Dearest Diary,
I sincerely apologize for my brevity yesterday. It is quite apparent that there was little on which to elabourate, but I would certainly appease you if you so desired. As regards today, I can admit only a slight bit of remorse for missing out on an evening as it had been planned. The spontaneity which was incurred however certainly makes up for the change of plans. The waters in the back of the estate were warm and inviting for the afternoon, as well as for Pigeon. And I was able to collect a small dinner party as has become the custom on one evening each month. Tonight's was not unlike the others in the success of the meal, but I fear making such a statement. To boast too highly on the delectable tastes of the prepared meals only makes failure more imminent.
There remain only three days of lessons before a summer holiday ensues. I look eagerly toward tomorrow...
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
May 30, 2010
Dearest Diary,
It was a pleasure today to consider the regiment at the Sunday services. And to see Lady Pigeon in such high spirits thrills me exceedingly. It is not often I spend such a lengthy afternoon at the estate, but I am quite certain it was a necessity today. I might even recreate the affair on the morrow...
It was a pleasure today to consider the regiment at the Sunday services. And to see Lady Pigeon in such high spirits thrills me exceedingly. It is not often I spend such a lengthy afternoon at the estate, but I am quite certain it was a necessity today. I might even recreate the affair on the morrow...
Saturday, May 29, 2010
May 29, 2010
Dearest Diary,
There is nothing more suitable than a day such as this one. It was rather pleasant to have the sort of rest I needed and to be followed by a visit to a merchant who specializes in feet. Such treatments might be frequently painful, but I am certain that the satisfaction of beauty which follows makes it well worth the agony of the moment. Now adorned with the most magnificent shoe, I could not be happier. When all of this is coupled with the sort of southern faire we enjoyed for dinner, it is difficult to imagine a more satisfactory Saturday.
The weekly services are set for the morning, but I am uncertain where I shall attend. I have been invited to many others in the county, but does it make me disloyal to my own parrish? I shall revisit the quandary on the morrow...
There is nothing more suitable than a day such as this one. It was rather pleasant to have the sort of rest I needed and to be followed by a visit to a merchant who specializes in feet. Such treatments might be frequently painful, but I am certain that the satisfaction of beauty which follows makes it well worth the agony of the moment. Now adorned with the most magnificent shoe, I could not be happier. When all of this is coupled with the sort of southern faire we enjoyed for dinner, it is difficult to imagine a more satisfactory Saturday.
The weekly services are set for the morning, but I am uncertain where I shall attend. I have been invited to many others in the county, but does it make me disloyal to my own parrish? I shall revisit the quandary on the morrow...
Friday, May 28, 2010
May 28, 2010
Dearest Diary,
There seemed to be quite the celebration at the schoolhouse this afternoon. There are but three days remaining in the spring lessons and the children have certainly begun to notice. Nevertheless, I did not attempt to contain their excitement as it became imperative to have a little fun.
Following such an exercise I quickly returned home to the Granada Estate to look after the well being of Lady Pigeon. I am most pleased to note that she did not require much looking after. Her countenance was much improved and she even took to a swim. This gave me the peace of mind to visit a spell with a friend and attend to practice on the pianoforte.
After such an evening, it pleases me also to retire until tomorrow...
There seemed to be quite the celebration at the schoolhouse this afternoon. There are but three days remaining in the spring lessons and the children have certainly begun to notice. Nevertheless, I did not attempt to contain their excitement as it became imperative to have a little fun.
Following such an exercise I quickly returned home to the Granada Estate to look after the well being of Lady Pigeon. I am most pleased to note that she did not require much looking after. Her countenance was much improved and she even took to a swim. This gave me the peace of mind to visit a spell with a friend and attend to practice on the pianoforte.
After such an evening, it pleases me also to retire until tomorrow...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
May 27, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I am delighted to see Lady Pigeon in higher spirits this evening. She has not reached a full recovery, but I am convinced a visit to the medic was the commencement of such a recovery. I cannot help but admit that when she is ill at ease, I find myself the same.
I haven't much else to remit tonight as there are a great many troubling anecdotes I shall not wish to burden you with. I am certain it would be best to instead look toward tomorrow...
I am delighted to see Lady Pigeon in higher spirits this evening. She has not reached a full recovery, but I am convinced a visit to the medic was the commencement of such a recovery. I cannot help but admit that when she is ill at ease, I find myself the same.
