Friday, November 25, 2011

November 25, 2011

Dearest Diary,

It has certainly been a week of celebration. And this morning begins the Advent season for which I wait most of the year. Each year it seems I desire that the next I shall spend on the arm of a suitor. So far I have enjoyed the blessing of independence and it seems this year is no different. I say such statements with tongue in cheek as we are not ignorant of one's desire to be matched with a gentleman at this time of year. But surprisingly I am rather unaffected by such absence this week. I have felt quite wealthy in family and friendships that there is no greater blessing I can imagine. In the days to follow, however I'm sure I will revisit the notion quite regularly. For now I am off to visit the markets. I shall perhaps speak with you again on the morrow.

November 6, 2011

Dearest Diary,

It has been some time since I have made your acquaintance and I have missed you so. It would be nice to venture back the several months we have been absent, however I am afraid there is not much to report on what interests us in particular. I have settled into a new schoolroom and have been introduced to a great many new friends. I have spoken very little with the suitors we have so oft discussed previously that in many ways it seems it has been years since you and I have spoken. But this afternoon found me in the company of someone new. A rather peculiar Mr. Poe, if you please. Our introduction was a bit unusual and our visit to the Disney estate somewhat lacking that magical feeling that Mr. Disney is known for. I suppose I feel an emotion a bit less than Happiness this evening and desired to speak with you about it. Perchance is there a moment when such anticipation delivers a more favourable outcome? I am skeptical of such an ending tonight. Tomorrow will, no doubt, hold an elevated attitude.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20, 2011

Dearest Diary,

The time has come. I offer no explanation beyond what you've already heard. I shall belabour the ending no further. Good bye, dear diary. Perhaps we'll meet again someday. But certainly not tomorrow...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 19, 2011

Dearest Diary,

The American seems to be back in town for the annual foxhunt and I truly enjoyed his company tonight. He had with him some new acquaintances and I delighted more in them than I could have predicted. Mr. Tyler, especially, was good-natured and affable. He is an adequate student of the musical arts and an excellent addition to the evening as it was otherwise planned.

A favourite confidante who goes by the name of Crosby was also in attendance for dinner this evening and I delighted in his affinity for cricket. He seems to have a talent for it, but his passion I fear exceeds such talent. Nevertheless when delighting his company with an aria or favourite hymn, he cannot fail. And do you know that I learned something new about this particular gentleman? At present however, I cannot recollect what such a discovery was. I suppose I shall have to inform you on the matter on a later date. For now, I must retire until tomorrow...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18, 2011

Dearest Diary,

Were it not for the brisk walk about the lake this evening, I would be quite exhausted and not fully able to write to you at present. On the contrary, I am still very alert and anticipating another hour or so before I might retire. The weekly hymnsing returns in the morning and I've yet to finish preparations for the event. I am also in search of a favourite pillow that went missing last evening and left me with a less than satisfactory night's sleep. It must be recovered or I fear the schoolchildren will be the victims of the countenance an unrestful night gives one like myself.

Another item of note arrived this evening as I dined in the company of a friend. She received post that there is an unusual establishment that begs to open in less than a fortnight and we have been invited to attend. I am curious what sorts of guests might frequent such a place and needless to say I have great hope that the gentleman I seek might be among its lot. I cannot see the harm in attending in order to settle my curiosity. It has been said that it is most inspiring. I expect to find it as such.

But that is on a Saturday, not tomorrow...

Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17, 2011

Dearest Diary,

You might believe it was another day full of accomplishments. And might I add that my figure has decreased by a significant amount since I last measured a week ago. This is motivation of the greatest kind. Therefore, I continued proceeded with an unusually long walk about the estate with Lady Pigeon and on our journey we happened upon a peculiar breed of melon. I am not at all familiar with it, but it resembles a rather small watermelon, perhaps. I cannot be certain whether they grow wild or are indigenous to the peninsula. Or perhaps another solution is that we reside on a former melon patch that has been dormant for quite some time until now. Nevertheless, I am often tempted to peer inside such a thing and determine it's flavour.

And along the lines of flavour, I again cooked up an Italian dish this evening that is becoming a personal favourite if it is not already. If there is to be promise of my dearest friend's visit in the Spring, I shall indeed add it to the menu as I'm certain she will enjoy it, if not her darling little girls. Tomorrow, the lessons begin again at the schoolhouse, as well as a music lesson in the next county over. I shall then journey to the lake to meet a friend. We shall have much to discuss on the morrow...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16, 2011

Dearest Diary,

I am deeply proud of the accomplishments of the day and grateful for the friendships I have acquired over the past years. Just as I was completing some chores for the afternoon I received post from Father that they were to arrive shortly with phaeton and ponies to escort me to an early dinner. And as I quickly made plans to join them, I was notified again of the request of my eldest brother to accompany him to the Disney estate for an evening hunt. There were astonishingly few amphibious creatures at the estate this evening and in their absence we made it our game to find them. Mr. Disney tends to make a hobby out of naming such creatures and so the eldest Mr. Lindsay joined in the fun with one that we discovered at the close of the evening. The event was most puzzling, but exceedingly delightful.

