Dearest Diary,
It is a sincere pleasantry to have spent the evening pouring over my diary entries of last year. For instance, on this particular day, one year ago, I was struck by the insight contained within the pages of a book on music. This is not terribly unlike myself. I am frequently surprised by something I have read. I am currently in the fictional world of Beatrice Garner and enjoying her misadventure. Though perhaps that is a bit less inspiring than the profundity of music. What I particularly wish to warn you of, however is my desire to share with you my entry from the eve before the Christmas last.
You shall be privy to its contents once again, on the morrow...
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
December 18, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I have again arrived at the lake regions in the north of the country and have elected to accompany Mother and Sister back to the peninsula in a few days' time. A most beloved aunt, however is to join us within the hour and we are to visit the markets before attending the theatre this evening. Sister has once again returned to the stage in a most alarming role. She is magnificent. Her beloved companion, Mr. Sinatra, is becoming quite eager for some exercise as we wait.
I have retired from the schoolhouse for the advent season and there is much to anticipate in the weeks to come. Christmas is in only a week, and shortly following, I am to expect a visit from Colonel Raven. And in no time at all, I shall return to the lessons and the schoolchildren, as well as beginning yet another series of lectures at the University. As there is much to attend to, I shall close for the moment. Perhaps I shall return to you on the morrow...
I have again arrived at the lake regions in the north of the country and have elected to accompany Mother and Sister back to the peninsula in a few days' time. A most beloved aunt, however is to join us within the hour and we are to visit the markets before attending the theatre this evening. Sister has once again returned to the stage in a most alarming role. She is magnificent. Her beloved companion, Mr. Sinatra, is becoming quite eager for some exercise as we wait.
I have retired from the schoolhouse for the advent season and there is much to anticipate in the weeks to come. Christmas is in only a week, and shortly following, I am to expect a visit from Colonel Raven. And in no time at all, I shall return to the lessons and the schoolchildren, as well as beginning yet another series of lectures at the University. As there is much to attend to, I shall close for the moment. Perhaps I shall return to you on the morrow...
Thursday, December 9, 2010
December 9, 2010
Dearest Diary,
It is at present no secret that today's celebration was one to commemorate the birth of the family patriarch. There is in fact no greater wisdom than in those who esteem him as I do. And you might naturally assume that there was indeed cake. For one cannot celebrate without it. If there is such a celebration, I am sure I have never heard of it and it is only a matter of time before one might begin to plead for the addition of cake. It is a welcome confection!
Apart from such gaiety, I might also add that I was reminded of my lack of attachment in a passing statement, but it belittled me so. In a season such as this, it is certainly not my preference to account for myself alone. I should very much desire a companion, but I am afraid it is simply not to be this year. Perhaps in the few years to come, for I should not like to wait much longer.
It would be best, even if it were to be tomorrow...
It is at present no secret that today's celebration was one to commemorate the birth of the family patriarch. There is in fact no greater wisdom than in those who esteem him as I do. And you might naturally assume that there was indeed cake. For one cannot celebrate without it. If there is such a celebration, I am sure I have never heard of it and it is only a matter of time before one might begin to plead for the addition of cake. It is a welcome confection!
Apart from such gaiety, I might also add that I was reminded of my lack of attachment in a passing statement, but it belittled me so. In a season such as this, it is certainly not my preference to account for myself alone. I should very much desire a companion, but I am afraid it is simply not to be this year. Perhaps in the few years to come, for I should not like to wait much longer.
It would be best, even if it were to be tomorrow...
Monday, December 6, 2010
December 6, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I am deeply sorry for my neglect to honour a most beloved friend yesterday on the day of his birth. Mr. Disney can surely forgive me, for that is the sort of gentleman that he is. Nevertheless, I apologize, Mr. Disney, and do hope that you shall invite me back to your estate very soon. I have need of its cheer and healing fragrances.
We continue to close in on the Christmas holidays and although I fancied myself more free this week, I cannot help but find need once again to write reminders to myself on parchment that cannot be misplaced this time. There is much to anticipate. However, I cannot deny that I spent the chief of the evening doing ever so much of nothing, so do not allow me to complain in the days to come when I attempt to persuade you that there is too little time to accomplish my tasks. Remind me, ever so gently, of the time I spent in waste this evening. (Though perhaps I might argue that the rest and relaxation obtained from such "wastefulness" were much more to my favour).
I am hopeful this evening as I count the lessons remaining, that in the course of escorting the eldest Miss Lindsay back to the south of the country in only a fortnight, that I might also enjoy the company of a most beloved aunt on such a journey. It appears there is the slightest bit of hope that she might afford a visit at Christmas.
And I have begun to write of the most extraordinary encounters this evening that I hope might some day be published for your entertainment. For now, however, I must return to you again on the morrow...
I am deeply sorry for my neglect to honour a most beloved friend yesterday on the day of his birth. Mr. Disney can surely forgive me, for that is the sort of gentleman that he is. Nevertheless, I apologize, Mr. Disney, and do hope that you shall invite me back to your estate very soon. I have need of its cheer and healing fragrances.
We continue to close in on the Christmas holidays and although I fancied myself more free this week, I cannot help but find need once again to write reminders to myself on parchment that cannot be misplaced this time. There is much to anticipate. However, I cannot deny that I spent the chief of the evening doing ever so much of nothing, so do not allow me to complain in the days to come when I attempt to persuade you that there is too little time to accomplish my tasks. Remind me, ever so gently, of the time I spent in waste this evening. (Though perhaps I might argue that the rest and relaxation obtained from such "wastefulness" were much more to my favour).
I am hopeful this evening as I count the lessons remaining, that in the course of escorting the eldest Miss Lindsay back to the south of the country in only a fortnight, that I might also enjoy the company of a most beloved aunt on such a journey. It appears there is the slightest bit of hope that she might afford a visit at Christmas.
And I have begun to write of the most extraordinary encounters this evening that I hope might some day be published for your entertainment. For now, however, I must return to you again on the morrow...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
December 5, 2010

Dearest Diary,
I have returned after a very brief visit to the north of the country and am eager to return to the schoolhouse on the morrow and continue with the remaining lessons before the advent haiatus. There is much to be done again this coming week but it shall not be without much needed rest, which was severely lacking the week last. I am revived having had a moment's leisure with my sister and the always delightful Monsieur Buble. He did indeed satisfy us with a single advent hymn for the occasion and we were more than grateful for the recital.
Perhaps there will be yet more Happiness on the morrow...
Thursday, December 2, 2010
December 2, 2010
Dearest Diary,
My absence has not been unwarranted this week, I promise you. It began with the departure of the eldest Miss Lindsay and continued with music lessons, recitals, rehearsals, and an Advent celebration. All of which, I deem a particular success and it is not without some bit of disappointment that such events are now passed. However, tomorrow, I am to away to the lake regions in the north of the country for a visit with sister and to attend yet another recital given by the foreign dignitary I spoke of many months ago. Monsieur Buble will be donning his best attire and entertaining with some caroles of the olde. I am beginning to highly anticipate Father Christmas' return. Such anticipation has been difficult to acquire with the enormity of obligations as of late, but I am finding myself now quite eager.
I cannot promise I shall return to you in the coming days, but quite soon I hope. Do assume, however, that you'll be nearest my heart on the morrow...
My absence has not been unwarranted this week, I promise you. It began with the departure of the eldest Miss Lindsay and continued with music lessons, recitals, rehearsals, and an Advent celebration. All of which, I deem a particular success and it is not without some bit of disappointment that such events are now passed. However, tomorrow, I am to away to the lake regions in the north of the country for a visit with sister and to attend yet another recital given by the foreign dignitary I spoke of many months ago. Monsieur Buble will be donning his best attire and entertaining with some caroles of the olde. I am beginning to highly anticipate Father Christmas' return. Such anticipation has been difficult to acquire with the enormity of obligations as of late, but I am finding myself now quite eager.
I cannot promise I shall return to you in the coming days, but quite soon I hope. Do assume, however, that you'll be nearest my heart on the morrow...
Thursday, November 25, 2010
November 25, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I wrote to you yesterday of a fantastical feast to take place this afternoon, and I cannot think of a more appropriate term for the celebration. I am most grateful for the many friends I have garnered over the years and for a family like no other. I am oft convinced there is none their equal in many respects. I had the good fortune of sharing the celebration with such family and friends this afternoon and it was a splendid way to begin the advent season. Mother gifted us each with a painting of the home of our youth as it was seen in the winter months and it is a beautiful scene with which to decorate. I have grown certain now that there is not a bit of waking energy in my countenance nor any room for a late-night cup of tea. I shall instead away quickly to bed that the holiday might continue on the morrow...
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
November 24, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Today has been quite a full one for certain. It began with Lady Pigeon remaining quite indignant upon waking the in the early morning hours and therefore we proceeded with a walk about the grounds. Then began the preparation in the kitchen for the most fantastical feast to take place on the morrow. There were noodles to roll out and cakes to prepare, and amid such clamour, the Lady and I were interrupted by a snake who made himself a home neath the benches on the lawn. A gentleman passer-by heeded our cries for help and coaxed the wretched serpent away, though admittedly not without some fear and hesitation on his own part. Nevertheless, I am deeply grateful for our rescuer.
Upon his departure, quite another stranger happened our way and this one happened to be much more handsome and much more the sort I should like to be surprised by more frequently. He stayed mainly near the lakes and paused only momentarily to glance our direction and wave. However untoward that might seem, as we've ne'er been introduced, I enjoyed the generosity of his smile and the friendliness of the gesture. (And perhaps even more so, the firmness of figure he possessed, but that is between you and me, dear Diary).
Mother and Sister joined me for tea shortly thereafter and it was then that the eldest Miss Lindsay and I paid a visit to the Disney estate with a somewhat smaller traveler from the north of the country. He seemed to enjoy the luxury of the gardens as it was his first visit to such an extravagant estate. He did well to mark the occasion that he might return from whence he came with some very great memories.
The evening called for a reading of a well-known fairy tale and it was quite a pleasant one. And now it is time to retire, for there is much to anticipate on the morrow...
November 23, 2010
Dearest Diary,
One could not ask for a finer day than the one coming at last to a close. I greatly enjoy the company of the schoolchildrend and that of their mothers and fathers as well, on occasions such as today's. Little can be said of any disappointment today for it was filled with overall Happiness.
Following the lessons this afternoon, I journeyed south in my phaeton to the home of the young musician who takes a music lesson from time to time. As dinner approached I returned to the Tower View estate for some conversation over pie. And at last, there was time for a brisk walk around the lakes at the Disney estate with Sister. I am more than contented at her presence this week.
We shall be heading to town to visit the markets on the morrow...
One could not ask for a finer day than the one coming at last to a close. I greatly enjoy the company of the schoolchildrend and that of their mothers and fathers as well, on occasions such as today's. Little can be said of any disappointment today for it was filled with overall Happiness.
Following the lessons this afternoon, I journeyed south in my phaeton to the home of the young musician who takes a music lesson from time to time. As dinner approached I returned to the Tower View estate for some conversation over pie. And at last, there was time for a brisk walk around the lakes at the Disney estate with Sister. I am more than contented at her presence this week.
We shall be heading to town to visit the markets on the morrow...
Monday, November 22, 2010
November 22, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I am most elated to inform you that the eldest Miss Lindsay has returned safely to the south of the country and is lodging at the Tower View estate this evening. Would that I could provide for her comfort here, but it is unfortunate that I shall be at the schoolhouse for the duration of the tomorrow. Perhaps in the days to come she might elect to spend an evening or two at the Granada estate.
Today was a particularly pleasant afternoon prior to her arrival as well, for the schoolchildren amused me as always and one can never underestimate the company of a good friend. With a recital on the pianoforte and an hour or two in the kitchen I must remit that I could not boast of any more Happiness.
There seems to be much more to celebrate on the morrow for there is to be a feast of outrageous proportions. I do not hesitate to solicit your presence for such an affair, for you are all invited. Shall I see you on the morrow?...
I am most elated to inform you that the eldest Miss Lindsay has returned safely to the south of the country and is lodging at the Tower View estate this evening. Would that I could provide for her comfort here, but it is unfortunate that I shall be at the schoolhouse for the duration of the tomorrow. Perhaps in the days to come she might elect to spend an evening or two at the Granada estate.
Today was a particularly pleasant afternoon prior to her arrival as well, for the schoolchildren amused me as always and one can never underestimate the company of a good friend. With a recital on the pianoforte and an hour or two in the kitchen I must remit that I could not boast of any more Happiness.
There seems to be much more to celebrate on the morrow for there is to be a feast of outrageous proportions. I do not hesitate to solicit your presence for such an affair, for you are all invited. Shall I see you on the morrow?...
Sunday, November 21, 2010
November 21, 2010
Dearest Diary,
This Lord's Day found me feeling quite rested and prepared to accomplish those deeds that pressed upon me. A small dinner party was in order and Lady Pigeon and I disposed of the meal quite successfully. Prior to such dining we spent the chief of the afternoon at the Granada Estate, tending to the sorts of chores that are left undone during the oft-busy week. I resumed my daily recreation about the grounds and visited a bit with Mr. Crosby, and it is now the hour at which I ought to retire.
I must confess, however, that I feel little of fatigue at present and wish to carry on in the manner I have been accustomed these last few hours. Nevertheless, it is this side of tomorrow, that I shall be reuniting with a most beloved sister after some months in her absence. I have promised to be well-rested for the occasion. Shall I return to you on the morrow?...
This Lord's Day found me feeling quite rested and prepared to accomplish those deeds that pressed upon me. A small dinner party was in order and Lady Pigeon and I disposed of the meal quite successfully. Prior to such dining we spent the chief of the afternoon at the Granada Estate, tending to the sorts of chores that are left undone during the oft-busy week. I resumed my daily recreation about the grounds and visited a bit with Mr. Crosby, and it is now the hour at which I ought to retire.