I haven't much else to remit tonight as there are a great many troubling anecdotes I shall not wish to burden you with. I am certain it would be best to instead look toward tomorrow...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
May 26, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I am quite uncertain what I can do for a most devoted hound who is in such sorrowful spirits. Would that such an animal could converse like you and I, I might have some inclination as to what ails her so. Unfortunately, I do not. I have only the ability to hold her and pet her and fetch a medic on the morrow. I am certainly aware I had talked of doing so today, but she has been a bit up and down so as to convince me it was unneccesary quite yet. I am as yet uncertain who shall accompany her tomorrow, though. It may have to be my mother if I am unable to detach from a particular occupation.
Of a more positive nature is the visit I shared with the American Mr. Seacrest this evening. The occasion was not only the conclusion of the hunting season but also to bid farewell to Mr. Cowell. He will be dearly missed. Although I am certain his reputation does not always find him favourable to many, I have a keen appreciation for his candor and wit. One might also detect a remnant of charm about him. I do indeed. I admit to being quite taken also by the many arias and chamber musics presented in his honour. I should most like the occasion to be repeated. Alas it shall be yet 7 more months.
Instead, I shall lie down that tomorrow might make haste...
I am quite uncertain what I can do for a most devoted hound who is in such sorrowful spirits. Would that such an animal could converse like you and I, I might have some inclination as to what ails her so. Unfortunately, I do not. I have only the ability to hold her and pet her and fetch a medic on the morrow. I am certainly aware I had talked of doing so today, but she has been a bit up and down so as to convince me it was unneccesary quite yet. I am as yet uncertain who shall accompany her tomorrow, though. It may have to be my mother if I am unable to detach from a particular occupation.
Of a more positive nature is the visit I shared with the American Mr. Seacrest this evening. The occasion was not only the conclusion of the hunting season but also to bid farewell to Mr. Cowell. He will be dearly missed. Although I am certain his reputation does not always find him favourable to many, I have a keen appreciation for his candor and wit. One might also detect a remnant of charm about him. I do indeed. I admit to being quite taken also by the many arias and chamber musics presented in his honour. I should most like the occasion to be repeated. Alas it shall be yet 7 more months.
Instead, I shall lie down that tomorrow might make haste...
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
May 25, 2010
Dearest Diary,
This evening brings a heavy heart concerning Lady Pigeon. She is not at all herself this evening and it's no wonder with such a drastic change in her existence. I suspect, however that it is more probably she has made dinner of a frog. Such has happened before and while I hope it is not the case, I seem to remember a similar reaction. Nevertheless, the hound has taken to abnormal breathing coupled with a certain whimper and tremble. I pray it is nothing to cause great concern. However, if you happen to find me absent at the morning hymn-sing, it is possible I have gone to fetch a medic on the matter.
Or quite possibly I have done the same for my own condition. Although it has not worsened in the course of the day, neither has it improved. Nevertheless I shall do all within my power to not neglect such obligations in the morning.
I shall very much hope to see you on the morrow...
This evening brings a heavy heart concerning Lady Pigeon. She is not at all herself this evening and it's no wonder with such a drastic change in her existence. I suspect, however that it is more probably she has made dinner of a frog. Such has happened before and while I hope it is not the case, I seem to remember a similar reaction. Nevertheless, the hound has taken to abnormal breathing coupled with a certain whimper and tremble. I pray it is nothing to cause great concern. However, if you happen to find me absent at the morning hymn-sing, it is possible I have gone to fetch a medic on the matter.
Or quite possibly I have done the same for my own condition. Although it has not worsened in the course of the day, neither has it improved. Nevertheless I shall do all within my power to not neglect such obligations in the morning.
I shall very much hope to see you on the morrow...
Monday, May 24, 2010
May 24, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I am still working to decipher many of the day's events. The misery of a less than perfect condition has prevailed throughout much of the day and were it not for the brevity of the remaining days surrounding the spring lessons, I believe I should excuse myself on the morrow. Fortunately there are but seven days left. I shall muster all my energy and return to work as expected.
