically, to some day sing with Michael W. Smith. If those are the only 3 dreams I had as a child, then at 31, I may soon be able to say that all my dreams have come true! Just crossing my fingers on this last one.

...And then of course, there's that 4th dream that has always taken precedence over the someday be a wife...well, could be 3 down, 1 to go!

We'll see what tomorrow holds...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September 15, 2009

Dear Diary,

I'm about on my way out the door for another 3 mile run. I'm crossing my fingers that perhaps Life Guard or Ship's Captain is there again. It's very rare to see the same Cast Members over and over again when I'm there. So here's to hoping tonight is rare.

Otherwise, Diary, there is something on my mind, that I'm dying to talk to you about. But since you're somewhat public, I have to be extremely vague. Even perhaps more vague than normal. But just know that there's someone out there. Someone who makes me smile. Someone who smiles at me. But officially, he's not anyone. Believe me, I know it doesn't make sense, but that's all I can give you right now.

Hold on for tomorrow...

Monday, September 14, 2009

September 14, 2009

Dear Diary,

Well, I made it through my run last night, and had some fairly insignificant encounters with gentlemen like Running Man, Life Guard, and Ship's Captain. I often wish these encounters weren't so insignificant. That perhaps something might transpire from such a passing. Running Man was hardly worth it though. Life Guard I have seen occasionally before during my run, so that is something, but Ship's Captain was new to me. And he smiled. Have I ever mentioned that I'm a sucker for smiles? Well, SC had a very nice one. And had nice other features to go along with the teeth.

So perhaps tomorrow holds another SC sighting. A girl can hope, anyway...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

September 13, 2009

Dear Diary,

Well, the goal is 4 more miles tonight. I'm sure it will be a tough run, but it should be helpful in the Being Prepared department, because my appetite has been out of control, lately. Luckily, it's mostly healthy food that I'm consuming...

But at lunch today, I had never felt more single. Well, that's probably not true because I can recollect other times, but I was standing with a group of girls chattin' as we waited in line for a potluck dinner at the church. As we stood there, another church-goer came back and told two of the girls that they could go up with their husbands, rather than being clear at the back of the line. And while that was fine that they line jump, I looked at the other friend with me and said "Where are our husbands when we need them?" The two of us were left at the end of the line. Apparently being married has a line-jumping benefit attached as well. :)

Wonder what tomorrow holds...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

September 12, 2009

Dear Diary,

I'm sitting here watching Madagascar 2 for some reason and my brother keeps rewinding and watching the "professional whistling" scene. And while I suppose it is funny, I am not half as enamored by that as I am at the silliness that ensued with Mystery Man recently. I still don't know MM very well, but we seem to get along and laugh a lot.

Meanwhile I seem to be punishing Radar for mentioning the other girls in his last email. It seems that way, but really I keep forgetting to email him back. I suppose I could do that now...

Or maybe I'll hold that until tomorrow....

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11, 2009

Dear Diary,

Remember that Man of Mystery that I won't tell you much about? Well, he called me today. ....FOUR TIMES! :) And really that's all I have to say about that.

We'll see what tomorrow should hold...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

September 10, 2009

Dear Diary,

We're back to the betterment ideology today. That is to say that I have tried my hand at 3 new recipes in the past 2 days, and I've run 9 miles this week (broken up over 3 days). Tonight's run had the added benefit of it being a last-minute flirt night at the boardwalk.

I know I've talked about the game and probably left the impression that I am a pro at flirting. I am not. It's hard enough for me to be bold enough to make eye-contact, Diary. But when you're running, somehow it's a little easier. And for some reason guys seem to take more notice when you're running past. So I used that tonight. Thankfully, one guy (a cast member at the Boardwalk) even forgot he was helping another guy lifting large kiosks, and he just stopped, smiled, and watched as I ran past the two of them. ...Much to the annoyance of the guy holding the other end of the kiosk.

I must reiterate that this is not an everyday occurrance. I wish I was good at the flirting thing. When I told you about flirt night from the start, apparently some have mistaken me for being bold enough to "plant one" on the balloon guy. Here is evidence above that it does happen. But it was not I who kissed him. Just clarifying.

So I'll continue the running and the culinary improvement. And wait in anticipation for whatever tomorrow holds...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 9, 2009

Dear Diary,

I just finished watching the third installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. I know that the storyline is a bit meandering, and it seems to have about 4 different logical endings. But for all its faults, it has some treasurable moments. Haha! "Treasurable." That was unintentional. But true of the whole series, as well. I am a Pirates fan. Well...the movies, anyway. Did you know that Bing Crosby used to be part owner of the Pittsburg Pirates. And his uncle was an actual Scandinavian Pirate.

..Again, I'm off track, aren't I?

