Monday, November 30, 2009
November 30, 2009
Last night, while putting up Christmas decorations, my mind started to wander. In fact, it was a very heartwarming evening. I made dinner for my parents and my brother and a friend. I got some cleaning and laundry done. I listened to Christmas music, and I put up the tree. Or a tree, anyway. We might do two this year.
But as I put up the tree, I started to think about the things I'm reading about in this book. I started to think about how confidence is an attractive quality in people. And I started thinking about my 'internal issues.' I think some of those have to do with insecurity and lack of confidence. Because I always find it hard to find the line between confidence and over-confidence. I'm never sure where the line is, so I always err on the side of no confidence.
But as I said yesterday, I'm beginning to feel a bit more empowered every day. And I suddenly felt emboldened to ask a certain someone out. Or to be frank about wanting to go out sometime, anyway. I can't tell you who that is, because I promised I wouldn't think about him anymore. And I really haven't to the extent that I was before. Which is perhaps why I started to feel a little bolder. I kind of want to go out with him just to see if I actually would like him. In my mind, it has kind of turned the corner to wondering if he's good enough for me. Does that make sense?
Well, anyway, perhaps I'll make such sentiments known tomorrow. ...Or I'll be gripped again with insecurity... Who knows what tomorrow holds..."
Sunday, November 29, 2009
November 29, 2009
So the book continues to make me feel empowered. Today, I tried "changing my traffic pattern" again. I think I am becoming more aware of my "approachability" as time goes on. I'm more and more careful to look up and make eye contact. I try to get a handle on how eager I am to look away to avoid awkward moments.
So, I headed back to the big church today. I even went alone so that I wasn't tagging along with Mom and Dad or anyone else that might make me unapproachable. Unfortunately, nothing happened. I really do grow discouraged about finding someone at church because everyone's always so careful there. On the other hand, I don't want to fall in love anywhere else. So I'm stuck.
Which brings me to another point. The author keeps placing blame for one's "stuckness." He says it is because of internal issues, not situation or circumstance. He pushes you to search within to discover your internal warfare. I have never really considered myself to be tortured in any way on the inside. Do I have issues? I suppose it's possible, but I wouldn't have a clue what to even look for. Do you know what they are?
Maybe I'll discover something tomorrow...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
November 28, 2009
I have, over the years, developed an inherent mistrust of mood rings. I never wanted it to be that way. I wanted to believe them. I think in the 7th grade perhaps is when they were popular. I bought one a few years back out of reminiscence. In the 7th grade, though, the ring came with a table of what each color meant. It dictated my mood as my ring changed color.
Growing up, I believed it to be true. I was always in and out of "relationships" in school. Always had a boyfriend to hold hands with and daydream about. And my mood ring told me so. Every day, without fail, my ring turned a deep blue. According to the table, that meant that I was "happy & in love." I couldn't argue with that. I sure felt it.
But you know what? I put it on the other day. On a day that I was feeling a little "blue" inside. A day when I was not interested in anyone I already know. You know what that ring told me? It turned that same deep blue it always turned in junior high. "No, I'm not!" I argued. I was neither happy nor in love that day. But Mood Ring just kept shining away in its blissful blue decadence.
I don't trust them anymore. They were never atune to what my "mood" was. They were only faking it. Making it up. That day should have shown black or red. One of which meant anger or fear or sadness. That's what I was really feeling that day. Certainly not "happy and in love."
You don't suppose there is other foolery out there, do you? I've heard rumors about Santa Claus and Mickey Mouse. You don't suppose they're on the same Mood Ring team, do you? Nah, couldn't be!
We'll see what kind of mood we have tomorrow...
Friday, November 27, 2009
November 27, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009
November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving! It's probably fairly safe to say that no effort was put forth to add numbers to my log today. Today was about spending time with family. That's the case for most of us on such a holiday. We had a great lunchtime celebration.
But the day started off with a guilt-trip from my scale. Yep, it's hard to just let loose and feast when the scale has told you that another pound is gone. Missing. Can't be found. Well, it took much effort, but I decided very soon to take a lesson from the Bible.
See, just like that shepherd left the 99 and went searching for that one lost lamb, I too would head out in search of that lost pound. I searched for most of the morning and afternoon. Even through dessert, and my arrival back at home. I can tell you now that I will sleep happily. That lost pound has been found.