The wheel of my carriage that has caused such grief over the past month has again become deformed and I decided at great length to finally replace it with a newer one. When I requested the help of Mr. Jeffrey, it was discovered that the particular model I had requested (at the urging of a friend) was indeed the wrong sort for my carriage. The fortuosity that prevailed was that Mr. Jeffrey was able to hammer out the deformity of the old wheel and place it back properly. Certainly that is what I had wished for from the start. And the sigh of relief from my pocketbook was an amusing sound, much to the detriment of the merchant.
Upon my return home (much later than anticipated), it was discovered that Lady Pigeon had managed to escape from the estate to the lakes in the back where she was then confined until we had all arrived home. She seemed quite unharmed apart from a certain rasp in her voice. I suspect she had begged admittance more than once in our absence.
While I do not consider the whole of the day to be a catastrophe, I do hope for something better on the morrow...
I am still working to decipher many of the day's events. The misery of a less than perfect condition has prevailed throughout much of the day and were it not for the brevity of the remaining days surrounding the spring lessons, I believe I should excuse myself on the morrow. Fortunately there are but seven days left. I shall muster all my energy and return to work as expected.
The wheel of my carriage that has caused such grief over the past month has again become deformed and I decided at great length to finally replace it with a newer one. When I requested the help of Mr. Jeffrey, it was discovered that the particular model I had requested (at the urging of a friend) was indeed the wrong sort for my carriage. The fortuosity that prevailed was that Mr. Jeffrey was able to hammer out the deformity of the old wheel and place it back properly. Certainly that is what I had wished for from the start. And the sigh of relief from my pocketbook was an amusing sound, much to the detriment of the merchant.
Upon my return home (much later than anticipated), it was discovered that Lady Pigeon had managed to escape from the estate to the lakes in the back where she was then confined until we had all arrived home. She seemed quite unharmed apart from a certain rasp in her voice. I suspect she had begged admittance more than once in our absence.
While I do not consider the whole of the day to be a catastrophe, I do hope for something better on the morrow...
Sunday, May 23, 2010
May 23, 2010
Dearest Diary,
In the course of the day, the small nuissance of an ailment I had hoped would disappear has increased to somewhat of an annoyance. The symptoms of such a condition are little more than a common cold, but I do find it somewhat trifling that it should happen to appear a mere eight days before the conclusion of the spring lessons. I am certain that the surest way of defeating such things is with plenty of rest, and I have to admit that it is much earlier than I typically retire for the evening. Unfortunately, sleep is one activity which seems to exacerbate my condition. I am apt to avoid it altogether. Nevertheless, it is imperative.
As for gentlemen callers, I had none today. This is not unusual, but when sickness arrives, so does exasperation for loneliness. I am determined that the appropriate match will soon be introduced. And I continue to welcome such introductions from my current friends and acquaintances. Would you like to be of some assistance? Perhaps tomorrow?...
In the course of the day, the small nuissance of an ailment I had hoped would disappear has increased to somewhat of an annoyance. The symptoms of such a condition are little more than a common cold, but I do find it somewhat trifling that it should happen to appear a mere eight days before the conclusion of the spring lessons. I am certain that the surest way of defeating such things is with plenty of rest, and I have to admit that it is much earlier than I typically retire for the evening. Unfortunately, sleep is one activity which seems to exacerbate my condition. I am apt to avoid it altogether. Nevertheless, it is imperative.
As for gentlemen callers, I had none today. This is not unusual, but when sickness arrives, so does exasperation for loneliness. I am determined that the appropriate match will soon be introduced. And I continue to welcome such introductions from my current friends and acquaintances. Would you like to be of some assistance? Perhaps tomorrow?...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
May 22, 2010

Dearest Diary,
Today brought much enjoyment as it was a day of relaxation. It began with a dip in the cooling waters in the lakes behind the estate. Lady Pigeon was also keen to swim. The evening included a visit to the theatre as well as dinner with the eldest Miss Lindsay. There is not much to add in detail, but may it be known that I was quite mistaken about the story of a most famous Juliet. It was quite to my liking.
I will also be the first to admit that one motive in selecting a parish for the Sunday services is the selection of gentlemen at said parish. I do concede that such a motive is not entirely agreed upon by many, I must admit that I should rather select a husband from amidst a crowd of parishioners than from wine bibbers in a tavern. Do you not agree?
Perhaps I shall be so lucky on the morrow...