Anyway, back to Pirates III. My favorite of scenes in that film would have to be the "wedding" and kiss at the "end." I often wonder if any of you girls out there ever sit and rewind the kissing scene and watch it over and over. In any movie. Not just Pirates. I do that. In fact, a couple years ago, I thought it would be fun to put together a collection...a montage, if you will, ....of kissing scenes. And I've found some good ones. In fact, more recent releases are urging me to revise and update the montage. ...Someday.

At any rate, I have often found that I fit that line in Sleepless in Seattle where Rosie says "You don't want to be in love. You want to be in love in a movie!" It's true. I want the orchestra swelling behind me. Perhaps a little slow motion. Or one of those photographic images of the world swirling and a blur behind me, but me and my guy in perfect focus.

And if you're curious, I can't post my montage, which I affectionately call "Chick flick" because of copyrights. But if you're interested in seeing it, drop me a line. ;)

Is tomorrow the big scene?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September 8, 2009

Dear Diary,

Today was not as relaxing as yesterday. But it was filled with a satisfying sense of accomplishment. Today was one of those productive days that pops in every once in awhile for a visit.

But apart from being productive, it was a tad-bit curious. I have read some thoughts recently that make me feel like what I have to say most of the time is fairly insignificant, but I can't bring myself to stop the commentary. Some people take naps, some people go for walks, some "jam." I write to de-stress. Ok, sometimes I put on a 78 or watch some Gilmore Girls. But I really like to write. It's comforting to me sometimes. I used to even take pleasure in "term papers." It's bizarre (which is a word I can't type without thinking of my mom for comedic reasons...)

At any rate, I have drifted off topic. Today held some curiosity as Radar emailed again. Normally this is good news. But just when I think we're making some progress, he starts tellin' me about some girl he met, or ran into recently. Sometimes this gets my goat. However, sometimes it just reaffirms what I always feel in the back of my mind. That I don't swoon over Radar and that perhaps it didn't work out the 7 other times because it's NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HIM!And so I've continued on the "Being Prepared" philosophy, and I continue my training for the 10k. Ran 4 miles Sunday and 3 today.

Pushin' on ahead to whatever tomorrow holds...

Monday, September 7, 2009

September 7, 2009

Dear Diary,

It was so nice to have the day off today. It started with a few laps in the pool and then a lazy 20 minutes or so on the raft, just floating about. Then off to Chik-fil-a for (mostly) free lunch, and then to Disney World where the story begins...

Today was the day for the game I've been talking about. Today was Flirt Day! Now, I must preface this by saying that as I've mentioned before, there are varying levels of flirtiness during this game. We were playing probably the beginner to intermediate level. Mostly because we kept forgetting to flirt. And when we remembered, there were few options around. However, many times, they sought us out. That makes flirt day even more fun!

We were both in our pink Colts jerseys since it got us (mostly) free lunch at Chik-fil-a. So while passing by the American Idol experience, a cast member stopped us to comment on Colts player Bob Sanders. To his credit, he had a nice smile (which you know I enjoy), an easy-going personality, and the recurring desire to high five me. To his discredit, he thought instead (and I being not all that into details did not know to correct him) that my jersey was that of Barry Sanders of Detroit Lions fame. I figured he must have been talking about the guy on the Colts team, because he referenced my sister's jersey (Addai's) saying he thought it must have been him because he saw her jersey. I am really not dissuaded by his lack of Colts football knowledge.

Then a fellow cast member wanted to join in the conversation by putting down the Colts team. I figured the two of them must have declared it Flirt Day as well. Both were easy on the eyes.

We continued the game by later asking a Security guard to help unscrew the cap on a Coke, and by flagging down a cast member at the Publix. Sis also acquired a peck on the cheek from a famous TV personality. All in all, Flirt Day was a fun success!

Now on to whatever tomorrow holds...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

September 6, 2009

Dear Diary,

Back in December or so, I was having dinner at a friend's house when the subject of my "singleness" happened to come up. Most of those gathered there were in the married category. So naturally when you're one of few singles in a group the "set-ups" begin. Well, two of the friends brought up the name of a gentleman they both knew and thought I might get along well with. They teased me about him that evening, and a few days later. Then after a week or two, I got an email from the man himself. It was a nice enough email but didn't draw me in immediately. Nevertheless, I responded. A day or so later, he wrote again. And again, I returned the correspondence. This went on once or twice more and then it just kind of fizzled. Not sure who wrote last, but I know the time lengthened between each email. Somewhere in January, it just sort of stopped. I thought nothing more about it, because frankly, I wasn't overwhelmed by the connection. He was witty. A little goofy. Possibly if we had met under other circumstances (not over awkward email exchanges) we may have clicked a little better. But we didn't. So until today I hadn't thought of him twice since the emails stopped.

This morning though when I walked into church, who should be leading worship, but our friend "Penpal." I wouldn't have even recognized him except that one of the initiating friend's pointed him out to me. I still agree that we are probably not suited for each other. But I do find it funny that he was here. In my hometown. In my home church. Did that encourage me to track him down and say hello after the service? Of course not.

