Dearest Diary,
What an enormously relaxing day today has been. It began with a trip to the theatre and concluded with a visit with a monkee. The animal in question has a particularly good grasp of the musical arts and was most entertaining for all the guests in attendance. It seems rather peculiar that one might have occasion to talk to such a creature, but I must admit that I had such an opportunity and took care to embrace said occasion. It appears the animal, often called Davy or Mr. Jones, has also learned to sign his name, when given a proper plume. I acquired it. The monkee's owner, however rushed him off rather quickly and I had very little time for a chat. He nodded and smiled though as you would expect such a being to do and that became the end of our exchange. I wonder at how many pounds one might receive for a monkee's signature.
But I will not think of it tomorrow. I shall be fully devoted to my mother on the morrow...
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