Friday, May 21, 2010
May 21, 2010

Dearest Diary,
Today has been monumental in many cases. It marks the second birthday of a most beloved niece as well as the commencement of the weekend. Although there were lectures to recite, the greater part of the evening consisted of a visit with Mother and Father and a turn about the estate with Lady Pigeon and the Chairman.
It seems to me rather peculiar that on such an evening I am ready and eager for bed. I have kept much longer hours throughout much of the rest of the week and today is not the sort of day for an early retirement. Nevertheless, the week has demanded it.
I shall hold fast to the Happiness of the day as I look toward tomorrow...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
May 20, 2010
Dearest Diary,
It can surely be noted that there was some amount of discord today amongst the elements in my existence. Amidst all such calamity was a certain element of Happiness that can be once again unaccounted for.
For the most part, it was not unlike any other day. The schoolchildren were taught their lessons, and a music lesson was in order in the next county. Additionally I was able to attend yet another recital of the schoolchildren, this time in the form of dance. As the evenings have grown long this week, I have suffered a certain want of sleep. Nevertheless, I find disinterest in rest. Perhaps there is too much activity for the day that one's mind cannot be quieted with ease.
There is too much to consider as regards tomorrow...
It can surely be noted that there was some amount of discord today amongst the elements in my existence. Amidst all such calamity was a certain element of Happiness that can be once again unaccounted for.
For the most part, it was not unlike any other day. The schoolchildren were taught their lessons, and a music lesson was in order in the next county. Additionally I was able to attend yet another recital of the schoolchildren, this time in the form of dance. As the evenings have grown long this week, I have suffered a certain want of sleep. Nevertheless, I find disinterest in rest. Perhaps there is too much activity for the day that one's mind cannot be quieted with ease.
There is too much to consider as regards tomorrow...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
May 19, 2010
Dearest Diary,
For over 300 days you and I have exchanged such correspondence and although I have written of many new acquaintances and introductions, I have yet to find the single gentleman who might prove his worth in requesting my hand. I have teased you with potential matches, but found myself quite severe upon you. I shall not again mislead you.
I had intended to inform you of the affirmation I had submitted to a gentleman who proposed an engagement this afternoon. While such words were not false, they would have proved quite confusing. The engagement that was proposed was for an afternoon in June where it was requested that I perform some arias for a gathering of parishioners. I have been known to accept such proposals in the past, but it has been quite some time since I have had the opportunity. Nevertheless, I have said yes to this one.
And so shall it be in June. But what Happiness, pray tell, tomorrow?...
For over 300 days you and I have exchanged such correspondence and although I have written of many new acquaintances and introductions, I have yet to find the single gentleman who might prove his worth in requesting my hand. I have teased you with potential matches, but found myself quite severe upon you. I shall not again mislead you.
I had intended to inform you of the affirmation I had submitted to a gentleman who proposed an engagement this afternoon. While such words were not false, they would have proved quite confusing. The engagement that was proposed was for an afternoon in June where it was requested that I perform some arias for a gathering of parishioners. I have been known to accept such proposals in the past, but it has been quite some time since I have had the opportunity. Nevertheless, I have said yes to this one.
And so shall it be in June. But what Happiness, pray tell, tomorrow?...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
May 18, 2010
Dearest Diary,
You would not think it to believe that I am feeling entirely well rested despite the hour at which I come to you. The truth is, I have accomplished much and yet have done very little this evening. Those are the days for which I pray at great length this time of year. It seems there is always much commotion surrounding these final weeks of lessons and this year has been no different. However, tonight I was able to do the sorts of things one ought to have leisure to do on a weekly basis. In addition it seems that I have found a medic willing to come to the aid of Lady Pigeon who has been three years without the necessary ointments which are known to fend off violent ailments. Fortunately, she has managed to avoid them thus far. In two days she ought to be well stocked for continuing her defense. This is brilliant news.
Additionally, I am already prepared for the morning hymnsing and should like to be in fine voice for such an event. Might I see you on the morrow?...
You would not think it to believe that I am feeling entirely well rested despite the hour at which I come to you. The truth is, I have accomplished much and yet have done very little this evening. Those are the days for which I pray at great length this time of year. It seems there is always much commotion surrounding these final weeks of lessons and this year has been no different. However, tonight I was able to do the sorts of things one ought to have leisure to do on a weekly basis. In addition it seems that I have found a medic willing to come to the aid of Lady Pigeon who has been three years without the necessary ointments which are known to fend off violent ailments. Fortunately, she has managed to avoid them thus far. In two days she ought to be well stocked for continuing her defense. This is brilliant news.
