Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 1, 2010

Dearest Diary,

As another lengthy afternoon draws to a close I cannot help but reflect on the sorts of ups and downs incurred along the way. To have claimed to be dissatisfied with the schoolchildren's conduct today might be overstating it a slight bit, but it was not my favourite sort of day in that respect. Nevertheless it did have an ounce of Happiness within. Far greater were the hours following the lessons in which much seemed to be accomplished. You have heard tell of my phaeton and ponies from time to time, but I'm afraid I'm not very good to them. For apart from the occasional rain shower, such ponies have rarely been scrubbed down properly. Today was such an occasion. It has been quite some time since I have attempted to bathe such an animal and I found it therefore a trifle exhausting among other feelings. Nevertheless their coats seem to shine the slightest bit brighter than they might have this morning. I trust I was not a complete failure in the task. The mere thought of the accomplishment, however, sparked in me a desire to do some more scrubbing around the Estate. Our washrooms are in excellent condition at present. If the resolve continues, I shall expect a rather savoury kitchen on the morrow...

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