I wonder what tomorrow holds...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

September 5, 2009

Dear Diary,

Today was the big brother's birthday. And it was a fun-filled day. It started poolside with an impromptu pool party. Even the dogs joined in.

And then there was dinner at Olive Garden. And cake at Mom and Dad's. And then the ensuing hilarity that comes at every family gathering.

But there was a small window of time when I was simply cleaning and unpacking and I had an opportunity to put a movie on in the background. (Cable is still not hooked up yet, but the little brother and I have rigged up two DVD players so that we each have one and we need not interrupt each other's paused programs...) So tonight's feature presentation was "New in Town."

I'm not typically a fan of Renee Zellweger. But this fact was offset by the leading man. I do like Harry Connick, Jr. Therefore, I very much like this movie. I have an inclination from time to time to move back up north. To experience the cold, the snow, and the heartwarming thought of winter coats so big and fluffy you begin to look like a giant stay-puff marshmallow man. I often feel as each season approaches that that particular season is perhaps the most romantic of the year. And tonight it's the Christmas season.

It's not unusual at this time of year for me to be dreaming of a white Christmas, but it's especially strong tonight. Perhaps one of my favorite scenes in the movie is the caroling scene. A small-town tradition sends a mass of residents strolling down the street to the town square Christmas tree, candles in hand, voices in harmony. And at one moment, Renee and Harry share a look and a smile, from across the square.

So I wonder who's glance December will bring...

Friday, September 4, 2009

September 4, 2009

Dear Diary,

I seem to have an admirer. He's in kindergarten. :) This may or may not be true, but it's cute that the kid has asked about me two days in a row.

But for real potential...

Michael Buble is coming out with a new album in October and I'm very excited about it. Especially after purchasing the lead single, "Haven't Met You Yet." And to me, that's kind of how I feel about this particular quest. Radar and I go way back, and it's very possible that when the timing is right, he could be it for me. Crush has finally fizzled out of my mind for the most part. Friendly, as I've said before is more for the fun of it rather than having any potential. Taylor will always hold a unique place in my heart. But the real guy? I don't think we've met yet. I think he's still out there. Waiting and hoping for a girl like me. I'm certain of it. And there's reason to be certain of it. There's hope out there. There's promise, as Si s and I have discussed.

So, here's to whatever tomorrow should hold

Thursday, September 3, 2009

September 3, 2009

Dear Diary,

I've often wondered why it is that men howl. The other day (before the big move), I was out walking my dog like I do on any other typical afternoon. I had gradually grown to dislike my particular apartment complex. Lots of bored teenagers hanging around in the parking lot and on balconies. Normally, they stay out of my way, and I stay out of theirs.

So on this particular day, I was walking back toward the lake where I often took my dog, and I hear from the 2nd floor balcony in the building to the right a group of boys start howling and talking about my dog in order to get me to turn around. I ignored them. I'll admit. I'm afraid of those high school boys. And maybe they weren't flirting or trying to get me to go out with them. But I have never understood why guys do that.

It doesn't only happen on balconies, but driving down the road, men hang out their windows and gawk and shout. Do they think I'm going to immediately pull over and ask for their number or even give them mine? Or when I'm running and they honk as they drive by? What is that? How does that help?

Boys, if it works for you then, don't stop I guess. But, help me understand, anyway.

...Wonder bout tomorrow...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 2, 2009

Dear Diary,

No joke! Not even 30 seconds after yesterday's entry was complete, Radar popped up in my inbox! It's eerie sometimes how that happens. Anyway, his brother got married last weekend and so I think the boy has weddings on the brain. :)

I always do. As Jane Austen says, "A lady's imagination is very rapid. It jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony, in a moment." It's true. I can't deny it. I always put him in that spot. Is he marriage-material? And I think that's true of most women. ...But perhaps not all.

I wonder what tomorrow holds

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September 1, 2009

Dear Diary,

Bad news about the pool man. Rumor has it that he's married. I can probably survive though. Pick up my heart and move on. A 30-second encounter is not really enough to form any real connection.

I haven't heard from Radar in awhile. And I'm hoping that by making that statement, he'll suddenly appear in my inbox. My suspicion is that he's staying away because of all the Taylor talk. Who wants to compete with Taylor Hicks. I'm sorry to say that Radar is not really a fan of Taylor's either. That could cause trouble for us down the line...

But Radar is not the only one affected by such developments. I happened to be telling Friendly the other day about my Taylor encounter and I laughingly called him (Tay) "my man." Friendly got jealous, I tell you. He turned away and sulked like a puppy dog. Are you really sure the boy is just being friendly? It wasn't a big scene. He was flirting and playing along, but still...

And then, Diary, there's someone new...details to come.

...Perhaps in what tomorrow holds?....