Additionally, I am already prepared for the morning hymnsing and should like to be in fine voice for such an event. Might I see you on the morrow?...
Monday, May 17, 2010
May 17, 2010
Dearest Diary,
It has become a rule that when one is particularly down, it is imperative that one should take a trip to the marketplace. With new bonnets and dresses, it is rather difficult to find a great many things to cause distress. Town can be a most fortunate place to be.
What I had expected for the day was unfortunately not the resulting situation I had hoped for. Therefore the unexpected difficulties became increasingly more so. The positive turn of events after such an excursion in town is that there is a new day on the morrow...
It has become a rule that when one is particularly down, it is imperative that one should take a trip to the marketplace. With new bonnets and dresses, it is rather difficult to find a great many things to cause distress. Town can be a most fortunate place to be.
What I had expected for the day was unfortunately not the resulting situation I had hoped for. Therefore the unexpected difficulties became increasingly more so. The positive turn of events after such an excursion in town is that there is a new day on the morrow...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
May 16, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Again, I am beginning the week on a rather insignificant amount of rest. I do not doubt that the weekend proved it's worth, but it is rather unfortunate that I am struck with a bout of energy in the evening hours. It makes early morning lessons quite cumbersome. Nevertheless I am particularly excited that we have only a bit less than a fortnight of days for our lessons before we all away on holiday. I can readily admit that I will miss many of the children during such a sabbatical, but I am quite certain that nearly all of us are eager for such a break. It is uncertain what sort of day tomorrow will be like as we have been asked once again to appear in an unusual sort of dress, should any appear at all.
That is what I shall wonder about on the morrow...
Again, I am beginning the week on a rather insignificant amount of rest. I do not doubt that the weekend proved it's worth, but it is rather unfortunate that I am struck with a bout of energy in the evening hours. It makes early morning lessons quite cumbersome. Nevertheless I am particularly excited that we have only a bit less than a fortnight of days for our lessons before we all away on holiday. I can readily admit that I will miss many of the children during such a sabbatical, but I am quite certain that nearly all of us are eager for such a break. It is uncertain what sort of day tomorrow will be like as we have been asked once again to appear in an unusual sort of dress, should any appear at all.
That is what I shall wonder about on the morrow...
Saturday, May 15, 2010
May 15, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I am in quite good spirits that I might tell you of the sort of rest I was able to obtain today. Indeed it began with a moment or two in the healing waters in the back of the estate and the company of a good novel. This was followed shortly by a visit to the theatre and a long visit with a Mr. Locksley of Nottingham. I cannot deny that the gentleman is quite handsome and has a bewitching voice. He entertained quite to our liking before we took our leave and spent another short visit at the Disney estate. There were many guests at the estate tonight, but we were able to dine with Colonel Casey and the Admiral Figaro -- two of our favorite residents of the estate. We embarked also on a favorite footpath about the eastern grounds and enjoyed much conversation.
I shall be present at the Sunday services on the morrow...
I am in quite good spirits that I might tell you of the sort of rest I was able to obtain today. Indeed it began with a moment or two in the healing waters in the back of the estate and the company of a good novel. This was followed shortly by a visit to the theatre and a long visit with a Mr. Locksley of Nottingham. I cannot deny that the gentleman is quite handsome and has a bewitching voice. He entertained quite to our liking before we took our leave and spent another short visit at the Disney estate. There were many guests at the estate tonight, but we were able to dine with Colonel Casey and the Admiral Figaro -- two of our favorite residents of the estate. We embarked also on a favorite footpath about the eastern grounds and enjoyed much conversation.
I shall be present at the Sunday services on the morrow...
Friday, May 14, 2010
May 14, 2010
Dearest Diary,
After the multitude of engagements this week, I am quite thankful there is little apart from rest tomorrow. Today was filled with some degree of emotion, for better or worse. Like many a day there were moments that were better than others. One of which explains the lateness of hour for today's correspondence. Another was a short bout of Happiness during the afternoon lessons. As for the lesser moments, I am certain they were the result of a lack of sleep.