(It should be noted, though that tomorrow I plan to lose it again...)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
November 24, 2009
At last, school is out for the week and I can carry on with the Thanksgiving festivities. They began today with our 2nd Grade Thanksgiving Feast. We had a good time and the turkey was phenomenal. But the tryptophan got me pretty quick. I was zapped by the day's end.
But it wasn't anything a little pizza with a friend couldn't cure. I know what you're thinking. "But you just had a Thanksgiving feast!" Yes, it's true, but I was so focused on getting through it and making sure the kids were all accounted for and that we were able to get in our special entertainment before the parents took off with them, so I really didn't end up eating as much as I would have otherwise. Plus, it was just one slice of pizza.
At any rate, it was good because we got to talking about Bing, and nothing lifts my spirits better than Mr. Crosby. Then I rushed home to prepare for company that got delayed an hour because of the combination of rain and I4. Either way, it all worked out and I finally am beginning my vacation time.
Last weekend when I was getting ready to head out on my Cincinnati vacation, I got a curious call from an organization called "It's Just Lunch." You may recognize that name as the company that I told you about several months ago. This was the group that was willing to set me up on a lunch date with a perfect match...for the low, low price of $2000 per year. Turns out they're trying to drum up business in my area and are willing to give me a free trial. That's right. At no cost to me. Now, I have to admit, that under no circumstances would I ever pay the amount they were asking in order to continume my membership, so I'm just not sure what would be included in the free trial. And how long does the trial last? And why would I continue if they're having trouble drumming up business in my area? Just some questions that came to mind. Another one is whether that free trial offer is still good if I called them back. They said I needed to call before 7pm last Friday. Is it still worth the call?
Perhaps I'll call tomorrow...
Monday, November 23, 2009
November 23, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009
November 22, 2009

I honestly love to travel. And my experiences this weekend were no exception. I have told you a little already, but may I expound upon some details?
First of all, I wish I could really express to you how much I enjoyed the show. And again, a million thanks to my Broadway friend who secured the tickets. I really wasn't sure what to expect because the movie is a personal favorite. But I have been around the stage enough to know that you can't expect the movie acted out onstage. Certain changes must be made. But to be honest, even the changes that weren't absolutely neccessary, still played out very well on the stage. The small changes in detail and the direction of different storylines were synergized with the use of classic lines from the movie. And sometimes, those quotes were used in a completely new context, with completely new delivery and meaning, and yet it made it that much more enjoyable to see it live. The costumes were unbelievable. And it utilized the classic, traditional style of production numbers that I love in a musical. I was not only impressed, I was choked up. And the other details that I want to emote about I will keep to myself, because my Broadway friend didn't spoil them and it was that much better as a surprise.
As for my visit with Radar, let me preface this by saying that he remains a great friend. But my frustration with him has grown. I think we are just not cut out for each other. And I'm not surprised by this because this is the exact same conclusion I come to every time. I feel bothered that he won't make a decision about anything. He is becoming more and more introverted. And our interests are increasingly distant. Not only that, but shouldn't a guy hold a door every now and then?
Having said that, Radar, I still love you. But let's just agree this thing is over, and move on with our friendship. What do you say? (By the way, he's completely unaware that this Diary exists).
The sermon topic at my friend's church this morning was coincidentally about being Single. I was enthused that it happened to coincide with my visit. Pretty much because as you can tell, I absolutely love being single. I actually really enjoyed it. He brought in a panel of single people to discuss their "season" in life. I especially liked the season on the far right...
I can't say I took great insight from the panelists, but it did prompt me to want to poll my own panel of singles about how they felt about their seasons. Panelists? What do you think?
Anyway, the plane trip back had little to add to my log, but before boarding I did have a very brief encounter with a young man who may have just stepped off a rap music tour. Are the kids still calling it rap these days? I have no idea. Anyway, the wardrobe was in that style. He was nice, and smiley, which I enjoy, but no real sparks. He commented that he liked my style, and then there was really nothing more to say after that.
I'm not sure what tomorrow holds except for the start to a very short work week...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
November 21, 2009
Dear Diary,
So I'm sitting here in my friend's living room and reflecting on not only the past couple of days, but on life since we last saw each other. And not only that, but since college even. And it's been really good to talk to her and to see her and to reflect on our lives. I have found in this journey that it's really important to have close girl friends like her.