I must confess, however, that I feel little of fatigue at present and wish to carry on in the manner I have been accustomed these last few hours. Nevertheless, it is this side of tomorrow, that I shall be reuniting with a most beloved sister after some months in her absence. I have promised to be well-rested for the occasion. Shall I return to you on the morrow?...
Saturday, November 20, 2010
November 20, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I fear I cannot stay long this evening for there is not much life remaining in mine eyelids. They are on their descent in moments. However it is not possible to retire before giving an account of the day, for it was more splendid than I've had in recent weeks. None can surpass the joy of attending the theatre in the company of a good friend, except the addition of the weekly services at the evening's conclusion. But to then partake of dinner and the arrival of yet another olde friend upon my return home, I am fortunate beyond what mere words can express. Happiness cannot e'en begin to describe such a day. I shall attempt a more descriptive account when my consciousness returns. Perhaps on the morrow?...
I fear I cannot stay long this evening for there is not much life remaining in mine eyelids. They are on their descent in moments. However it is not possible to retire before giving an account of the day, for it was more splendid than I've had in recent weeks. None can surpass the joy of attending the theatre in the company of a good friend, except the addition of the weekly services at the evening's conclusion. But to then partake of dinner and the arrival of yet another olde friend upon my return home, I am fortunate beyond what mere words can express. Happiness cannot e'en begin to describe such a day. I shall attempt a more descriptive account when my consciousness returns. Perhaps on the morrow?...
Friday, November 19, 2010
November 19, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I must admit that waking did not come very easily for me today as I spent most of the day feeling in a bit of a fog. I was however invited to dine with a Mr. Potter this evening and hear tales of his adventures in wizardry. I must admit that having little knowledge of such a practice, I felt quite confused in his retelling of the story. Nevertheless, I enjoyed his company and that of his companions as well. I am positively thrilled that today marks the commencement of the weekend and I cannot contain my enthusiasm over the fact that the eldest Miss Lindsay will return home in but three days. I wish it were instead on the morrow...
I must admit that waking did not come very easily for me today as I spent most of the day feeling in a bit of a fog. I was however invited to dine with a Mr. Potter this evening and hear tales of his adventures in wizardry. I must admit that having little knowledge of such a practice, I felt quite confused in his retelling of the story. Nevertheless, I enjoyed his company and that of his companions as well. I am positively thrilled that today marks the commencement of the weekend and I cannot contain my enthusiasm over the fact that the eldest Miss Lindsay will return home in but three days. I wish it were instead on the morrow...
Thursday, November 18, 2010
November 18, 2010
Dearest Diary,
It was this very day, many years ago that a dear friend was born from the imagination of a most magnificent gentleman. I have admired this character from a distance throughout my childhood, but as I settled in the south of the country, I became his confidante and we were inseparable for a good many years. This evening as I write to you, I am reminded of his cheerful laughter and charming wit. I cannot deny that he has captured my heart more than any other gentleman I've come to know. Regrettably our companionship has waned in recent months but he is never far from my thoughts.
If I may, in his honour, I should like to share a particular memory of our afternoons together. Perhaps even our first introduction apart from what I knew of him as a child, for it was at a ball -- a most elegant gathering for such an introduction. I was welcomed as a guest of some propriety and the host was most eager to introduce me to many that had attended that evening. I knew most of their names prior to our introduction for each had a reputation which preceeded him. But I shall never forget the moment I set eyes upon the friend of my youth. His gloved hand took hold of mine and led me in a dance reel that felt very much like a fairy tale. It was a dance I continued to enjoy for the next six years.
I have not forgotten him nor shall my heart ever take leave of him. For he is the proper sort of suitor that any young maiden should wish for. In honour of his special day, I shall hurry to his side on the morrow...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
November 17, 2010
Dearest Diary,
There is something quite pleasant about our weekly hymnsings and this morning's was no different. But indeed it was improved upon with the addition of the families of the schoolchildren who were to be honoured at the occasion. Many were in attendance and I anticipate a similar congregation in only a matter of weeks at the celebration of the advent season.
I must be forthright with you, and while I do not feign Happiness, I must declare that it comes and goes as it pleases leaving me oft with a much darker emotion. Would you suppose it is simply the onset of the winter months or perhaps the want of a husband or something entirely different? I cannot fathom a reason for such changes in temper. Or have I fathomed a great number of reasons?
Nevertheless, one might be for lack of rest as I have found myself writing to you at a most inconvenient hour these past few evenings. Perchance I should to bed a bit earlier this evening. We shall meet again on the morrow...
There is something quite pleasant about our weekly hymnsings and this morning's was no different. But indeed it was improved upon with the addition of the families of the schoolchildren who were to be honoured at the occasion. Many were in attendance and I anticipate a similar congregation in only a matter of weeks at the celebration of the advent season.
I must be forthright with you, and while I do not feign Happiness, I must declare that it comes and goes as it pleases leaving me oft with a much darker emotion. Would you suppose it is simply the onset of the winter months or perhaps the want of a husband or something entirely different? I cannot fathom a reason for such changes in temper. Or have I fathomed a great number of reasons?
Nevertheless, one might be for lack of rest as I have found myself writing to you at a most inconvenient hour these past few evenings. Perchance I should to bed a bit earlier this evening. We shall meet again on the morrow...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
November 16, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I cannot help but be thankful for the outpouring of support I have received today. I have had a most magnificent afternoon, and it is due in part to the astute nature of those surrounding me. Whether solicited or not, I have been treated most warmly and with an abundance of embraces to carry me through the advent season. One must never underestimate a hug. I am elated that a dear friend has returned home to our modest village and in less than a week, I shall once again set eyes on a most beloved sister who is to return from the lake regions for a short respite from her lectures. I have missed her ever so much.
I was delighted to be again in the company of the chamber ensembles this afternoon as I believe them to be excelling quite rapidly this year. We resume our weekly hymnsing at light of dawn and from that hour the close of the week seems much more iminent than Monday can typically behold. For that I am most thankful. And after all it is the very sort of season for giving thanks. I shall do so again on the morrow...
I cannot help but be thankful for the outpouring of support I have received today. I have had a most magnificent afternoon, and it is due in part to the astute nature of those surrounding me. Whether solicited or not, I have been treated most warmly and with an abundance of embraces to carry me through the advent season. One must never underestimate a hug. I am elated that a dear friend has returned home to our modest village and in less than a week, I shall once again set eyes on a most beloved sister who is to return from the lake regions for a short respite from her lectures. I have missed her ever so much.
I was delighted to be again in the company of the chamber ensembles this afternoon as I believe them to be excelling quite rapidly this year. We resume our weekly hymnsing at light of dawn and from that hour the close of the week seems much more iminent than Monday can typically behold. For that I am most thankful. And after all it is the very sort of season for giving thanks. I shall do so again on the morrow...
Monday, November 15, 2010
November 15, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Although the greater part of the afternoon was one of sheer Happiness, I cannot say the same of this very moment, for it was not but moments ago I was conversing cheerfully with Mother when my carrier pigeon expired most dramatically before my very eyes. He has not, as yet been revived and my conversation with Mother has been on haiatus ever since. And for clarity's sake, Lady Pigeon is quite well and resting peacefully at my bedside. But rather my carrier pigeon was exhibiting the most peculiar behaviour this evening and now at its presumed demise, I cannot help but grow increasingly hopeless of his ever returning to my servitude.
I am obliged at times to swallow the words that spill forth from my mouth, for not thirty seconds ago, the miraculous revival of the bird occurred and I am to resume said conversation in only a few short moments. Before I do, however, may I remit how impressively joyful I find myself in the company of the schoolchildren these past weeks. This is not a common occurrence for I am not afraid to admit that they often tire me exceedingly. Nevertheless, in the previous fortnight or so, I have enjoyed them greatly, and such joy could only be improved with the revelation of a potential suitor. Perhaps tomorrow?...
Although the greater part of the afternoon was one of sheer Happiness, I cannot say the same of this very moment, for it was not but moments ago I was conversing cheerfully with Mother when my carrier pigeon expired most dramatically before my very eyes. He has not, as yet been revived and my conversation with Mother has been on haiatus ever since. And for clarity's sake, Lady Pigeon is quite well and resting peacefully at my bedside. But rather my carrier pigeon was exhibiting the most peculiar behaviour this evening and now at its presumed demise, I cannot help but grow increasingly hopeless of his ever returning to my servitude.
I am obliged at times to swallow the words that spill forth from my mouth, for not thirty seconds ago, the miraculous revival of the bird occurred and I am to resume said conversation in only a few short moments. Before I do, however, may I remit how impressively joyful I find myself in the company of the schoolchildren these past weeks. This is not a common occurrence for I am not afraid to admit that they often tire me exceedingly. Nevertheless, in the previous fortnight or so, I have enjoyed them greatly, and such joy could only be improved with the revelation of a potential suitor. Perhaps tomorrow?...
Sunday, November 14, 2010
November 14, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Much has transpired since last we spoke, and yet it is not the sort of news for which we have waited these twenty months. In short, I remain that eligible maiden I have been for some time. In the time since I wrote to you last, I have found myself quite busy. I spent some time in the town of York and visited with the dearest of friends and her lovely daughters. I entertained guests in my own home as well in celebration of the fall harvest and visited a second time with a one Mr. Hicks. I have attended Synagogue and Mass, and have returned favourably to my own parrish as well. I bade farewell to friends who have traveled an unseemly distance, and I have developed envy toward their many favourable circumstances. I dined this evening in the company of family who entertained me with their knowledge of the day's literature and I sought clarity in the morning's sermon from the wisdom of my father. And while I have had a generally Happy disposition surrounding all such matters, I find I am not as such this evening. I hoped perhaps our meeting might make haste to change such a dreary countenance. We shall see, if not this evening, then perhaps on the morrow...
October 26, 2010
Dearest Diary,
We have oft been called the weaker sex, and for good reason, I suppose. I cannot continue to garner the strength to hold up the others of my sex who share the same woes of maidenhood that I do. I am, to be quite frank, exhausted and feeling as though I might live up to the description of not the gentler, but the weaker of the sexes.
I am certain I am not alone. I have many friends who are not allied to a gentleman, or legally bound to him. And I hear of their anguish quite regularly. I empathize with them as I listen to their tales. Being in the nature of a good friend, I am apt to try to lift their spirits, or to hear them out and become the ground on which they find the strength to stand in such pain. I have strived to be a foundation, even when I, myself need the same from my friends. But I am weakening by the moment, and I fear I have not felt the same boost from them. I do not fault them for it, for I doubts as my own attempts have been met with much success.
There is a reason we were given to man -- we, as the weaker sex, cannot handle the weight on our own. Although I have tried valiantly to be a shoulder to cry upon, I am none compared to the more broad-shouldered variety found among gentleman. I ache for such shoulders this evening. I am burdened beyond words, and yet the ones I have mind to speak, I cannot to even my closest of friends. For they have not the strength to carry me, either. It is a weight only tenable on the shoulders of man. I have held back tears, and the anguish I feel in order that I might not increase the load among friends. But I am in need of their help, for I have not the wealth of matrimony. Would that things were different. At present, I abhor tomorrow...
We have oft been called the weaker sex, and for good reason, I suppose. I cannot continue to garner the strength to hold up the others of my sex who share the same woes of maidenhood that I do. I am, to be quite frank, exhausted and feeling as though I might live up to the description of not the gentler, but the weaker of the sexes.
I am certain I am not alone. I have many friends who are not allied to a gentleman, or legally bound to him. And I hear of their anguish quite regularly. I empathize with them as I listen to their tales. Being in the nature of a good friend, I am apt to try to lift their spirits, or to hear them out and become the ground on which they find the strength to stand in such pain. I have strived to be a foundation, even when I, myself need the same from my friends. But I am weakening by the moment, and I fear I have not felt the same boost from them. I do not fault them for it, for I doubts as my own attempts have been met with much success.
There is a reason we were given to man -- we, as the weaker sex, cannot handle the weight on our own. Although I have tried valiantly to be a shoulder to cry upon, I am none compared to the more broad-shouldered variety found among gentleman. I ache for such shoulders this evening. I am burdened beyond words, and yet the ones I have mind to speak, I cannot to even my closest of friends. For they have not the strength to carry me, either. It is a weight only tenable on the shoulders of man. I have held back tears, and the anguish I feel in order that I might not increase the load among friends. But I am in need of their help, for I have not the wealth of matrimony. Would that things were different. At present, I abhor tomorrow...
Saturday, October 9, 2010
October 9, 2010
Dearest Diary,
This evening I had the good fortune to hear a recital in the gardens by a one Mr. Hicks. The gentleman is always a delight to hear and there is a great number of villagers who are also quite pleased with his particular vocal tone. I am one of many. I must confess that it is not uncommon to desire an alliance with this sort of gentleman and I cannot count myself out of such a wish. May I remit that following the performance, I introduced myself in a rather unusual sort of way, but he invited me to accompany him on his walk toward the inn not too far in the distance. Our particular conversation is one I shall not soon forget for he confirmed his engagements for the days to come and promised to sing a piece that I am most fond of. I am more than honoured at such vows. Should he e'er make the most desired proposal, I assure you, Dear Diary, that you shall be the first to hear of it. Perhaps such declarations shall begin on the morrow?...
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
September 29, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Upon the conclusion of the lessons this afternoon, it was decided we would journey to the western coastlands in order to observe a cricket match and to observe the rays of sun as it set. While such scenery is quite lovely at the particular time of day, it was unfortunate that we had not made it for the cricket match and we therefore paused at an inn for dinner and some fishing. Although the waters were well-stocked, we left with naught but two tiny goldfish. Fortunately, a dear friend had also taken respite at the inn and her company was a welcome thing to behold. However, it is now rather late of hour and I shall be required at the schoolhouse quite early on the morrow...