I could not resist partaking in a private recital upon my return home and I must admit that I miss such moments so. At present however my fingers are in need of rest for they laboured intensively on the instrument and are thus not writing with the utmost penmanship. I do apologize if I have dropped a letter or two in my dreary state.

Regarding suitors, I have the good fortune to advise you of an intimate gathering in a little over a week where perchance there are a few to choose from. I have received no promise on the matter but I am truly hopeful and shall tell you more of such an event when it seems closer. Unfortunately, it will not be tomorrow...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

January 15, 2011

Dearest Diary,

I cannot deny that I have had a most leisurely afternoon. Although I am ashamed to admit it, I did not rise in time for breakfast, but in fact slept all the way to lunch. It is a rare morning that I can take advantage of such freedom. The day seemed the better for it. This was however not without being awakened by Lady Pigeon in the wee hours of the morning when she heard a carriage pass by and declared it morning. Though right she may have been, it was not conceded by the sun quite yet and therefore, I insisted she go back to sleep. It took a bit of coaxing but I was eventually successful.

Meanwhile the rest of the day proved absolutely delightful, despite the fact that there were numerous chores to be completed. There was a letter or two that arrived at the estate which gave reason for distraction and of course the weekly services with the closest of friends. Whenever the services arrive earlier than usual, it has become our custom to share a meal afterwards and it was most delicious this evening without being too abundant. For this I am grateful.

I have vowed to make many changes and I feel it has been a most successful week on that account. I am truly Happy! I pray that such Happiness continues on the morrow...

Friday, January 14, 2011

January 14, 2011

Dearest Diary,

Despite my sour disposition as of late, I have had a truly magnificent afternoon. Amidst the Happiness that surrounded the day's activities, we were able to engage the schoolchildren in a courtly dance reel for the close of the lessons. They were quite eager for the extended holiday for the weekend as they will not return at the first of the week but rather enjoy another day at home. I, too, intend to enjoy the respite weekend.

No particular plans have been made, but if it is naught but rest, I shall be that" impressively Happy" that I had vowed to be yesterday. We shall investigate the matter more on the morrow...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13, 2011

Dearest Diary,

At the coaxing of a friend, I have determined to remain with you for the present. I am not altogether satisfied with the current situation as you may have deduced in my former letter to you. However, I am eager to uphold a bit of motivation for change. There are in fact, a great many things that have improved since the turn of the year and I should feel quite proud of that fact. But there are a great many other things which have me a little the worse for my temper. I deeply apologize if you have been the brunt of such distress, Diary.

Nevertheless, I once again belong to you and appreciate your ever listening ear. It is a great comfort in this time of winter. I am told that we are approaching that darkest of Mondays when the greatest percentage of persons finds himself in a bit of dispair over broken vows and promises he's made to himself. I should elect not to be one of those, but I fear it is imminent. No, no, I shall not have it.

Again I intend to be impressively Happy. I shall prove it on the morrow...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 12, 2010

Dearest Diary,

Again I have been absent from you these past weeks. It has not been without sorrow, but I have recommenced considering the disolution of our partnership. It is perhaps clear that my concerted efforts might be brought to better success if applied elsewhere. I cannot be certain, but it is possible that our friendship has run its course.

What if I were to tell you that at long last, the subject of our choosing has been satisfied? That in the days and weeks leading up to and following that joyous Christmas holiday, a gift of a different nature has been left 'neath my tree. I cannot credit Father Christmas with the arrangement nor can I declare its existence. But I could remit that I have found the gentleman I have only imagined could exist. He has captured me within the bredth of an hour and has vowed to care for me for as long as we both shall live. You might protest with the notion that time has not allowed for sincerity in the matter and perhaps you might be right. But I should just as soon dismiss your protests with the assurance of my left hand. No matter the diminutive engagement, we are forever allied together. And I shall not trifle with you a moment more about it.

Were it all to be true, would you let me depart from your company? Would you wish me well and go forth in Happiness? Can you deny that we have confided chiefly of love, and at its discovery would have little left to say to one another?

And while the above is quite obviously a falsehood, could we bid farewell and assume it to be true? These are questions I am not prepared to answer for they have plagued me for a fortnight. I have very little to add to our conversation, but you have been such a friend even in silence. The commencement of a new year begs the question of what changes one ought to make and I wonder at whether this demise is welcome. I cannot decide. Perhaps I shall know on the morrow...