This weekend has been really great, so far. It started with the fact that I actually sat next to a hot, nice, single guy on the plane up here. And the entire time I was thinking, "How can I seem approachable and friendly, and yet not be the instigator of the conversation?" So I put away my iPod, my book, my sudoku puzzle, and I smiled. ...And sat...and twiddled my thumbs...I messed with the light above my seat, the window next to me, the air vents. Ordered some peanuts and a diet coke. Wondered exactly what is club soda. And never said a word. Neither did he. He on the other hand, although friendly while boarding, proceeded to bury his nose in a book and his ears in some headphones. He was unapproachable. Finally as we were landing, I asked him the time. And he responded with a smile. But nothing else. So as we taxied up to the terminal, I asked him if he was from Cincinnati. And he was. And finally we had a conversation. For that 15 minutes or so during the departure procedures. He was very nice. Very handsome. And very much had a girlfriend. But he satisfies all those criteria we were looking for. So there's one for the log.
My visit with Radar was nice, but not significant.
My visit with Bing however, couldn't have gone better if I'd planned it myself. How could Bing ever disappoint. Anyway, if you've never seen the stage production of "White Christmas" and you have the opportunity this season. Do it. You won't regret it.
So we'll see what tomorrow holds...
Friday, November 20, 2009
November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009
November 19, 2009
Let it be officially confirmed that I have hit panic mode. I'm having the hardest time deciding which of my twelve pairs of jeans will look the cutest. And I texted Mom to see if she could come for a late night last minute haircut. I should have anticipated this. And I sort of did. This is about the time after a haircut when it begins to feel awkward again. It won't do what I want it to do because it's too long and thick. But if I try something else, it's too short, so I am panicking. (Is that supposed to be spelled with a k?)
Anyway, there's no reason for it at all, because Radar has known me for over ten years, now I believe. And he has seen me at my worst. (And loved me through that). So why do I quarrel with myself over how exactly I should arrive at the airport when he picks me up? And that is basically a rhetorical question because we all know that regardless of our history, this is another "first impression" least since I saw him in May. And I want a reaction that I read about in stories and novels when a guy sees, for the first time, a girl he's known all his life. That's what I'm going for.
But part of me thinks it's just to have the upper hand. What about the kind of impression he makes on me? Will I not consider that? Perhaps it's better to think about it as though he has to win me over, not the other way around. But that's a harder attitude to achieve sometimes.
At any rate, in this side of 24 hours, I will be off to dinner and a movie in the passenger seat of his Mustang. And that's what tomorrow holds...(after that pesky work day of course)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
November 18, 2009
It was yet another busy day today in the life of this single girl. But a good one. Today we celebrated the State Opening of Parliament with the 2nd grade classes. Although my voice is tired, the rest went off without a hitch.
And as for my log assignment, I'd have to say that I came close to adding to the numbers today. Even twice. I think that a lot of times, I shut guys down before they even approach. It's not intentional, it's that painfully shy girl living inside of me. I have a tendency to avoid eye contact, to avoid "appearing" interested. I think that as a Christian girl, you grow up sensitive to issues as to whether or not that guy is already attached. Married or not, he may have someone and it's hard to know. And I don't want to even have the appearance of "hitting on" some other girl's guy. I know that sounds like a cop out, but I really wonder how it's done. The older I've gotten, the worse I've gotten at flirting.
But the two gentlemen tonight, I made an effort to glance and smile and hold eye contact. Both gentlemen were at Macy's. One was working (and therefore didn't have an abundance of time to stop and chat) and the other was walking from his truck past my car, which I had already climbed into. And Mom was a stone's throw away. Is he going to approach a girl already buckled in with her mom watching from across the row? Doubtful. So although it showed promise, there are still zero men in the log this week.
Luckily there are just 2 more days until the Cincinnati weekend.
But before that even, there's tomorrow...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
November 17, 2009
Whew! Life is just spinning along. I'm actually surprised that I have a minute to sit down and write to you tonight. And I'm wondering just how I'm going to work that out this weekend. But I'll figure something out. Or miss my first day of my diary after 120 some posts.
At any rate, with the evening almost over, I'm starting to feel as though the major hurdles of the week are becoming a distant memory as well. And now it's time to focus fully on the adventures ahead.
I have to admit that I keep having dreams that Radar and I get back together. Sometimes I wake up sad that it's just a dream, and sometimes, I'm a little relieved. What does that say? Probably just confirms what I feel about him on a daily basis. ...A little in love and a little terrified...
And today I got to talk to Friendly again, which was nice. I haven't talked to him in awhile. All this advice in the book I'm reading lately makes me think of him. Mostly because if I am dating to find a husband (which the book advises against), I would never go out with him. But if I were following the author's advice, I think a date with Friendly would be a fun time. That's all.