Upon the conclusion of the lessons this afternoon, it was decided we would journey to the western coastlands in order to observe a cricket match and to observe the rays of sun as it set. While such scenery is quite lovely at the particular time of day, it was unfortunate that we had not made it for the cricket match and we therefore paused at an inn for dinner and some fishing. Although the waters were well-stocked, we left with naught but two tiny goldfish. Fortunately, a dear friend had also taken respite at the inn and her company was a welcome thing to behold. However, it is now rather late of hour and I shall be required at the schoolhouse quite early on the morrow...
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
September 28, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I cannot be more pleased at the day as it was. Were it not for the rain, I fear I might have melted in the heat, but it is fortunate that the weather changed rapidly and brought with it the cool breezes that this season is known for. I am indeed happy.
Following the lessons this afternoon, I was able to practise with the chamber ensemble and I am quite pleased at their progress. Upon their dismissal, I returned to the task of preparation for the evening's dinner party with the many families of schoolchildren. Some words of intrigue were certainly exchanged and I have not the full account to report to you this evening, but may I at least inform you of the kindness of many in attendance. For it was the very sort of kindness for which I was in great need.
The weekly hymnsing returns on the morrow...
I cannot be more pleased at the day as it was. Were it not for the rain, I fear I might have melted in the heat, but it is fortunate that the weather changed rapidly and brought with it the cool breezes that this season is known for. I am indeed happy.
Following the lessons this afternoon, I was able to practise with the chamber ensemble and I am quite pleased at their progress. Upon their dismissal, I returned to the task of preparation for the evening's dinner party with the many families of schoolchildren. Some words of intrigue were certainly exchanged and I have not the full account to report to you this evening, but may I at least inform you of the kindness of many in attendance. For it was the very sort of kindness for which I was in great need.
The weekly hymnsing returns on the morrow...
Monday, September 27, 2010
September 27, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I am eager to speak to you this evening of a matter quite out of my hands. It is no secret, dear Diary, that I have not been quite enthusiastic these past few days, but I do wish to inform you that much has taken place. I continue to receive correspondence from a Mr. Evans from the village in which I grew up. I do find him to be a handsome gentlemen although quite, as yet, unknown to me. And as I have appealed to you on numerous occasions for an introduction, I have received an offer of suchan introduction just this afternoon. Whether or not I should accept the offer is a different matter altogether, but I am delighted that one has heeded my occasional urging. If in fact such an introduction takes place, I vowed that I should not deny the invitation. I do not believe that an answer will be necessary however. It seems as though the idea will be quickly cast aside, and in the case that it is, let me urge you once again to consider offering an introduction. For there are far too gentlemen in my profession and even fewer that seem to frequent the local parish. Nevertheless, I do recall feeling encouraged at yesterday's services. Perhaps there is hope for tomorrow...
I am eager to speak to you this evening of a matter quite out of my hands. It is no secret, dear Diary, that I have not been quite enthusiastic these past few days, but I do wish to inform you that much has taken place. I continue to receive correspondence from a Mr. Evans from the village in which I grew up. I do find him to be a handsome gentlemen although quite, as yet, unknown to me. And as I have appealed to you on numerous occasions for an introduction, I have received an offer of suchan introduction just this afternoon. Whether or not I should accept the offer is a different matter altogether, but I am delighted that one has heeded my occasional urging. If in fact such an introduction takes place, I vowed that I should not deny the invitation. I do not believe that an answer will be necessary however. It seems as though the idea will be quickly cast aside, and in the case that it is, let me urge you once again to consider offering an introduction. For there are far too gentlemen in my profession and even fewer that seem to frequent the local parish. Nevertheless, I do recall feeling encouraged at yesterday's services. Perhaps there is hope for tomorrow...
Sunday, September 26, 2010
September 26, 2010
Dearest Diary,
It was a rather impressive display by General Manning and his team of Horses this afternoon. I truly delight in observing the stampedes on each Lord's Day. And considering it was such a day today, the morning found me fondly in attendance among the parishioners. Even more delightful was the rare but welcome attendance of the three bachelors who were seated directly in front of me. I even garnered a few smiles from the gentlemen. A pleasure not to be missed.
As for the remainder of the weekend, last evening found me in the company of a good friend and the favoured literature of the elegant class. I am deeply grateful for the company. Tomorrow, however begins another week of lessons and a return to the schoolhouse. I am eager to accept the promise of breakfast on the morrow...
It was a rather impressive display by General Manning and his team of Horses this afternoon. I truly delight in observing the stampedes on each Lord's Day. And considering it was such a day today, the morning found me fondly in attendance among the parishioners. Even more delightful was the rare but welcome attendance of the three bachelors who were seated directly in front of me. I even garnered a few smiles from the gentlemen. A pleasure not to be missed.
As for the remainder of the weekend, last evening found me in the company of a good friend and the favoured literature of the elegant class. I am deeply grateful for the company. Tomorrow, however begins another week of lessons and a return to the schoolhouse. I am eager to accept the promise of breakfast on the morrow...
Friday, September 24, 2010
September 24, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I cannot be certain when I have last been more grateful for the conclusion of a week. Though I harbour no great complaints, I am pleased to be rid of such a week. What seems most fortunate however is the quart of ice that was given to me late this evening as I left a confectionery. It is not simply ice as one might find in cooler climates, but rather tastes somewhat akin to fudge. I could not help but be taken in by the smile of the gentleman and his friendly manner. He is indeed growing in my esteem as we have met on numerous occasions in the past year. Were it only for the bewitching smile, he might have meant less to me. But for the gift he presented me this evening, I find myself considering matrimony. I have never known ice to be of such flavour.
As for the lateness of hour, it behooves me to return to you instead on the morrow...
I cannot be certain when I have last been more grateful for the conclusion of a week. Though I harbour no great complaints, I am pleased to be rid of such a week. What seems most fortunate however is the quart of ice that was given to me late this evening as I left a confectionery. It is not simply ice as one might find in cooler climates, but rather tastes somewhat akin to fudge. I could not help but be taken in by the smile of the gentleman and his friendly manner. He is indeed growing in my esteem as we have met on numerous occasions in the past year. Were it only for the bewitching smile, he might have meant less to me. But for the gift he presented me this evening, I find myself considering matrimony. I have never known ice to be of such flavour.
As for the lateness of hour, it behooves me to return to you instead on the morrow...
Thursday, September 23, 2010
September 23, 2010
Dearest Diary,
As an aspiring authoress, there are few things in which I delight more than the purchase of new literature. I can assure you that the sort of market that will be arriving at the schoolhouse on the morrow is one that creates much excitement within me. And a much unaccounted for desire to drink tea. But I digress.
I am not proud to admit it, but I am the very sort that determines whether a piece of literature is desirable by the image or words depicted on the book's outset. One might be apt to respond that thou shalt not judge a book by it's cover, but I'm afraid I am not altogether familiar with such an ideal. I have only to offer that while I am often taken by a story when I've not seen the cover at all, I am less likely to have browsed its pages without the initial attraction.
I trust you are perceptive enough to understand I speak not only of literature. Have you not also judged a gentleman by his stature, his countenance, or the pleasure of his smile? Is it thus considered vanity to have never observed him otherwise? A man of great stature is demonstration of physical strength. One of right countenance demonstrates a spiritual strength. And a pleasing smile demonstrates an emotional strength. All traits a proper gentleman -- one of significant matrimonial potential -- ought to possess. Indeed, I am guilty. I cannot deny that the first glance must have reason to give heed to a second.
But indeed, I am the same with books. I shall take a few first glances (and perhaps a second) on the morrow...
As an aspiring authoress, there are few things in which I delight more than the purchase of new literature. I can assure you that the sort of market that will be arriving at the schoolhouse on the morrow is one that creates much excitement within me. And a much unaccounted for desire to drink tea. But I digress.
I am not proud to admit it, but I am the very sort that determines whether a piece of literature is desirable by the image or words depicted on the book's outset. One might be apt to respond that thou shalt not judge a book by it's cover, but I'm afraid I am not altogether familiar with such an ideal. I have only to offer that while I am often taken by a story when I've not seen the cover at all, I am less likely to have browsed its pages without the initial attraction.
I trust you are perceptive enough to understand I speak not only of literature. Have you not also judged a gentleman by his stature, his countenance, or the pleasure of his smile? Is it thus considered vanity to have never observed him otherwise? A man of great stature is demonstration of physical strength. One of right countenance demonstrates a spiritual strength. And a pleasing smile demonstrates an emotional strength. All traits a proper gentleman -- one of significant matrimonial potential -- ought to possess. Indeed, I am guilty. I cannot deny that the first glance must have reason to give heed to a second.
But indeed, I am the same with books. I shall take a few first glances (and perhaps a second) on the morrow...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
September 22, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I continue to find little pleasantries in the day-to-day that delight me so. They are the sort that are quite unexpected, though I cannot at present recollect a one. Nevertheless, I hold great anticipation for the Happiness that is the week's end. I am exceedingly grateful for that special holiday called Saturday. I suppose that what sustains me presently is the commencement of the chamber ensembles. I have a most eager lot this year and I am fortunate to instruct them in their practice. Having said so, it behooves me to reminisce about my own years under careful music tutelage. They are the sort of years I remember quite fondly and in fact embrace as some of the best memories I can own to. Those spent in finishing school became the inspiration for my studies at the University; and those spent at the University have become a great part of the long journey I have taken since.
I have often struggled with the responsibility of insisting on music instruction as necessary to one's maturity and wisdom. And while I profoundly acknowledge it's value, I have taken heed that perhaps more important is the ability to pen a letter or read a story, than to fully comprehend the great works of Brahms or Mendelssohn. Nevertheless, the art is indeed paramount to one's understanding of the world. It seems music, science, mathematics, religion, and literature are near inseparable. When I am nearly convinced that music is the lesser of knowledge forms, I am persuaded otherwise by the mere participation in it. But I beg of you, do not think ill upon me for defying my profession. It is not my intention. Rather, I am rebourn to it. I find greater need for its use and I dare not doubt its value again.
Not even tomorrow...
I continue to find little pleasantries in the day-to-day that delight me so. They are the sort that are quite unexpected, though I cannot at present recollect a one. Nevertheless, I hold great anticipation for the Happiness that is the week's end. I am exceedingly grateful for that special holiday called Saturday. I suppose that what sustains me presently is the commencement of the chamber ensembles. I have a most eager lot this year and I am fortunate to instruct them in their practice. Having said so, it behooves me to reminisce about my own years under careful music tutelage. They are the sort of years I remember quite fondly and in fact embrace as some of the best memories I can own to. Those spent in finishing school became the inspiration for my studies at the University; and those spent at the University have become a great part of the long journey I have taken since.
I have often struggled with the responsibility of insisting on music instruction as necessary to one's maturity and wisdom. And while I profoundly acknowledge it's value, I have taken heed that perhaps more important is the ability to pen a letter or read a story, than to fully comprehend the great works of Brahms or Mendelssohn. Nevertheless, the art is indeed paramount to one's understanding of the world. It seems music, science, mathematics, religion, and literature are near inseparable. When I am nearly convinced that music is the lesser of knowledge forms, I am persuaded otherwise by the mere participation in it. But I beg of you, do not think ill upon me for defying my profession. It is not my intention. Rather, I am rebourn to it. I find greater need for its use and I dare not doubt its value again.
Not even tomorrow...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
September 21, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I have oft made purchases that were not in the best interest of my pocketbook but I do declare that I detest the feeling of thievery that one has put upon me this afternoon. Or rather instead on the Lord's Day, but it was undiscovered until this very afternoon. Being robbed of such an amount is most inconvenient and I cannot help but loathe the individual who wouldst perform such a deed. Nevertheless I am elated at the resolution of such scandal. The funds are to be redeposited in less than a fortnight. I would that it were sooner. I could leap into the air if it were as early as tomorrow...
I have oft made purchases that were not in the best interest of my pocketbook but I do declare that I detest the feeling of thievery that one has put upon me this afternoon. Or rather instead on the Lord's Day, but it was undiscovered until this very afternoon. Being robbed of such an amount is most inconvenient and I cannot help but loathe the individual who wouldst perform such a deed. Nevertheless I am elated at the resolution of such scandal. The funds are to be redeposited in less than a fortnight. I would that it were sooner. I could leap into the air if it were as early as tomorrow...
Monday, September 20, 2010
September 20, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I fear I have once again been absent these thirteen days. Nevertheless, I return to you this evening with the anticipation of great Happiness. I have spoken to you before of Monsieur Buble, but I had ne'er expected that I might again make his acquaintance. And while the promise of such a meeting is yet two months off, I am overjoyed at the thought. I am hopeful he might delight us with an advent hymn or two on the occasion being at such a time of year, but he has not promised such entertainment. I can only expect a small recital and perhaps a kiss on the hand if we are to be so fortunate. The eldest Miss Lindsay and I simply adore his company.
Additionally, I have the good fortune of recreating a visit to the theatre which I had taken last November. A most beloved tale of Christmas is to arrive in the peninsula only days before I away to the lake regions for the visit with Monsieur Buble. I am a girl to be envied.
Perhaps even more so on the morrow...
I fear I have once again been absent these thirteen days. Nevertheless, I return to you this evening with the anticipation of great Happiness. I have spoken to you before of Monsieur Buble, but I had ne'er expected that I might again make his acquaintance. And while the promise of such a meeting is yet two months off, I am overjoyed at the thought. I am hopeful he might delight us with an advent hymn or two on the occasion being at such a time of year, but he has not promised such entertainment. I can only expect a small recital and perhaps a kiss on the hand if we are to be so fortunate. The eldest Miss Lindsay and I simply adore his company.
Additionally, I have the good fortune of recreating a visit to the theatre which I had taken last November. A most beloved tale of Christmas is to arrive in the peninsula only days before I away to the lake regions for the visit with Monsieur Buble. I am a girl to be envied.
