Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13, 2011

Dearest Diary,

At the coaxing of a friend, I have determined to remain with you for the present. I am not altogether satisfied with the current situation as you may have deduced in my former letter to you. However, I am eager to uphold a bit of motivation for change. There are in fact, a great many things that have improved since the turn of the year and I should feel quite proud of that fact. But there are a great many other things which have me a little the worse for my temper. I deeply apologize if you have been the brunt of such distress, Diary.

Nevertheless, I once again belong to you and appreciate your ever listening ear. It is a great comfort in this time of winter. I am told that we are approaching that darkest of Mondays when the greatest percentage of persons finds himself in a bit of dispair over broken vows and promises he's made to himself. I should elect not to be one of those, but I fear it is imminent. No, no, I shall not have it.

Again I intend to be impressively Happy. I shall prove it on the morrow...

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