Dearest Diary,
Tomorrow I am to journey to the south of the country in order that I might enjoy the company of my eldest sister. She happens also to be my only sister. I enjoy such visits immensely as we always engage in activities quite appropriate for the entertainment of sisters. If the County Lee were to host a ball, I am certain that we should attend. But I am told that other distractions will occupy our schedule. I am unable to contain my enthusiasm.
If it weren't for the rain this afternoon, I would be furthering the exercise of my hound in our leisurely turn about the grounds. Unfortunately, we are indoors at present and hoping that the weather might pass. On the contrary, it is perhaps fortuitous that I have the opportunity to rest awhile on my new settee.
Such moments never last long enough. I am obliged to take leave again that I might teach yet another music lesson.
Would that life were not so wrought with appointments. Perhaps there will be fewer tomorrow...
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