Nevertheless, I did receive a letter by post from Mr. Friendly, and it was quite nice to hear from him. It has been some time since we have had the occasion of each other's company. And while I did not look upon his face today, he was most kind in his speech.
I believe there is to be another visit to the theatre on the morrow...
After the multitude of engagements this week, I am quite thankful there is little apart from rest tomorrow. Today was filled with some degree of emotion, for better or worse. Like many a day there were moments that were better than others. One of which explains the lateness of hour for today's correspondence. Another was a short bout of Happiness during the afternoon lessons. As for the lesser moments, I am certain they were the result of a lack of sleep.
Nevertheless, I did receive a letter by post from Mr. Friendly, and it was quite nice to hear from him. It has been some time since we have had the occasion of each other's company. And while I did not look upon his face today, he was most kind in his speech.
I believe there is to be another visit to the theatre on the morrow...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
May 13, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I cannot help but exude immense pride in my chamber ensembles this evening. The recitals were most extraordinary. I wish you could have joined us. There was so much Happiness in the room that it grew quite warm in the Hall. I was grateful for the conclusion of the event, for the evening air was a welcome change. Dinner followed as well as a rather unsavoury announcement. I am grateful that such an announcement was not quite as serious as it might have been. A medic was involved.
As for the week's end, that shall begin tomorrow...
I cannot help but exude immense pride in my chamber ensembles this evening. The recitals were most extraordinary. I wish you could have joined us. There was so much Happiness in the room that it grew quite warm in the Hall. I was grateful for the conclusion of the event, for the evening air was a welcome change. Dinner followed as well as a rather unsavoury announcement. I am grateful that such an announcement was not quite as serious as it might have been. A medic was involved.
As for the week's end, that shall begin tomorrow...
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
May 12, 2010
Dearest Diary,
We are very nearly there. There is but one more round of lessons before the recital for the children's chamber ensembles. I am certain they are eager, but I am probably more so. We have enjoyed a wonderful season, but it is time to take a holiday from such a task. Upon the conclusion of the recital tomorrow evening, I might begin to think toward the year ahead and what new strategies one might envoke for improvement.
At the present, however, it appears that the eldest Miss Lindsay has returned to the estate and has promised to aid in a rather difficult task. Perhaps I shall tell you of it on the morrow...
We are very nearly there. There is but one more round of lessons before the recital for the children's chamber ensembles. I am certain they are eager, but I am probably more so. We have enjoyed a wonderful season, but it is time to take a holiday from such a task. Upon the conclusion of the recital tomorrow evening, I might begin to think toward the year ahead and what new strategies one might envoke for improvement.
At the present, however, it appears that the eldest Miss Lindsay has returned to the estate and has promised to aid in a rather difficult task. Perhaps I shall tell you of it on the morrow...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
May 11, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Words cannot possibly describe the drowsiness i presently feel. It has become a tired topic for this particular conversation, but I cannot help but feel it. The ball this evening was a smashing success and I was pleased to have been in attendance. Happiness prevailed throughout much of the evening. For this I am truly grateful. Would that I knew a greater repertoire of courtly dances, I might have improved upon an already delightful evening. I am counting on learning such things as the summer months approach. Upon my return to the estate I visited awhile with Lady Pigeon and the Mr. Chairman before preparing for the weekly hymnsing.
Will I see you there in the morning?...
Words cannot possibly describe the drowsiness i presently feel. It has become a tired topic for this particular conversation, but I cannot help but feel it. The ball this evening was a smashing success and I was pleased to have been in attendance. Happiness prevailed throughout much of the evening. For this I am truly grateful. Would that I knew a greater repertoire of courtly dances, I might have improved upon an already delightful evening. I am counting on learning such things as the summer months approach. Upon my return to the estate I visited awhile with Lady Pigeon and the Mr. Chairman before preparing for the weekly hymnsing.
Will I see you there in the morning?...
Monday, May 10, 2010
May 10, 2010
Dearest Diary,
The summer months could not possibly wait longer than they have to arrive. I am in desperate need of such rest. Today, I only find the energy to declare the thankfulness I have for the friends that are closest to me. They have been my endurance for the duration of the lessons. Tomorrow is to be another ball in a vast library. It seems an unlikely setting for a ball, but I am most eager for the event. Perhaps it will be the social event of the season.