We'll see what tomorrow holds...
Monday, November 16, 2009
November 16, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009
November 15, 2009
Well, I survived the 10K & 5K this morning. I very nearly can't move at the moment, but I did lose another pound in the process. That makes me happy in addition to the fact that the race tshirt is quite possibly my favorite of any races I've done.
The race itself was enjoyable for the sheer fact that there was a sheriff who was particularly attractive and quite chatty. It was perhaps the smallest race I've ever attended as far as participants are concerned and well along the course, the pack had thinned out quite a bit. I had this particular sheriff to myself 3 times along the way. (He switched posts that many times between the 2 races). We chatted about how running is a mental sport at times. He did a lot of smiling, and we joked about the route directions for the course. It's moments like that when I wish I brought a camera with me on the run. But alas, I have no photos to share with you of the handsome officer.
Meanwhile, I'm getting excited about the Cincinatti trip just 5 days away and my date with Radar on Friday night. We're gonna hit the movies, at the "lux" level. That should be a fun experience as we don't have anything like that here. And the movies are usually a good catalyst for our relationship. Did I ever tell you how we got together in the first place?
It was during a screening of The Mask of Zorro at the Student Union. Somehow we ended up accidently holding hands. I still have no idea how that accidently happens, but it wasn't the only time it happened with us. And it's cute, I think. A fun memory. Especially because we were with a huge group of people and in the middle of the movie, the film melted and we didn't get to see the rest of it. Lights came on, people chatted and milled around until discovering that was it for the evening. We sat awkward and embarrased and tried to be normal around the rest of our friends who had no idea. And then we all walked home. I remember that night very vividly.
But I wonder what I will remember tomorrow...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
November 14, 2009
It has been a considerably low-key day, but for some reason, I feel like I have much to tell you about. First of all, I have not neglected my assignment this week, but have still not met anyone who meets those criteria. Perhaps tomorrow at the race. I have to be up and ready to run 9 miles in less than 6 hours, now. I have to be up in less than 6 hours, that is. Not run the 9 miles in less. Although if it takes me 6 hours, I have gotten really, really, slow over the past few weeks.
The hard part is that I haven't been good at training. So 9 miles, tomorrow might actually feel like a marathon. There's always the option of skipping out. Not going. Kissing that forty bucks goodbye. But then, I have a hard time doing that. It may not be so hard at 6 in the morning, though...I'll let you know tomorrow...
And as my awareness of the depressingly small number of guys who meet the assigned criteria increases, I continue to read about the author's "program." He recommends going out with anyone once. (As long as they're not dangerous). And while I can see his point, I'm wondering what are your thoughts? I thought it was not such a bad idea. He sold it as dating "practice" and self-discovery. However, some have expressed the opinion that the whole idea sounded ridiculous. You become linked with people. And some develop or repress interest based on who you've been "linked" with in the past. So does it disparage my reputation to go out with a guy I wouldn't normally be interested in simply because I'm following "the program?"
And notable #3 of the evening is the appearance of Radar in my Inbox. Ordinarily, this is a heart-warming occurrence, but not overly exciting. But he made a comment today that made me again question where he was going with such a comment. But then, I have a tendency to read into everything a guy says. (Because I'm a girl, and we do that sort of thing). When in actuality, he could just be curious for curiosity's sake...
I'll email him back tomorrow...and perhaps run 9 miles. But who knows what tomorrow holds...
Friday, November 13, 2009
November 13, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009
November 12, 2009
Here we go again. Let me first say that I am fairly happy and content with my life at present. It doesn't always seem that way, because I keep getting these curveballs thrown my way. But here's the latest. My car is dead again. At this moment, it's sitting at the dealer after an afternoon of diagnostics, and there's still no prognosis. This makes me a little sad. Mostly because I fear what it might do to my pocketbook. Mechanic says that if it's electrical, it's not covered under warranty. If they gave me a faulty battery, it won't cost a thing. If it's not the latter, I'm hoping it's somewhere in between. My fear is that it is the alternator.
But apart from the damage it may cause to my purse, it also causes me to drive around a vehicle I'm not entirely comfortable with. To me, it's a gigantic truck. To those who know trucks, it's just a Ranger. Apparently that's not big. But neither am I, so....
Anyway, if you leave off the part about my car, things are going pretty well right now. My diet is working out properly. I leave for Cincinnati in about a week. And I'm still keeping a log of people I meet that meet those 3 previously stated qualifications. (So far, we're at 1 for the week. The one I told you about on Sunday).