Perhaps even more so on the morrow...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
September 7, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I'm sure you are quite privy to the sort of day when nothing seems to go as planned. Without giving particulars, I can certainly hint that it is that very sort of day, or perhaps days, that I have been so unfortunate to encounter. Perhaps it is the settling of new routines or the unsettling of the olde. Nevertheless, I can assure you that I am not at all the best of company.
Of a more optimistic nature, however is the cake that Mother happened by with this evening. I found it delectable and to be the very sort of sweet of which I would most like to indulge on days like this one. I cannot muster e'en an ounce of Happiness this evening. With any good fortune, it shall return on the morrow...
I'm sure you are quite privy to the sort of day when nothing seems to go as planned. Without giving particulars, I can certainly hint that it is that very sort of day, or perhaps days, that I have been so unfortunate to encounter. Perhaps it is the settling of new routines or the unsettling of the olde. Nevertheless, I can assure you that I am not at all the best of company.
Of a more optimistic nature, however is the cake that Mother happened by with this evening. I found it delectable and to be the very sort of sweet of which I would most like to indulge on days like this one. I cannot muster e'en an ounce of Happiness this evening. With any good fortune, it shall return on the morrow...
Sunday, September 5, 2010
September 5, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I have made vows of a similar nature in the past, but I have begun once again to ponder the purchase of an estate of my own in the coming months. I have visited two this afternoon which show great promise. I shall hopefully be privy to additional information in the coming days. Additionally, I shall be acquiring some new stationery very soon for the correspondence I depend upon greatly. In only a fortnight I may be on my way again to the large lake regions in the north of the country in order to visit with a most beloved sister. As for the establishment of physical fitness we have discovered some alternative options that may not be quite as costly to one's pocketbook. I am in the sort of mood which feels as though there is very little to disappoint. It's a wonder I do not have an abundance of more energy this evening. Nevertheless there is much excitement on the morrow...
I have made vows of a similar nature in the past, but I have begun once again to ponder the purchase of an estate of my own in the coming months. I have visited two this afternoon which show great promise. I shall hopefully be privy to additional information in the coming days. Additionally, I shall be acquiring some new stationery very soon for the correspondence I depend upon greatly. In only a fortnight I may be on my way again to the large lake regions in the north of the country in order to visit with a most beloved sister. As for the establishment of physical fitness we have discovered some alternative options that may not be quite as costly to one's pocketbook. I am in the sort of mood which feels as though there is very little to disappoint. It's a wonder I do not have an abundance of more energy this evening. Nevertheless there is much excitement on the morrow...
Saturday, September 4, 2010
September 4, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I cannot imagine a more fortuitous afternoon. For what began with a delectable lunch, followed shortly by a visit to the markets in town, concluded with my attendance at the services and dinner in the company of a friend.
At the return to the estate, I have had little interest in settling in for the evening. Rather I have accomplished much and spoken at length with a most beloved friend who celebrates a birthday today. We are to convene on the morrow at that oft avoided yet much needed establishment for the physical fitness. It seems I just might participate in a competition of the most demanding sort in the coming months. I have made promises of the sort previously, but these are the sorts of competitions nearer my grasp, I believe. The ones that last a mere five to ten kilometers. I shall of course favour the smaller of the two. The decision however depends on my resolve as the weeks pass by. Perhaps there will be more to say on the matter in a few days. And in addition to the engagement in sport, I shall indeed celebrate another birthday on the morrow...
I cannot imagine a more fortuitous afternoon. For what began with a delectable lunch, followed shortly by a visit to the markets in town, concluded with my attendance at the services and dinner in the company of a friend.
At the return to the estate, I have had little interest in settling in for the evening. Rather I have accomplished much and spoken at length with a most beloved friend who celebrates a birthday today. We are to convene on the morrow at that oft avoided yet much needed establishment for the physical fitness. It seems I just might participate in a competition of the most demanding sort in the coming months. I have made promises of the sort previously, but these are the sorts of competitions nearer my grasp, I believe. The ones that last a mere five to ten kilometers. I shall of course favour the smaller of the two. The decision however depends on my resolve as the weeks pass by. Perhaps there will be more to say on the matter in a few days. And in addition to the engagement in sport, I shall indeed celebrate another birthday on the morrow...
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
September 1, 2010
Dearest Diary,
As another lengthy afternoon draws to a close I cannot help but reflect on the sorts of ups and downs incurred along the way. To have claimed to be dissatisfied with the schoolchildren's conduct today might be overstating it a slight bit, but it was not my favourite sort of day in that respect. Nevertheless it did have an ounce of Happiness within. Far greater were the hours following the lessons in which much seemed to be accomplished. You have heard tell of my phaeton and ponies from time to time, but I'm afraid I'm not very good to them. For apart from the occasional rain shower, such ponies have rarely been scrubbed down properly. Today was such an occasion. It has been quite some time since I have attempted to bathe such an animal and I found it therefore a trifle exhausting among other feelings. Nevertheless their coats seem to shine the slightest bit brighter than they might have this morning. I trust I was not a complete failure in the task. The mere thought of the accomplishment, however, sparked in me a desire to do some more scrubbing around the Estate. Our washrooms are in excellent condition at present. If the resolve continues, I shall expect a rather savoury kitchen on the morrow...
As another lengthy afternoon draws to a close I cannot help but reflect on the sorts of ups and downs incurred along the way. To have claimed to be dissatisfied with the schoolchildren's conduct today might be overstating it a slight bit, but it was not my favourite sort of day in that respect. Nevertheless it did have an ounce of Happiness within. Far greater were the hours following the lessons in which much seemed to be accomplished. You have heard tell of my phaeton and ponies from time to time, but I'm afraid I'm not very good to them. For apart from the occasional rain shower, such ponies have rarely been scrubbed down properly. Today was such an occasion. It has been quite some time since I have attempted to bathe such an animal and I found it therefore a trifle exhausting among other feelings. Nevertheless their coats seem to shine the slightest bit brighter than they might have this morning. I trust I was not a complete failure in the task. The mere thought of the accomplishment, however, sparked in me a desire to do some more scrubbing around the Estate. Our washrooms are in excellent condition at present. If the resolve continues, I shall expect a rather savoury kitchen on the morrow...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
August 31, 2010
Dearest Diary,
What an enormously fascinating day indeed. I am unaccustomed to beginning my mornings with fruit, but today I was quite taken by a basket full in the kitchen. And I am pleased to state that the schoolchildren are becoming more dear to me with each passing day. To add to such delight, I attended a gathering of young musicians this evening who are eager to begin their music lessons in a fortnight. It was a most successful meeting as they were able to select the instrument upon which they will spend a great portion of their practicing in the coming months. It was such a pleasure to see the joy in their eyes as they attempted the noises on each. I am apt to recall a bit of Scripture which demands a "joyful noise" being played to the heavens. That indeed it shall be, if slightly unpleasant for awhile. I am certain that a God of such patience and forgiveness can offer His understanding on such matters.
And in the way of music, there is the weekly hymnsing to anticipate on the morrow...
What an enormously fascinating day indeed. I am unaccustomed to beginning my mornings with fruit, but today I was quite taken by a basket full in the kitchen. And I am pleased to state that the schoolchildren are becoming more dear to me with each passing day. To add to such delight, I attended a gathering of young musicians this evening who are eager to begin their music lessons in a fortnight. It was a most successful meeting as they were able to select the instrument upon which they will spend a great portion of their practicing in the coming months. It was such a pleasure to see the joy in their eyes as they attempted the noises on each. I am apt to recall a bit of Scripture which demands a "joyful noise" being played to the heavens. That indeed it shall be, if slightly unpleasant for awhile. I am certain that a God of such patience and forgiveness can offer His understanding on such matters.
And in the way of music, there is the weekly hymnsing to anticipate on the morrow...
Monday, August 30, 2010
August 30, 2010
Dearest Diary,
There can be no earthly reason for it, but six pounds is a wonderful thing to have misplaced over a fortnight. Were I speaking of a monetary loss, I might feel differently on the matter. Instead, I 've but a few more, relatively speaking, that I should like to misplace and I shall be quite comfortable with the circumstances.
This was a discovery made in the early morning hours of the day. With such a beginning, it stands to reason that the remainder of the day could proceed quite pleasantly. And so it did. I have very little that requires complaint and in fact, I am once again feeling the very great sense of accomplishment one feels having made progress on the very great number of things necessary to progress on.
Tomorrow is an important appointment concerning the selection of the chamber ensembles. I cannot hide my excitement in the matter as there seems to be great interest in the participation in such activities, and this pleases me exceedingly. I am hopeful that the attendance bodes as well, on the morrow...
There can be no earthly reason for it, but six pounds is a wonderful thing to have misplaced over a fortnight. Were I speaking of a monetary loss, I might feel differently on the matter. Instead, I 've but a few more, relatively speaking, that I should like to misplace and I shall be quite comfortable with the circumstances.
This was a discovery made in the early morning hours of the day. With such a beginning, it stands to reason that the remainder of the day could proceed quite pleasantly. And so it did. I have very little that requires complaint and in fact, I am once again feeling the very great sense of accomplishment one feels having made progress on the very great number of things necessary to progress on.
Tomorrow is an important appointment concerning the selection of the chamber ensembles. I cannot hide my excitement in the matter as there seems to be great interest in the participation in such activities, and this pleases me exceedingly. I am hopeful that the attendance bodes as well, on the morrow...
Sunday, August 29, 2010
August 29, 2010
Dearest Diary,
While it does seem futile to qualify my absence of yesterday anymore, I nevertheless feel compelled to do so. I have given heed to the fact that I shall not always log an account of each day, yet I feel somewhat the worse when I do not. Last evening, however, again held the company and confidence of very dear friends and I found myself unwilling to sacrifice those precious moments for the sake of my Diary. I plead with you not to take offense at such a gesture but to afford me the luxury of a rest from time to time.
I am certain that such a speech implies a want of freedom. It is not so. I value our time together, dear Diary. Let no one or no thing convince you otherwise.
Having remarked on the events of the evening previous, may I now give an account of the delectable Italian dish that was served. You are well acquainted with my monthly dinner parties and I am pleased to remit that yesterday's was every bit as successful as the many previous have been. I have made an oath to continue to invite more guests as the months come and go. Your name may well be on the guest list in no time at all. For I am eager to excel in such talents.
At present however I find myself somewhat deterred by a lone blemish very near my heel. I had a rather unwelcome encounter with a tiny insect at the schoolhouse on Friday, and the wretched thing has left me in quite a state with no means to satisfy the eternal itch.
As for the remainder of the weekend, I was fortunate to attend the services this morning and I am quite fond of the parrish to which I have been party for quite some time, but I am oft eager to attend where I might be introduced to some ladies and gentlemen nearer my own age. I am certain they attend, however the introduction is harder to come by. I have attended some smaller gatherings in this region and while they hold my interest for many reasons, I still seek the companionship of those nearer to my own condition. Would you consider such a need too selfish? Ought I to attend for the mere enrichment instead? For I have often struggled with the notion myself. I have no answer.
In its stead, I shall consider the schoolchildren and the lessons forthcoming and shall put aside my concerns about the parrish. I must retire to my quarters. I shall see you on the morrow....
While it does seem futile to qualify my absence of yesterday anymore, I nevertheless feel compelled to do so. I have given heed to the fact that I shall not always log an account of each day, yet I feel somewhat the worse when I do not. Last evening, however, again held the company and confidence of very dear friends and I found myself unwilling to sacrifice those precious moments for the sake of my Diary. I plead with you not to take offense at such a gesture but to afford me the luxury of a rest from time to time.
I am certain that such a speech implies a want of freedom. It is not so. I value our time together, dear Diary. Let no one or no thing convince you otherwise.
Having remarked on the events of the evening previous, may I now give an account of the delectable Italian dish that was served. You are well acquainted with my monthly dinner parties and I am pleased to remit that yesterday's was every bit as successful as the many previous have been. I have made an oath to continue to invite more guests as the months come and go. Your name may well be on the guest list in no time at all. For I am eager to excel in such talents.
At present however I find myself somewhat deterred by a lone blemish very near my heel. I had a rather unwelcome encounter with a tiny insect at the schoolhouse on Friday, and the wretched thing has left me in quite a state with no means to satisfy the eternal itch.
As for the remainder of the weekend, I was fortunate to attend the services this morning and I am quite fond of the parrish to which I have been party for quite some time, but I am oft eager to attend where I might be introduced to some ladies and gentlemen nearer my own age. I am certain they attend, however the introduction is harder to come by. I have attended some smaller gatherings in this region and while they hold my interest for many reasons, I still seek the companionship of those nearer to my own condition. Would you consider such a need too selfish? Ought I to attend for the mere enrichment instead? For I have often struggled with the notion myself. I have no answer.
In its stead, I shall consider the schoolchildren and the lessons forthcoming and shall put aside my concerns about the parrish. I must retire to my quarters. I shall see you on the morrow....
Friday, August 27, 2010
August 27, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I find immense blessing in the company of friends. Last evening I had the opportunity to dine with one such friend who I deem most treasurable. The visit extended well into the evening, past one's traditional mealtime hours. I do declare that evenings akin to last are among my fondest memories in recent years.
And the Happiness was extended into today with more laughter and confidence in the company of friends. Is it not a very great moment for a weekend to develop? It can be said that such developments are indeed underway, for I am to host a rather small dinner party on the morrow...
I find immense blessing in the company of friends. Last evening I had the opportunity to dine with one such friend who I deem most treasurable. The visit extended well into the evening, past one's traditional mealtime hours. I do declare that evenings akin to last are among my fondest memories in recent years.