It shall be determined on the morrow...
The summer months could not possibly wait longer than they have to arrive. I am in desperate need of such rest. Today, I only find the energy to declare the thankfulness I have for the friends that are closest to me. They have been my endurance for the duration of the lessons. Tomorrow is to be another ball in a vast library. It seems an unlikely setting for a ball, but I am most eager for the event. Perhaps it will be the social event of the season.
It shall be determined on the morrow...
Sunday, May 9, 2010
May 9, 2010

Dearest Diary,
Although the transition to the eldest Miss Lindsay's residency at the Granada Estate has been a seamless one, there is a bit of a struggle between Lady Pigeon and the Chairman. Mr. Sinatra has a wonderfully subservient demeanor and is eager to defer to her on matters of propriety. But the Lady Pigeon unfortunately has acquired a certain arrogance and determination where concerns matters of property. She is unwittingly formidable. I would be eager to welcome any advise one might have who has been in a similar situation. Or perhaps even has expertise in the canine upbringing.
As to the greater part of the day, although the sunshine proved quite unforgiving, it was a pleasure to be in its company. Mother had the fortune of dining and boating with her husband and children. It could not have been a finer afternoon for such activity.
There are, however, the lessons to attend to on the morrow...
Saturday, May 8, 2010
May 8, 2010
Dearest Diary,
What an enormously relaxing day today has been. It began with a trip to the theatre and concluded with a visit with a monkee. The animal in question has a particularly good grasp of the musical arts and was most entertaining for all the guests in attendance. It seems rather peculiar that one might have occasion to talk to such a creature, but I must admit that I had such an opportunity and took care to embrace said occasion. It appears the animal, often called Davy or Mr. Jones, has also learned to sign his name, when given a proper plume. I acquired it. The monkee's owner, however rushed him off rather quickly and I had very little time for a chat. He nodded and smiled though as you would expect such a being to do and that became the end of our exchange. I wonder at how many pounds one might receive for a monkee's signature.
But I will not think of it tomorrow. I shall be fully devoted to my mother on the morrow...
Friday, May 7, 2010
May 7, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Would that weekends were full of the sort of rest I should require on this particular weekend. Unfortunately, they are not. I do not consider today to have been one of leisure on any account, but I do admit to having a bit of fun during a rare evening foxhunt. I was not the first, nor the third to track down such an animal, but I was not unsuccessful entirely. I believe there were some high points of such activity.
It might please you to query the eldest Mr. Lindsay or even the youngest on the occasion. You might even query Mrs. Lindsay for she did also participate. I do find that although we are not familiar with the literature concerning a certain Rocky Horror, we were quite adept at tracking down many other foxes in the evening. Perhaps next year we shall be somewhat more successful in the former half of the hunt.
And if you can imagine such a thing, I shall be prevailed upon to inform you of a certain meeting with a man who makes a practice of dressing in iron. But that is tomorrow...
Would that weekends were full of the sort of rest I should require on this particular weekend. Unfortunately, they are not. I do not consider today to have been one of leisure on any account, but I do admit to having a bit of fun during a rare evening foxhunt. I was not the first, nor the third to track down such an animal, but I was not unsuccessful entirely. I believe there were some high points of such activity.
It might please you to query the eldest Mr. Lindsay or even the youngest on the occasion. You might even query Mrs. Lindsay for she did also participate. I do find that although we are not familiar with the literature concerning a certain Rocky Horror, we were quite adept at tracking down many other foxes in the evening. Perhaps next year we shall be somewhat more successful in the former half of the hunt.
And if you can imagine such a thing, I shall be prevailed upon to inform you of a certain meeting with a man who makes a practice of dressing in iron. But that is tomorrow...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
May 6, 2010

Dearest Diary,
Yet another birthday has come and gone for the youngest Mr. Lindsay. I am under the assumption that he celebrated well with a full three courses. He received many delightful gifts and I should like to add to the heap if he should ever accept my offer. Perhaps he wishes for something else entirely. I think a horse is a splended idea for a gentleman of his repute.
He was not the only one to receive gifts today, however, for I received many from the schoolchildren. If it displeases him to share such a giftful day, I would refuse them until the morrow, but I do not believe him to be quite so selfish.
