Dearest Diary,
I am not one to refuse an opportunity to perform on the pianoforte or perhaps even the cornet on occasion. But it is not a request I receive frequently. Today has proved to be rather different, however. There was a time, perhaps you are aware, that I was able to use my musical proficiency as an occupation of sorts. I performed a parrishes and at high tea on a regular occasion. This was when I resided in the county Marion. But since my move to the south of the country, I have had little occasion to perform. Once at an Opera House in the village of Panama, and as a member of a chamber ensemble for the Sunday services. And there was that week where many gathered in the ville de Louis. Apart from these engagements, I have otherwise utilized my talents in the schoolhouses and universities.
This evening however, whilst dining with friends at an establishment known for its more southern faire, I was recommended to the ensemble as an accomplished cornetist. And although the style of music is not what I am accustomed to, I was almost immediately offered a position within the ensemble. And this on the heels of quite a different offer in the morning.
It seems there is much to consider this evening, but it must wait for now. A long day of travel awaits tomorrow...
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