And the Happiness was extended into today with more laughter and confidence in the company of friends. Is it not a very great moment for a weekend to develop? It can be said that such developments are indeed underway, for I am to host a rather small dinner party on the morrow...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
August 25, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I have been informed that there is a rather unusual species of tortoise living on the grounds adjacent to the Granada Estate. The particular tortoise takes its name from the gopher population and I am told it is unlawful to remove or tamper with its nest, a rather large hole similar to that of a fox. I am curious if you, Dear Diary, have had any encounters of your own to speak of with a gopher tortoise. I find it rather peculiar, and yet not all that distinguishable from any other tortoise.
Apart from this intriguing development, there is little else to add to today's conversation. We resumed our weekly hymnsing at the schoolhouse and it seemed to go quite well. I have missed conducting such a gathering far more than I may remember when preparations begin.
There is however, more to take place on the morrow...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
August 24, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Would that much had transpired over the last twelve hours, but I'm afraid it hasn't. What should seemingly be a day affording a rather gloomy disposition has contrarily turned into one of promise. Perhaps not in reality, but being the story-teller I oft perceive myself to be, I certainly kept myself in high spirits with the tale I was concocting in my own thoughts. It was, of no doubt, a story of love and courtship. One with the Happiest of endings. And the gentleman contained within such a tale was possessed of an easy smile and striking features, making it rather difficult for one to fall into oblivion. Would that a like creature might make haste into the social circles I frequent. That could certainly make for intrigue in our particular correspondence.
Nevertheless, despite the want for reality, I had a most pleasant afternoon with the schoolchildren and the friends I hold so dear. I also received word again from Mother and Sister that the furnishings they had so desired shall arrive at the lakehouse on the morrow...
Would that much had transpired over the last twelve hours, but I'm afraid it hasn't. What should seemingly be a day affording a rather gloomy disposition has contrarily turned into one of promise. Perhaps not in reality, but being the story-teller I oft perceive myself to be, I certainly kept myself in high spirits with the tale I was concocting in my own thoughts. It was, of no doubt, a story of love and courtship. One with the Happiest of endings. And the gentleman contained within such a tale was possessed of an easy smile and striking features, making it rather difficult for one to fall into oblivion. Would that a like creature might make haste into the social circles I frequent. That could certainly make for intrigue in our particular correspondence.
Nevertheless, despite the want for reality, I had a most pleasant afternoon with the schoolchildren and the friends I hold so dear. I also received word again from Mother and Sister that the furnishings they had so desired shall arrive at the lakehouse on the morrow...
Monday, August 23, 2010
August 23, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I am compelled by the remarks of other school teachers like myself to declare how elated I am at the promise of such a year. I anticipate great joy amongst my schoolchildren and am eager to share many adventures with them in the coming months. I cannot ignore the aches that I endure presently having not been on my feet quite as much in previous weeks, but I have not felt as healthy and happy in quite some time, as I do at this very moment. With so many fortuitous habits returning to my every day, I cannot seem to keep my feet aground. It shall be quite the journey.
On the other hand, the eldest Miss Lindsay and our mother have arrived safely in the lake regions of the country and have begun to settle in to the cooler climates. I envy such breezes and colours as they pray witness to in that bit of the country. It is with hopeful petition that I gaze heavenward this season of the year. I cannot help but desire the same brisk air for my afternoon walks about the grounds.
Nevertheless, it has become necessary that one ought to weigh anchor very soon, for the day I've encountered has somewhat kept me quite afloat. Perhaps it is time to come down. At least for the sake of tomorrow...
I am compelled by the remarks of other school teachers like myself to declare how elated I am at the promise of such a year. I anticipate great joy amongst my schoolchildren and am eager to share many adventures with them in the coming months. I cannot ignore the aches that I endure presently having not been on my feet quite as much in previous weeks, but I have not felt as healthy and happy in quite some time, as I do at this very moment. With so many fortuitous habits returning to my every day, I cannot seem to keep my feet aground. It shall be quite the journey.
On the other hand, the eldest Miss Lindsay and our mother have arrived safely in the lake regions of the country and have begun to settle in to the cooler climates. I envy such breezes and colours as they pray witness to in that bit of the country. It is with hopeful petition that I gaze heavenward this season of the year. I cannot help but desire the same brisk air for my afternoon walks about the grounds.
Nevertheless, it has become necessary that one ought to weigh anchor very soon, for the day I've encountered has somewhat kept me quite afloat. Perhaps it is time to come down. At least for the sake of tomorrow...
Sunday, August 22, 2010
August 22, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I must first and foremost apologize. It seems that in my folly, I have been away for a fortnight and you've heard nothing from me. Do not regard this as an indiscretion but a mere absence of insignificance. The fall lessons begin on the morrow and it seemed imeperative that I take a short respite from the task at hand. I am once again yours and shall not deter from this particular diary very soon.
That being said I must keep you abreast of all that has transpired since last we spoke. Our summer guest had to away just yesterday for the very great lake regions in the north of the country. I was beside myself with anguish, but I am assured that she will not be away for long. In this side of a year, she will likely be once again in the peninsula.
I am told that Grandmother's health is on the rise and this is news of a most fantastic nature. As for the schoolchildren, I anticipate an exceedingly enjoyable year. I have not as of yet been convinced otherwise. There are certainly new acquaintances to establish and routines to settle back into. Not the least of which are my walking engagements in the afternoon. I should not like to undo what I have worked enormously hard to accomplish. Such excursions shall resume on the morrow.
Now for the topic of gentlemen. You have heard me declare on numerous occasions how eager I am to meet the sort that I might deem honourable enough for my hand. And while that remains true, I have encountered some reassurance in my own independence. I do not value it so much so as to reject a gentlemen caller, but I am rather confident in my ability to function without the aid of such a companion. I even took it upon myself to make adjustments to my own phaeton. And I was quite successful at it.
Nevertheless, I cannot hide my affinity for the masculine race. I should hope that I might make one's acquaintance quite soon. Even perhaps on the morrow...
I must first and foremost apologize. It seems that in my folly, I have been away for a fortnight and you've heard nothing from me. Do not regard this as an indiscretion but a mere absence of insignificance. The fall lessons begin on the morrow and it seemed imeperative that I take a short respite from the task at hand. I am once again yours and shall not deter from this particular diary very soon.
That being said I must keep you abreast of all that has transpired since last we spoke. Our summer guest had to away just yesterday for the very great lake regions in the north of the country. I was beside myself with anguish, but I am assured that she will not be away for long. In this side of a year, she will likely be once again in the peninsula.
I am told that Grandmother's health is on the rise and this is news of a most fantastic nature. As for the schoolchildren, I anticipate an exceedingly enjoyable year. I have not as of yet been convinced otherwise. There are certainly new acquaintances to establish and routines to settle back into. Not the least of which are my walking engagements in the afternoon. I should not like to undo what I have worked enormously hard to accomplish. Such excursions shall resume on the morrow.
Now for the topic of gentlemen. You have heard me declare on numerous occasions how eager I am to meet the sort that I might deem honourable enough for my hand. And while that remains true, I have encountered some reassurance in my own independence. I do not value it so much so as to reject a gentlemen caller, but I am rather confident in my ability to function without the aid of such a companion. I even took it upon myself to make adjustments to my own phaeton. And I was quite successful at it.
Nevertheless, I cannot hide my affinity for the masculine race. I should hope that I might make one's acquaintance quite soon. Even perhaps on the morrow...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
August 12, 2010
Dearest Diary,
There are few things more extraordinary than returning home after a long sabbatical. I am utterly content at the achievement. I was fortunate on the journey to visit with Col. Raven over a delightful confection and to return to Lady Pigeon as quickly as possible. Following such a late arrival last night, I was even able to return to the schoolhouse this very afternoon. There seems to be much to be done and very little time before the children return. I am eager for the fall lessons to commence. It should be a much less hectic beginning as there are only the little ones to consider. For the first time in a year I shall not have the added pressure of presenting lectures at the university. (Although it is entirely possible I shall recommence in the spring).
There is yet another destination on the morrow that ought to assist in reducing the guilt of the past fortnight. I have done little else in that time but sit motionless in a carriage and dine on the most extravagant dishes. It is a wonder I have not ballooned to ridiculous proportions. I shall rectify the situation on the morrow...
Monday, August 9, 2010
August 9, 2010
Dearest Diary,
It has never been my intention to abandon you to silence, but I have found myself in the midst of travels that have made it difficult to write. I am delighted to report on the good health of my beloved Grandmother and I have since continued north toward the expansive lakes on our country's border. We have located a modest castle for Sister to reside in and have made pilgrimage to some of the more frequented resting spots of the area. At a pertinent break in our journey we made the effort to walk out toward the shore of the great lake but along our walk we encountered many animal prints that seemed to get larger and perhaps more fresh the further into the wilderness we got. Very soon we found ourselves fleeing briskly back toward the carriage, suspicious of any noise or rattling from the bushes encasing us on both sides. It is quite probable that we were in no danger at all, but being unacquainted with the sorts of animals that reside in this region we had decided not to take further chances. We have been warned that it might have been a bear, a wolf, or perhaps something even more ferocious. Needless to say, our safety was regained quite easily.
Following such intrigue, we paused again at a large market specializing in the sorts of crafts one sees frequently in the advent time of year. I cannot help but be thrust in such a spirit after attending such festive landmarks. We have stopped to rest for the night at a Spanish Inn just south of the northern state border. I am hopeful that tomorrow's travels return me safely to the Granada Estate, but it is uncertain when such a return can be expected. It might need to wait longer than tomorrow...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
August 5, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Again I am writing to you in the morning hours as I have only just awakened at an Inn slightly north of my county of residence. Upon our return in the early hours of yesterday's morning we were advised of the ill health of a most beloved Grandmother. In a matter of hours we were packed again and on our way. This shall make our nightly visits somewhat more difficult, but I promise to keep you abreast of any pertinent news or information. It seems that somewhere along our journey, Grandmother Lindsay has shown signs of improvement. I pray that the urgency is not what it was, but I am eager to be near to her side.
And it has come to pass that the eldest Miss Lindsay shall indeed be leaving the county in a fortnight to in order to take up residence near the vast lakes in the north of the country. I do not wish to see her go, but I am again filled with excitement at the chance of visiting such a region. I am told they receive a tremendous amount of snow each year. We have grown unaccustomed to such weather. It will create such delight I hope.
With any good fortune, I shall see you again on the morrow...
Again I am writing to you in the morning hours as I have only just awakened at an Inn slightly north of my county of residence. Upon our return in the early hours of yesterday's morning we were advised of the ill health of a most beloved Grandmother. In a matter of hours we were packed again and on our way. This shall make our nightly visits somewhat more difficult, but I promise to keep you abreast of any pertinent news or information. It seems that somewhere along our journey, Grandmother Lindsay has shown signs of improvement. I pray that the urgency is not what it was, but I am eager to be near to her side.
And it has come to pass that the eldest Miss Lindsay shall indeed be leaving the county in a fortnight to in order to take up residence near the vast lakes in the north of the country. I do not wish to see her go, but I am again filled with excitement at the chance of visiting such a region. I am told they receive a tremendous amount of snow each year. We have grown unaccustomed to such weather. It will create such delight I hope.
With any good fortune, I shall see you again on the morrow...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
August 3, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Good Morning! I am unaccustomed to speaking with you so early, but it seems I have been quite absent in the days previous. There is much on my mind that simply could not wait until evening. And you know my penchant for late hours, especially on a Tuesday. I find it most necessary to approach you at present rather than the wee hours of the morning.
You might have assumed that Saturday was spent at the weekly services as I occasionally attend early. The afternoon however was a delightful outing with Mother and Sister. And following the service was a delicate confection of pure delight. I devoured it in its entirety. Sunday therfore afforded me the opportunity to accompany Sister to the carriage which would away to the north of the country. Her presence was eagerly desired at the university there and may soon be required in the coming Autumn. I shall anticipate a most extraordinary holiday in such a region.
Yesterday I awoke quite early and for the final time this summer I journeyed to the coastal regions to deliver the lectures at the behest of the university. This is an activity I have come to enjoy, but I wouldn't remit that to anyone but you, Diary. I prefer the assumption that such activity is considered "work". Mother did accompany us on this visit and therefore we are to be soon in the village by the sea, taking inventory of their beautiful gowns and bonnets, as well as the attire one should wear on a visit to the ocean. I expect to return with quite an armful.
But I eagerly desire to return to the Granada estate as there is much Happiness that has occurred. The eldest Miss Lindsay in particular must be embraced. I plan to do so on the morrow...
Good Morning! I am unaccustomed to speaking with you so early, but it seems I have been quite absent in the days previous. There is much on my mind that simply could not wait until evening. And you know my penchant for late hours, especially on a Tuesday. I find it most necessary to approach you at present rather than the wee hours of the morning.
You might have assumed that Saturday was spent at the weekly services as I occasionally attend early. The afternoon however was a delightful outing with Mother and Sister. And following the service was a delicate confection of pure delight. I devoured it in its entirety. Sunday therfore afforded me the opportunity to accompany Sister to the carriage which would away to the north of the country. Her presence was eagerly desired at the university there and may soon be required in the coming Autumn. I shall anticipate a most extraordinary holiday in such a region.
Yesterday I awoke quite early and for the final time this summer I journeyed to the coastal regions to deliver the lectures at the behest of the university. This is an activity I have come to enjoy, but I wouldn't remit that to anyone but you, Diary. I prefer the assumption that such activity is considered "work". Mother did accompany us on this visit and therefore we are to be soon in the village by the sea, taking inventory of their beautiful gowns and bonnets, as well as the attire one should wear on a visit to the ocean. I expect to return with quite an armful.
But I eagerly desire to return to the Granada estate as there is much Happiness that has occurred. The eldest Miss Lindsay in particular must be embraced. I plan to do so on the morrow...