As to the rest of the day, although it was spent in the company of friends, there was little other Happiness to be found. Perhaps I am eager for a new adventure. Or perhaps I am simply eager for tomorrow...
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
May 5, 2010
Dearest Diary,
While I have no complaints about a day such as this one, I will say I was a trifle amused when near its end I was approached by a gentleman removing the refuse from the bins when I stopped to water the horses. It isn't that I'm unimpressed by such an occupation, but I was not in the very least interested in a chat as I was in quite the hurry. He proceeded to make conversation about the wastefulness of a fully discarded sack of potatoes and how he could not approve of my millinery piece. It seemed to project an allegiance I did not necessarily hold to. After affirming that I am impartial to that which he seemed to hold with great importance, he was unfortunately even more at ease with our exchange. I quickly bade him farewell and was on my way.
The humour in such an anecdote is that such things inevitably take place when I am at my least attractive state. When my face gives way to the drowsiness I feel. When dinner has made my dress just the slightest bit uncomfortable. That is when gentleman become garrulous. Not, as it turns out, after spending hours fashioning every curl and every eyelash.
Is this a strategy I should condone on the morrow?...
While I have no complaints about a day such as this one, I will say I was a trifle amused when near its end I was approached by a gentleman removing the refuse from the bins when I stopped to water the horses. It isn't that I'm unimpressed by such an occupation, but I was not in the very least interested in a chat as I was in quite the hurry. He proceeded to make conversation about the wastefulness of a fully discarded sack of potatoes and how he could not approve of my millinery piece. It seemed to project an allegiance I did not necessarily hold to. After affirming that I am impartial to that which he seemed to hold with great importance, he was unfortunately even more at ease with our exchange. I quickly bade him farewell and was on my way.
The humour in such an anecdote is that such things inevitably take place when I am at my least attractive state. When my face gives way to the drowsiness I feel. When dinner has made my dress just the slightest bit uncomfortable. That is when gentleman become garrulous. Not, as it turns out, after spending hours fashioning every curl and every eyelash.
Is this a strategy I should condone on the morrow?...
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
May 4, 2010
Dearest Diary,
At last we have returned from the long journey. The cooler temperatures of the mountain regions were replaced by the humid warmth of the southern country. I cannot deny the enormity of laughter and enthusiasm that was shared by all in the party amidst our trip. But I cannot also deny that I am most grateful for returning home and being through with travel. It is most certain that the week still holds much activity, for I return to the schoolhouse in the morning and I begin again with the University in the evening hours. A moment of rest, I fear, is still a good month away.
Nevertheless, I have missed the schoolchildren so and am eager to see them on the morrow...
Monday, May 3, 2010
May 3, 2010

Dearest Diary,
The morning began quite early with a trip to the market where we selected new footwear and bonnets for the day's adventures. We then headed to the stables and took a ride into the mountains atop some horses on loan from the gardens. Upon our return, we were taken back into the gardens for some portraits and exercise.
Lunch included a very unique cut of meat and then we headed for the hillside to visit with more horses and romp awhile in the snow.
We begin the long journey home tomorrow...
Sunday, May 2, 2010
May 2, 2010

Dearest Diary,
Although I am well acquainted with the sort of precipitation we get in the south of the country, I was not prepared for the winter sort that arrived on this afternoon in May. I did, however, find it refreshing and beautiful as the ground became a powdered white.
We spent some time climbing as best as a lady might climb in the mountainous regions today and again saw some of the regiment. The Sunday services were enhanced by a visit to a beautiful parrish on the hillside.
To close the evening, we again were able to partake in a more southern faire amidst unusual entertainment. The morning promises much more excitement.
Perhaps even a ride on horseback tomorrow...
Saturday, May 1, 2010
May 1, 2010

Dearest Diary,
Though the journey to the mountains and springs was a long and treacherous one, we have at last arrived and spent hours of laughter in the company of our cousins. There is much to anticipate in the days ahead though we have been amply warned of the potential dangers that may be before us. Despite the threat of bears, foxes, and various ailments, I am excited to take in the scenery of this region of the country.
Along our journey, we did happen to meet with a regiment and endured many welcome stares from the gentlemen officers. But as Ms. Austen is apt to admit, what are men compared to rocks and mountains?
Perhaps we might see a few tomorrow...
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