So hopefully tomorrow's events will bring another into my world, so I can put up a second tally mark. Otherwise, my prospects are looking bleaker than I realized...
Will tomorrow come through for me?...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
November 11, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
November 10, 2009
Step one of any matrimonial pursuit involves diet & exercise. And while I readily admit that I haven't been the queen of fitness as of late, I have proven myself faithful on my diet. Even creating boundaries in terms of where I can go in a social setting (most frequently with my family). And I have seen results now that I would pay money to see. It isn't always reflected on the scale, but often in the mirror. I am fitting into clothes I have not been comfortable in for some time. This week, I ought to be picking up the running again (as I'm due to run a 15K on Sunday), so that should even create a catalyst for the scale end of the deal. Ideally. At times when you increase your activity level, the scale is mean to you. But that's because of the well-documented fact that muscle weighs more than fat. And that's what I always tell myself when the scale is unkind...whether exercise is involved or not.
Step two is to "get out there." This book that I have been telling you about is really forcing me to expand my social setting. Not just the same places I already frequent, but to change my traffic pattern. And not only that, but to mention, friends to set me up. Introduce me to people. Be a match-maker. If only for 1 date.
As skeptical as I am toward this "date almost anyone once" philosophy that the author has, I have committed to going through with "the program." So here, it is Diary. My permission, and not only that, but my request, that you (meaning anyone capable of reading this entry) introduce me to your friends. I am ready and willing to have an evening out. It's not an evening to find a husband. It's just a date (so the author keeps drumming in my head). Even if it means I fly to connecticut or take a trip to visit family in Atlanta or Colorado or whereever. A roadtrip just makes it more exciting! :)
There it is. I reluctantly give you my permission. ...Now, be kind....
And let me know what tomorrow holds...
Monday, November 9, 2009
November 9, 2009
I love my dad for many things, but one of them is that he sometimes just handles the car issues, so that a single girl like myself doesn't have to deal with it. He spent the chief of the day driving from dealer to parts store back to dealer in order to get a new battery and get it installed properly. It took a very long time. And I'm glad he took care of it. I admit, I don't handle the stress of such life maintenance very well. It's another very great argument in favor of matrimony.
So on that note, let me make another confession. I did not meet anyone today that satisfied the 3 qualifications I told you about yesterday. That doesn't mean I did anything wrong today. Like I said, I'm not required to fill a quota yet. However, I may yet head out to the store of something tonight. I may not, too.
One sad thing I can report to you though is that I haven't seen much of Mystery Man for awhile. I hope he returns. Although I don't think he's the one for me. I think I've pretty well convinced myself (for the time being) that Radar ought to show some promise her soon. Or not. I always anticipate much when I'm about to see him. And write him off as soon as the visit is over. For now though, we can count him in. Which may make this book assignment superfluous. Perhaps not...
We'll just see what tomorrow holds...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
November 8, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009
November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
November 6, 2009
Did you see the vanity plate I saw on my way to work this morning? It screamed "Bitter Girl" according that the book "Don't be That Girl." The words on the license plate were "Over Men."
Okay, sometimes I get that. But isn't it a bit much to put that on a vanity plate? Just seems a little childish somehow.But then, maybe it's childish to read books like "Don't Be That Girl."
One time, I had told a friend about the book. I had been reading various "dating" books, and this one seemed to spark her interest. So when I finished it, I loaned it to her. She read it in a couple days and then went on vacation. You know what she did, though? She had a mutual friend return it to me. A guy friend, who I happened to be very interested in at the time.
Yea, that's what I want. The guy I like returning a bright pink book about dating to me. Super. Smart going, friend.
Wonder what tomorrow holds...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
November 5, 2009
I'm sitting here playing Loaded Questions with my brother and a friend. This game and I go way back. It's actually my favorite game (next to TwistLister and a shameless plug for my own game-writing).
We discovered this game in college and ended up playing until the wee hours of the morning. And it was shortly after Radar and I broke up for the first or second time. And really the first time I felt like I was actually getting to know him.
And one question that I remember from that night and from just about every subsequent game of Loaded Questions since is "What is one song that reminds you of a previous relationship?" And the answer that Radar gave has stuck with me and has always brought him to mind when I hear it played.
As luck would have it, it rarely occurred to me to think about him with that song otherwise. But playing this game always reminds me of him. And always reminds me of that question and that moment.
I hope that tomorrow doesn't have as many sentences that start with "And..."