Friday, July 30, 2010
July 30, 2010
Dearest Diary,
It has been a most successful two days. Both were spent at the schoolhouse in eager anticipation of the coming lessons, however the evening hours held more intrigue. Last evening as I took leave of the schoolhouse, I accompanied a friend to a favourite eatery and was instantly engaged in conversation with the gentleman who prepared the delectable desserts. He was quite generous with his smile and only turned his attention away with another patron required his assistance. After aiding the others he would once again don the smile I had grown quite fond of. Unfortunately, little became of the fascinating encounter, however I promise to return quite soon.
As for this evening, I attended a Dinner which counted among its party a few attendees considered to be of high talent, though ridiculous in nature. I was pleasantly surprised by the company. Some awkward moments ensued but in all it was a delightful Dinner. The event was followed by a brisk walk beside the marina with the eldest Miss Lindsay. As we strolled and talked, we were seemingly adored by many gentlemen who passed by. Would that one of us had a poor sense of fashion or elegance, I might understand the number of smiles we received. Instead however, we found that the simple gesture on our part incurred a most alarming response. A certain Mr. Carter insists that a lady's smile is a most bewitching power. I took it upon myself to include the bat of a single eye.
At such a discovery, be it ever so small, I am eager to engage in a most anticipated tradition (I've spoken of it many times before) on the morrow...
It has been a most successful two days. Both were spent at the schoolhouse in eager anticipation of the coming lessons, however the evening hours held more intrigue. Last evening as I took leave of the schoolhouse, I accompanied a friend to a favourite eatery and was instantly engaged in conversation with the gentleman who prepared the delectable desserts. He was quite generous with his smile and only turned his attention away with another patron required his assistance. After aiding the others he would once again don the smile I had grown quite fond of. Unfortunately, little became of the fascinating encounter, however I promise to return quite soon.
As for this evening, I attended a Dinner which counted among its party a few attendees considered to be of high talent, though ridiculous in nature. I was pleasantly surprised by the company. Some awkward moments ensued but in all it was a delightful Dinner. The event was followed by a brisk walk beside the marina with the eldest Miss Lindsay. As we strolled and talked, we were seemingly adored by many gentlemen who passed by. Would that one of us had a poor sense of fashion or elegance, I might understand the number of smiles we received. Instead however, we found that the simple gesture on our part incurred a most alarming response. A certain Mr. Carter insists that a lady's smile is a most bewitching power. I took it upon myself to include the bat of a single eye.
At such a discovery, be it ever so small, I am eager to engage in a most anticipated tradition (I've spoken of it many times before) on the morrow...
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
July 28, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Yesterday, I returned home again from our visit to the coast and slept quite well in Mother and Father's estate. Prior to the journey, however, I happened upon a gentleman who was deeply engrossed in the sport of fishing as he was standing waist deep in the water while casting his rod. As I approached the docks, I wondered if the gentleman might elect to engage in conversation as we were clearly the only two beings in a rather large open beach. He did not. In fact, I am uncertain whether he even noticed I had come or that I stood for quite some time admiring the fish and the waters. Still not a single word was spoken. After some time had passed, I took my leave and returned to the carriage. He was not worth the idle silence.
Today as I ventured out in the company of a friend, we were to conduct ourselves in sport but instead found ourselves dining on pie and in garrulous conversation. So much so that I was nearly absent for the week's opera production. In fact, because I had stayed so long in my friend's company, I was forced to change from the less formal attire one dons for sport into something more appropriate for an opera, in the safe, yet somewhat less modest dressing facility as my phaeton. Imagine guiding four hourses whilst simultaneously tying a corset. It might be seen as a sort of rite of passage in a young lady's life, perhaps? I am just curious enough to know how many have tried such a feat? And how many were successful? I am convinced there were a few carriages who may have discovered my daring attempt, but I was most discreet in the ordeal, I assure you. I only incurred a few curious glances.
And although I had promised a few times last week, I am determined that I shall not be detained from my pilgrimage to the schoolhouse on the morrow...
Yesterday, I returned home again from our visit to the coast and slept quite well in Mother and Father's estate. Prior to the journey, however, I happened upon a gentleman who was deeply engrossed in the sport of fishing as he was standing waist deep in the water while casting his rod. As I approached the docks, I wondered if the gentleman might elect to engage in conversation as we were clearly the only two beings in a rather large open beach. He did not. In fact, I am uncertain whether he even noticed I had come or that I stood for quite some time admiring the fish and the waters. Still not a single word was spoken. After some time had passed, I took my leave and returned to the carriage. He was not worth the idle silence.
Today as I ventured out in the company of a friend, we were to conduct ourselves in sport but instead found ourselves dining on pie and in garrulous conversation. So much so that I was nearly absent for the week's opera production. In fact, because I had stayed so long in my friend's company, I was forced to change from the less formal attire one dons for sport into something more appropriate for an opera, in the safe, yet somewhat less modest dressing facility as my phaeton. Imagine guiding four hourses whilst simultaneously tying a corset. It might be seen as a sort of rite of passage in a young lady's life, perhaps? I am just curious enough to know how many have tried such a feat? And how many were successful? I am convinced there were a few carriages who may have discovered my daring attempt, but I was most discreet in the ordeal, I assure you. I only incurred a few curious glances.
And although I had promised a few times last week, I am determined that I shall not be detained from my pilgrimage to the schoolhouse on the morrow...
Monday, July 26, 2010
July 26, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Once again, I find myself along the coast and considering the sorts of essays I shall review on the morrow on the shore. Nevertheless, I am reflecting on the days previous and eager to share with you. I spent the chief of Sunday engaged in a particular hunt. But to no avail. The sort of pie that I sought was not to be found in any inn in the county. I was most disappointed until I arrived at the University today and located more than ten of them. I purchased the ten. The sheer delight I experienced in devouring one has been unequaled in many months and remains still. If you should happen upon the estate, it is possible I could have one to share. However do not count on it if you do not make haste. I am truly fond of the pastry.
There remain only three lectures in the summer. The next is tomorrow...
Saturday, July 24, 2010
July 24, 2010
Dearest Diary,
It was sheer delight to rest well past morning today. The moment I awoke I was certain my constitution had improved over yesterday. Sister had received news of a most excellent nature and there was little cause for distress. Shortly thereafter, I took my pedal horse for a quick jaunt and then took a dip in the lakes behind the estate. I kept my vow for preparing a new recipe this evening and I have yet to find disappointment in such an endeavour. Tonight's courses were as satisfying as ever. It was then decided that church might arrive a bit sooner for the week, so we hastened to the phaeton and journeyed briskly to the parrish. I was quite taken by the message this evening and found much to employ in the coming weeks. I find such discussions of courting and marriage to be most engaging, if you'd pardon my use of the word. I am certain that such Biblical principals are oft discarded when one considers such betrothals. I am delighted the sermon addressed such principals at present. It was refreshing to hear. Having attended the services this evening, I shall not do so on the morrow...
It was sheer delight to rest well past morning today. The moment I awoke I was certain my constitution had improved over yesterday. Sister had received news of a most excellent nature and there was little cause for distress. Shortly thereafter, I took my pedal horse for a quick jaunt and then took a dip in the lakes behind the estate. I kept my vow for preparing a new recipe this evening and I have yet to find disappointment in such an endeavour. Tonight's courses were as satisfying as ever. It was then decided that church might arrive a bit sooner for the week, so we hastened to the phaeton and journeyed briskly to the parrish. I was quite taken by the message this evening and found much to employ in the coming weeks. I find such discussions of courting and marriage to be most engaging, if you'd pardon my use of the word. I am certain that such Biblical principals are oft discarded when one considers such betrothals. I am delighted the sermon addressed such principals at present. It was refreshing to hear. Having attended the services this evening, I shall not do so on the morrow...
Friday, July 23, 2010
July 23, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Yesterday brought me out to the schoolhouse for a short while as I began to prepare for the coming year. I was not there long when I received word from the eldest Miss Lindsay that she was traveling nearby and had hoped to share a bowl of soup at a nearby eaterie. As determined as I was to return to the schoolhouse following such a meal, I was unfortunately again detained at a very different sort of establishment in order that there remained very little guilt for having gorged myself on soup. Instead I had decided upon a return to the schoolhouse this morning. The remainder of yesterday involved dinner at home, trying my skills as a cook.
At the first light of dawn I arose to follow through on my pilgrimage to the schoolhouse and instead received word again that the plans must change. I hurried to the side of a most beloved friend and made arrangements to dine on tomatoes with the remainder of the Lindsay family for the evening meal. I shall try again next week. But for now, I must contemplate the assembly of a chamber orchestra in the confines of my home. I shall go straight to work on the morrow...
Yesterday brought me out to the schoolhouse for a short while as I began to prepare for the coming year. I was not there long when I received word from the eldest Miss Lindsay that she was traveling nearby and had hoped to share a bowl of soup at a nearby eaterie. As determined as I was to return to the schoolhouse following such a meal, I was unfortunately again detained at a very different sort of establishment in order that there remained very little guilt for having gorged myself on soup. Instead I had decided upon a return to the schoolhouse this morning. The remainder of yesterday involved dinner at home, trying my skills as a cook.
At the first light of dawn I arose to follow through on my pilgrimage to the schoolhouse and instead received word again that the plans must change. I hurried to the side of a most beloved friend and made arrangements to dine on tomatoes with the remainder of the Lindsay family for the evening meal. I shall try again next week. But for now, I must contemplate the assembly of a chamber orchestra in the confines of my home. I shall go straight to work on the morrow...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
July 21, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Having not had the good fortune of speaking with you yesterday, I find there is much to report and yet also very little. It weighs much heavier than anticipated to have not conversed, and yet I am certain it was the proper thing to do. Nevertheless, there was much to remit. The lectures were received quite well, albeit slightly shorter than anticipated. So for the remainder of my visit to the coast, I walked beside the waters and observed the wildlife that is well-stocked within its borders. Many of the fish were prone to leaping about and I could not help but fathom a story surrounding the confidence of a particular dolphin who made its way past the docks. I suspect it was on a long journey home. Privy to such information, I am not, though I found it delightful to concoct.
I did arrive back at the Tower View estate in the early waking hours of the morning and instead went straight to bed. Needless to say it was well past noon when I, myself, awoke. I then spent the following hours engaged in the rigourous activity which has been such a friend to me this past month. I might attest to my figure being nearly six centimeters smaller around from when I began such exercise. I am exceedingly delighted.
The evening hours led me to the opera as there happened to be a local production of Pucinni's Turandot. I must say it is a rather odd sort of tale, but I am endlessly entranced by the artistry of the scenery and melody. Pucinni is a personal favourite.
I am eager to return to you Friday but fear I must be away on the morrow...
Having not had the good fortune of speaking with you yesterday, I find there is much to report and yet also very little. It weighs much heavier than anticipated to have not conversed, and yet I am certain it was the proper thing to do. Nevertheless, there was much to remit. The lectures were received quite well, albeit slightly shorter than anticipated. So for the remainder of my visit to the coast, I walked beside the waters and observed the wildlife that is well-stocked within its borders. Many of the fish were prone to leaping about and I could not help but fathom a story surrounding the confidence of a particular dolphin who made its way past the docks. I suspect it was on a long journey home. Privy to such information, I am not, though I found it delightful to concoct.
I did arrive back at the Tower View estate in the early waking hours of the morning and instead went straight to bed. Needless to say it was well past noon when I, myself, awoke. I then spent the following hours engaged in the rigourous activity which has been such a friend to me this past month. I might attest to my figure being nearly six centimeters smaller around from when I began such exercise. I am exceedingly delighted.
The evening hours led me to the opera as there happened to be a local production of Pucinni's Turandot. I must say it is a rather odd sort of tale, but I am endlessly entranced by the artistry of the scenery and melody. Pucinni is a personal favourite.
I am eager to return to you Friday but fear I must be away on the morrow...
Monday, July 19, 2010
July 19, 2010
Dearest Diary,
What a day of extensive travel and lectures at the University. I can hardly keep my eyelids open, yet I desired so much to speak to you this evening. I have delighted for many years on the sorts of wildlife that reside in this bit of the country and today I experienced quite another sort. I had heard rumour that bears were native to the peninsula, but have never actually spotted one with my own eyes. Today, however on the long journey north, Father and I came across one just off the path where our carriage rode. He did not seem alarmed or troubled by the proximity of such travelers, but it was not long after we passed by that he turned back to the cluster of trees from whence he had first emerged.
Experiences like this one do remind me of how beautiful many of God's creatures indeed are. I do not exclude myself in such boasting. I feel rather beautiful myself today, although a little the worse for the fatigue. Does it offend you for me to admit such a thing? I shall behave with more modesty, perhaps on Wednesday. (But not, as you recall, on the morrow...)
What a day of extensive travel and lectures at the University. I can hardly keep my eyelids open, yet I desired so much to speak to you this evening. I have delighted for many years on the sorts of wildlife that reside in this bit of the country and today I experienced quite another sort. I had heard rumour that bears were native to the peninsula, but have never actually spotted one with my own eyes. Today, however on the long journey north, Father and I came across one just off the path where our carriage rode. He did not seem alarmed or troubled by the proximity of such travelers, but it was not long after we passed by that he turned back to the cluster of trees from whence he had first emerged.
Experiences like this one do remind me of how beautiful many of God's creatures indeed are. I do not exclude myself in such boasting. I feel rather beautiful myself today, although a little the worse for the fatigue. Does it offend you for me to admit such a thing? I shall behave with more modesty, perhaps on Wednesday. (But not, as you recall, on the morrow...)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
July 18, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I had the pleasure of attending the weekly services this morning with a friend and then accompanying my family to the afternoon meal. It seems it was a terribly busy afternoon though a great portion of it was spent in peaceful rest. We entertained guests at the Granada estate and I reviewed many essays as I had promised you yesterday. It is a task I continue even as I write to you. The morning brings the return to the coastal regions and another round of lectures at the University.
Since we are on the topic, this evening brings my final correspondence of obligation as I had promised one year ago. We have spent precisely 365 evenings in each other's confidence. There is, however, still much I'd like to share, and I have made the decision to continue such conversations until our particular matter is settled at last. I have, however, accorded myself a day of silence between such correspondence. I apologize that I shall be absent on the coming Tuesday, but you can be assured we shall reconvene on the morrow...
I had the pleasure of attending the weekly services this morning with a friend and then accompanying my family to the afternoon meal. It seems it was a terribly busy afternoon though a great portion of it was spent in peaceful rest. We entertained guests at the Granada estate and I reviewed many essays as I had promised you yesterday. It is a task I continue even as I write to you. The morning brings the return to the coastal regions and another round of lectures at the University.
Since we are on the topic, this evening brings my final correspondence of obligation as I had promised one year ago. We have spent precisely 365 evenings in each other's confidence. There is, however, still much I'd like to share, and I have made the decision to continue such conversations until our particular matter is settled at last. I have, however, accorded myself a day of silence between such correspondence. I apologize that I shall be absent on the coming Tuesday, but you can be assured we shall reconvene on the morrow...
Saturday, July 17, 2010
July 17, 2010
Dearest Diary,
It has been yet another day of garrulous behaviour. I returned to the nature of exercise to which I have become accustomed. A gentleman somewhat akin to the young Mr. Efron also frequents such an establishment and was prone to exchanging glances with me throughout a portion of the exercise. Nevertheless, no words were exchanged and without being properly introduced, I have no reason to expect that such a conversation shall take place. Nevertheless, I hold out hope that the activity will inspire an introduction rather soon. Upon returning to the estate and planning a visit with the Cullens for the evening, the eldest Miss Lindsay and I opted instead for a visit to the Disney estate where we spent several hours in the company of the many guests that frequent the estate. It has been quite pleasant making so many pilgrimages to the residence in recent weeks, but I am not sure I shall recreate the journey very soon. There are essays to review on the morrow...
It has been yet another day of garrulous behaviour. I returned to the nature of exercise to which I have become accustomed. A gentleman somewhat akin to the young Mr. Efron also frequents such an establishment and was prone to exchanging glances with me throughout a portion of the exercise. Nevertheless, no words were exchanged and without being properly introduced, I have no reason to expect that such a conversation shall take place. Nevertheless, I hold out hope that the activity will inspire an introduction rather soon. Upon returning to the estate and planning a visit with the Cullens for the evening, the eldest Miss Lindsay and I opted instead for a visit to the Disney estate where we spent several hours in the company of the many guests that frequent the estate. It has been quite pleasant making so many pilgrimages to the residence in recent weeks, but I am not sure I shall recreate the journey very soon. There are essays to review on the morrow...
Friday, July 16, 2010
July 16, 2010
Dearest Diary,
The morning arrived awfully soon today, but to the good fortune of sharing breakfast with a cousin from the mountainous regions. I delight in such conversation and do hope that he might return with the Mrs. Kirkham quite soon. I then returned home and made preparations to visit the Disney estate for the remainder of the afternoon. Many loyal confidantes and I were able to partake of the scenic paths and walking trails and it was not without much laughter. I cannot say when I last might have laughed as hard. We are the very sort of girls who are prone to such activity when we are united. I am dearly fond of each of them. Unfortunately the day's events have brought to me to you once again at a most unreasonable hour. I can be sure there will be more conversation on the morrow...
The morning arrived awfully soon today, but to the good fortune of sharing breakfast with a cousin from the mountainous regions. I delight in such conversation and do hope that he might return with the Mrs. Kirkham quite soon. I then returned home and made preparations to visit the Disney estate for the remainder of the afternoon. Many loyal confidantes and I were able to partake of the scenic paths and walking trails and it was not without much laughter. I cannot say when I last might have laughed as hard. We are the very sort of girls who are prone to such activity when we are united. I am dearly fond of each of them. Unfortunately the day's events have brought to me to you once again at a most unreasonable hour. I can be sure there will be more conversation on the morrow...
Thursday, July 15, 2010
July 15, 2010
Dearest Diary,
A most intriguing day indeed has transpired. It began with the good fortune of witnessing a favourite opera and continued with an afternoon tea in the company of the eldest Miss Lindsay and our beloved Mother. I continue to see the dramatic effects of the day unwind and am apt to seek solace in the nature of sport. It is most certain that one must engage in such activity from time to time and today is the proper day for me.
On the morrow I shall join a cousin for a rather early breakfast before he must away to his home in the mountain regions. I must insist on an early retirement this evening. But not before some playful sport.
Until tomorrow?...
A most intriguing day indeed has transpired. It began with the good fortune of witnessing a favourite opera and continued with an afternoon tea in the company of the eldest Miss Lindsay and our beloved Mother. I continue to see the dramatic effects of the day unwind and am apt to seek solace in the nature of sport. It is most certain that one must engage in such activity from time to time and today is the proper day for me.
On the morrow I shall join a cousin for a rather early breakfast before he must away to his home in the mountain regions. I must insist on an early retirement this evening. But not before some playful sport.
Until tomorrow?...
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
July 14, 2010
Dearest Diary,
At last I have attained the necessary rest for our evening conversations. I apologize that it has not been the case the past few evenings. Nevertheless, today was quite different indeed. While my discouragement in a particular endeavor continues, I am comforted by the endless support of fantastic friends. Were it not for the two I spoke to particularly today, I should have ended the evening with quite another dour disposition. Fortunately, they came to my aid at the exact appropriate moment, each of them. Mrs. Schriver kept me company on my journey into town and another accompanied me during a visit with a Don this evening. The dinner was most delightful. I remain hopeful that an appropriate match is apt to be introduced to me soon.
Until such a time, we shall see what passes tomorrow...
At last I have attained the necessary rest for our evening conversations. I apologize that it has not been the case the past few evenings. Nevertheless, today was quite different indeed. While my discouragement in a particular endeavor continues, I am comforted by the endless support of fantastic friends. Were it not for the two I spoke to particularly today, I should have ended the evening with quite another dour disposition. Fortunately, they came to my aid at the exact appropriate moment, each of them. Mrs. Schriver kept me company on my journey into town and another accompanied me during a visit with a Don this evening. The dinner was most delightful. I remain hopeful that an appropriate match is apt to be introduced to me soon.
Until such a time, we shall see what passes tomorrow...
July 13, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Merciful heavens! Have you not taken heed of the hour? It is most inconceivable that one ought to be awake at such an hour, let alone possessing the disposition which allows for conversation. I must insist on our reconvening on the morrow...
Merciful heavens! Have you not taken heed of the hour? It is most inconceivable that one ought to be awake at such an hour, let alone possessing the disposition which allows for conversation. I must insist on our reconvening on the morrow...
Monday, July 12, 2010
July 12, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I feel quite weary this evening. The lectures at the University each week are quite burdensome. Nevertheless I duly enjoy them. The journey to and fro however is beginning to weigh heavily. There is much scenery along the coast to appreciate and many markets to visit on the morrow...
I feel quite weary this evening. The lectures at the University each week are quite burdensome. Nevertheless I duly enjoy them. The journey to and fro however is beginning to weigh heavily. There is much scenery along the coast to appreciate and many markets to visit on the morrow...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
July 11, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Today was the sort of day in which I opted not to leave the estate. Suffice it to say it was not intentional, but at the surprise visit of a Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo, I have been engaged in rollicking laughter in their company. At present however, it may be necessary to journey to the Disney estate for some evening conversation and exercise on the scenic paths. Regardless, I shall be again on my way to the coastal regions in the morning. I shall return to you on the morrow...
Today was the sort of day in which I opted not to leave the estate. Suffice it to say it was not intentional, but at the surprise visit of a Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo, I have been engaged in rollicking laughter in their company. At present however, it may be necessary to journey to the Disney estate for some evening conversation and exercise on the scenic paths. Regardless, I shall be again on my way to the coastal regions in the morning. I shall return to you on the morrow...
Saturday, July 10, 2010
July 10, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Once again we have reached the hour at which it is better to retire than to remain awake. It seems that as drowsiness sets in, so does a poor constitution. Contrarily, the afternoon has been one of sheer delight. It is always a pleasure to have tea with friends and to attend the weekly services which came an evening early this week. The decided advantage to such alterations is the allowance of rest in the morning. I certainly enjoyed the Harmony achieved this evening. Perhaps there will be more of note on the morrow...
Once again we have reached the hour at which it is better to retire than to remain awake. It seems that as drowsiness sets in, so does a poor constitution. Contrarily, the afternoon has been one of sheer delight. It is always a pleasure to have tea with friends and to attend the weekly services which came an evening early this week. The decided advantage to such alterations is the allowance of rest in the morning. I certainly enjoyed the Harmony achieved this evening. Perhaps there will be more of note on the morrow...
Friday, July 9, 2010
July 9, 2010
Dearest Diary,
At the behest of my eldest sister, I spent the morning hours (or rather early afternoon) bringing a glimpse of order to the Granada estate as our summer guest seems to at present have a house guest. This pleases me greatly as it is a very great enjoyment of mine to entertain. I do hope that the guest feels welcome and comfortable.
Once my own quarters were in presentable condition, I had to away to the Disney estate in order that I might mingle with a friend and her endearing little boys. I am most amused by such an age, no matter how trifling they seem to be as they grow older. Would that the gentlemen my age could affect me in the same manner. On the contrary they tend to frustrate me exceedingly. Nevertheless, I still should desire one of my own. Perhaps he might call on the morrow...
At the behest of my eldest sister, I spent the morning hours (or rather early afternoon) bringing a glimpse of order to the Granada estate as our summer guest seems to at present have a house guest. This pleases me greatly as it is a very great enjoyment of mine to entertain. I do hope that the guest feels welcome and comfortable.
Once my own quarters were in presentable condition, I had to away to the Disney estate in order that I might mingle with a friend and her endearing little boys. I am most amused by such an age, no matter how trifling they seem to be as they grow older. Would that the gentlemen my age could affect me in the same manner. On the contrary they tend to frustrate me exceedingly. Nevertheless, I still should desire one of my own. Perhaps he might call on the morrow...
Thursday, July 8, 2010
July 8, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Renewed strength indeed. I feel nothing of it. In fact I am most distraught this evening and cannot figure as to why. Perhaps it is just the natural order of things that one might have a moment of melancholy from time to time. This is just my moment.
Nevertheless I feel ill in the physical sense as well as emotional. I am not up to common tasks as labouring over meals and walking the hounds. I had much rather be laid upon a setee and adjourn until the morrow...
Renewed strength indeed. I feel nothing of it. In fact I am most distraught this evening and cannot figure as to why. Perhaps it is just the natural order of things that one might have a moment of melancholy from time to time. This is just my moment.
Nevertheless I feel ill in the physical sense as well as emotional. I am not up to common tasks as labouring over meals and walking the hounds. I had much rather be laid upon a setee and adjourn until the morrow...
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
July 7, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I cannot deny my carelessness in resting well into the afternoon. However, I am exceedingly grateful for the abundance of sleep. It is not often that I should wake with no pressing engagements. Therefore, on days like this one, I make allowances for excessive rest.
At the moment I did arise, I made haste to an establishment where my friend and I are members. And upon returning home, I found the day rather productive. New lanterns were received at the estate and a very great task was completed. I am now able to retire once more with the promise of renewed strength on the morrow...
I cannot deny my carelessness in resting well into the afternoon. However, I am exceedingly grateful for the abundance of sleep. It is not often that I should wake with no pressing engagements. Therefore, on days like this one, I make allowances for excessive rest.
At the moment I did arise, I made haste to an establishment where my friend and I are members. And upon returning home, I found the day rather productive. New lanterns were received at the estate and a very great task was completed. I am now able to retire once more with the promise of renewed strength on the morrow...
July 6, 2010
Dearest Diary,
It seems my visits to the coast are becoming increasingly shorter and the journey much longer. Exhaustion inevitably follows. Nevertheless, I have once again arrived back at the Tower View estate long enough to put pen to parchment and get a bit of rest. I shall away again tomorrow to return to the Granada estate and then to the company of good friends and good sport.
I have felt discouraged by the lack of results in such training but am determined to be persistent. I am certain that regardless of how I feel at present, the active nature of the hobby is sure to bring a result of some kind in the near future. I only desire it bring the proper gentleman into my acquaintance. If no Happiness was achieved today on the matter, then perhaps tomorrow?...
It seems my visits to the coast are becoming increasingly shorter and the journey much longer. Exhaustion inevitably follows. Nevertheless, I have once again arrived back at the Tower View estate long enough to put pen to parchment and get a bit of rest. I shall away again tomorrow to return to the Granada estate and then to the company of good friends and good sport.
I have felt discouraged by the lack of results in such training but am determined to be persistent. I am certain that regardless of how I feel at present, the active nature of the hobby is sure to bring a result of some kind in the near future. I only desire it bring the proper gentleman into my acquaintance. If no Happiness was achieved today on the matter, then perhaps tomorrow?...
Monday, July 5, 2010
July 5, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I have again settled at an inn along the coastal regions and eagerly anticipate the lectures to be given at the University. Before the long journey, however I was fortunate to spend time with a close friend and to be given the due rest that holidays akin to yesterday's requires. It is not uncommon recently to find me engaged in sport, however, and today's seemed most advantageous. Would that I could recreate such sport on the morrow...
I have again settled at an inn along the coastal regions and eagerly anticipate the lectures to be given at the University. Before the long journey, however I was fortunate to spend time with a close friend and to be given the due rest that holidays akin to yesterday's requires. It is not uncommon recently to find me engaged in sport, however, and today's seemed most advantageous. Would that I could recreate such sport on the morrow...
Sunday, July 4, 2010
July 4, 2010

Dearest Diary,
If I have created any concern, let me please clarify that a farewell is not particularly eminent. I am only requesting that you not hold me to more than what I had promised, though I fully intend to continue our correspondence as often as there is happenstance to speak of. Even, as you have at times been privy, when there is none to speak of. Nevertheless, if I do not return to you on a particular evening, give me pardon and expect that I shall return again soon. There are occasional matters which prevent one from hasty correspondence. Having said all of that, I do not intend to discuss it again until we have reached the end of our bargain.
There is a much more important matter to discuss this evening and that is the particular holiday surrounding the birth of a nation. Far be it from me to expect the fall that so oft accompanies pride, yet I garner enormous pride in my particular citizenship on such occasions. It is an altogether different sort of pride than the kind cursed in the aged adage. It is the sort that one feels in the accomplishments of a friend or loved one. I feel pride at the accomplishments of my country. And of the forefathers of said country. Even in the country's heritage in the more aged kingdom. I find great pride in the regiments that serve the country and the musicians and authors who have brought honour to it in its comparably short journey. I was immensely proud to stand in observance of the large celebratory explosions that took place over the castles and lakes this evening. It brought feelings of strength and allegiance. And it is with such allegiance that I pledge every day to love my country and continue to be a part of its tutelage and charished independence.
I shall even charish such independence from tutelage on the morrow...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
July 3, 2010
Dearest Diary,
There is much to say about a brisk walk to start the morning and a cooler climate for the evening. Coupled with the company of good friends and a story of courtship and fantastical beasts, there is inasmuch a wealth of Happiness. It is quite probable that you and I, dear Diary, are nearing the end of our particular correspondence. We had only vowed to make it through a year's time, and in only a fortnight, that year will come to an end. I do not pretend to think that we shall never inquire after each other again, but with the proper foresight, we might begin to prepare for goodbye. It does seem ashame given there is no light shed on the topic we so long to write about. Nevertheless it seems the lack thereof might be just enough to require a hiatus from such visits.
At present, however, I abuse the few moments I have with you with a premature farewell. I shall postpone such a departure and continue the account of my day. For the nature of the story I heard today is one that in many ways might be considered timeless, apart from the absurd and unusual details. Most of the day's activities continued to recall the themes again and again. It is the eve of yet another holiday and I do hope that the celebration might be improved by a story much akin to the ones I observed today on the morrow...
There is much to say about a brisk walk to start the morning and a cooler climate for the evening. Coupled with the company of good friends and a story of courtship and fantastical beasts, there is inasmuch a wealth of Happiness. It is quite probable that you and I, dear Diary, are nearing the end of our particular correspondence. We had only vowed to make it through a year's time, and in only a fortnight, that year will come to an end. I do not pretend to think that we shall never inquire after each other again, but with the proper foresight, we might begin to prepare for goodbye. It does seem ashame given there is no light shed on the topic we so long to write about. Nevertheless it seems the lack thereof might be just enough to require a hiatus from such visits.
At present, however, I abuse the few moments I have with you with a premature farewell. I shall postpone such a departure and continue the account of my day. For the nature of the story I heard today is one that in many ways might be considered timeless, apart from the absurd and unusual details. Most of the day's activities continued to recall the themes again and again. It is the eve of yet another holiday and I do hope that the celebration might be improved by a story much akin to the ones I observed today on the morrow...
Friday, July 2, 2010
July 2, 2010
Dearest Diary,
What a splendid day today has been. I feel the surge of energy when remaining dedicated to my afternoon recreation and the evening meal was most refreshing. Following such activities, Sister and I paid a late evening visit to the Tower View estate and upon our return, a post had arrived from the aforementioned Col. Raven. The story contained within, though filled with moments of awkward pause, brought much laughter to my constitution. I shall return the correspondence without delay, but if you are at all acquainted with the Colonel, I am certain you could see the humour in the tale.
Nevertheless, I shall hastily put pen to parchment before we reach tomorrow...
What a splendid day today has been. I feel the surge of energy when remaining dedicated to my afternoon recreation and the evening meal was most refreshing. Following such activities, Sister and I paid a late evening visit to the Tower View estate and upon our return, a post had arrived from the aforementioned Col. Raven. The story contained within, though filled with moments of awkward pause, brought much laughter to my constitution. I shall return the correspondence without delay, but if you are at all acquainted with the Colonel, I am certain you could see the humour in the tale.
Nevertheless, I shall hastily put pen to parchment before we reach tomorrow...
Thursday, July 1, 2010
July 1, 2010
Dearest Diary,
It seemed to be another successful day as I continue to give great attention to maintaining my figure. In such efforts I have additionally be introduced to a gentleman who is easy to admire. Such admiration, however has only been obtained from a distance. We have only just been introduced. There are no promises of seeing him again for a fortnight. Nevertheless my daydreams will be much less empty for the time being.
Prior to said introduction, I spent some time in the marketplace with the eldest Miss Lindsay and found it to be yet another successful visit. No doubt I shall be making the trip again on the morrow...
It seemed to be another successful day as I continue to give great attention to maintaining my figure. In such efforts I have additionally be introduced to a gentleman who is easy to admire. Such admiration, however has only been obtained from a distance. We have only just been introduced. There are no promises of seeing him again for a fortnight. Nevertheless my daydreams will be much less empty for the time being.
Prior to said introduction, I spent some time in the marketplace with the eldest Miss Lindsay and found it to be yet another successful visit. No doubt I shall be making the trip again on the morrow...
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
June 30, 2010
Dearest Diary,
As the month of June comes to a close, it became necessary to exercise my skills in the kitchen. Tonight's courses consisted of steak, breads, and all the necessary vegetables. I cannot help but admit its success. I had only one request of those in attendance and that was to not wait until the close of the month to hold such dinner parties. Therefore, I have begun already to plan the next. And I wonder who ought to be on the guest list. Would that there were a gentleman or two to invite. Unfortunately, there is not even one at present. Nevertheless, the next shall be very soon indeed. And do notify me immediately if your carrier pigeon has not arrived with your invitation. I shall issue such invitations on the morrow...
As the month of June comes to a close, it became necessary to exercise my skills in the kitchen. Tonight's courses consisted of steak, breads, and all the necessary vegetables. I cannot help but admit its success. I had only one request of those in attendance and that was to not wait until the close of the month to hold such dinner parties. Therefore, I have begun already to plan the next. And I wonder who ought to be on the guest list. Would that there were a gentleman or two to invite. Unfortunately, there is not even one at present. Nevertheless, the next shall be very soon indeed. And do notify me immediately if your carrier pigeon has not arrived with your invitation. I shall issue such invitations on the morrow...
June 29, 2010

Dearest Diary,
The lectures have concluded for the week and we have begun the long carriage-ride home. It was a quite pleasant afternoon and I spent many hours walking by the waters. It appears they are well-stocked for those interested in fish. I took great interest in the pasttime myself.
I was delighted to receive a post from a friend in that region and it brings me great Happiness to return such correspondence. Nevertheless, it shall have to wait until tomorrow...
Monday, June 28, 2010
June 28, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I am fortunate to have arrived on the coast and am grateful for the conversation of my father on the journey. The task of delivering lectures at the University is decidedly less tedious than anticipated. Additionally, the inn in which we have settled for the evening seems to cater to many young chaps who are eager to assist in cleaning the tar from the shore. Though I admit to having resided in this bit of the country some time ago, I had forgotten that the gentlemen are unusually kind, if a little the worse for the sun. Nevertheless, I am delighted to have rediscovered it.
There are more lectures and another journey on the morrow...
I am fortunate to have arrived on the coast and am grateful for the conversation of my father on the journey. The task of delivering lectures at the University is decidedly less tedious than anticipated. Additionally, the inn in which we have settled for the evening seems to cater to many young chaps who are eager to assist in cleaning the tar from the shore. Though I admit to having resided in this bit of the country some time ago, I had forgotten that the gentlemen are unusually kind, if a little the worse for the sun. Nevertheless, I am delighted to have rediscovered it.
There are more lectures and another journey on the morrow...
Sunday, June 27, 2010
June 27, 2010

Dearest Diary,
I realize that I have brought to you many occasions for celebration in weeks past, however, another is upon us this day. Today marks the 10th birthday of a most beloved hound and faithful companion. Lady Pigeon has been a sort of best friend, though most reserve such a title for men alone. Nevertheless, she has been this woman's best friend for nearly 10 years. For it was only a matter of fortnights later that she came to live with me. Some believe her to be quite small still though I can assure you that she was no bigger than my hand at the time. Her body even smaller than her head. And as she pranced through the lengthening grass, her legs were barely long enough to lift her belly off the ground. Neither of us has grown much since such a time. She is perhaps a perfect companion (despite an occasional bad temper, but I fear I am also prone to such faults).
As for the Sunday services, I was pleased to see a few familiar faces I had not seen in some time, though the occasion for greetings was made difficult by the number of parishioners in attendance. Lunch inevitably followed and a celebratory dinner at the Tower View estate. Lady Pigeon was elated to ride in the phaeton and get a bit of sport with the tiny animals along the perimeter of the house.
A new series of lectures begins at the University this week. I am to journey to the coastal regions at the earliest sign of morning...
Saturday, June 26, 2010
June 26, 2010

Dearest Diary,
It is not beneath me to state that there are in fact some handsome figures who participate in the sport of Cricket. And the team I favoured certainly remained victorious in today's match. Additionally the event proved successful when sister and I were permitted to peruse the markets where we purchased new bonnets in order to shade ourselves from the Rays of sun. It could not have been a more pleasant afternoon. The evening ended well with a full course meal at the Robert Evans estate and a visit with the hounds. Lady Pigeon and I have retired upstairs and are eagerly anticipating the weekly services, which we - or rather I - shall attend on the morrow...
Friday, June 25, 2010
June 25, 2010
Dearest Diary,
The affair at the Delancey estate was quite the success. It was garnished with unusual delicacies such as pies named for the moon and apples sliced in the shape of the same. All who were in attendance were most pleased, I believe. Prior to such extravagance, however was a visit to the river for a swim as well as a stop at the schoolhouse. It is fortunate that I am able to journey to such a destination so frequently through the summer months. It brings much Happiness to visit with the other schoolmasters and children who must reside through the holiday.
The weekend promises a game of cricket and a trip once again to the more coastal regions. The cricket match begins on the morrow...
The affair at the Delancey estate was quite the success. It was garnished with unusual delicacies such as pies named for the moon and apples sliced in the shape of the same. All who were in attendance were most pleased, I believe. Prior to such extravagance, however was a visit to the river for a swim as well as a stop at the schoolhouse. It is fortunate that I am able to journey to such a destination so frequently through the summer months. It brings much Happiness to visit with the other schoolmasters and children who must reside through the holiday.
The weekend promises a game of cricket and a trip once again to the more coastal regions. The cricket match begins on the morrow...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
June 24, 2010

Dearest Diary,
The eldest Miss Lindsay and I began the morning in attendance at the opera. There was not a large crowd for such a performance, but I delighted in the unique telling of Shakespeare's beloved Romeo & Juliet. I do enjoy such a diversion.
After a short music lesson in the next county, the remainder of the day was spent at the Disney estate. I am grateful to Mr. Disney for his vast walking paths and scenery. Today's visit included a bit of good-natured rivalry with Mother. I am eager to note that I was victorious.
Although I think fondly on the day's events, I am assured there is much excitement at the Delancey estate near twilight on the morrow...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
June 23, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I find I am not the garrulous sort this evening. I have naught to say but to bid you goodnight and to see you again on the morrow...
I find I am not the garrulous sort this evening. I have naught to say but to bid you goodnight and to see you again on the morrow...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
June 22, 2010
Dearest Diary,
The pain of sport is exceedingly great. Had I not participated a second day perhaps it would have subsided or at least weakened slightly. Unfortunately, I find great difficulty in tasks as common as walking or descending stairs. It is fortunate that my hands and fingers do not ache as much or we would not be having our nightly appointment, you and I. Nevertheless I am somewhat proud myself and the company I keep in our commitment to the sport. As she is apt to remit, this too shall pass.
Indeed I received another letter of intrigue today, though for our particular purposes it lacks significance. Perhaps soon the sport I engage in will lead a gentleman directly to my door. But for now we must dream again until tomorrow...
The pain of sport is exceedingly great. Had I not participated a second day perhaps it would have subsided or at least weakened slightly. Unfortunately, I find great difficulty in tasks as common as walking or descending stairs. It is fortunate that my hands and fingers do not ache as much or we would not be having our nightly appointment, you and I. Nevertheless I am somewhat proud myself and the company I keep in our commitment to the sport. As she is apt to remit, this too shall pass.
Indeed I received another letter of intrigue today, though for our particular purposes it lacks significance. Perhaps soon the sport I engage in will lead a gentleman directly to my door. But for now we must dream again until tomorrow...
Monday, June 21, 2010
June 21, 2010
Dearest Diary,
It appears that my motivation extends into the early morning hours. I have for several days now been observant of the sort of things I have dined on and today was a day of a rather vigourous sort of recreation. No matter how painful such activity can be in its lingering hours, I am devoted to the sport and intend to repeat it soon. I am exceedingly grateful for the friend who is journeying alongside me. At the journey's end I fully expect a waiting husband. Perhaps it is the wrong sort of attitude with which to approach the topic, but I am nevertheless hopeful of that precise consequence.
Unfortunately there is still much for me to accomplish this evening. I must bid you goodnight that I might retire before dawn. Until tomorrow...
It appears that my motivation extends into the early morning hours. I have for several days now been observant of the sort of things I have dined on and today was a day of a rather vigourous sort of recreation. No matter how painful such activity can be in its lingering hours, I am devoted to the sport and intend to repeat it soon. I am exceedingly grateful for the friend who is journeying alongside me. At the journey's end I fully expect a waiting husband. Perhaps it is the wrong sort of attitude with which to approach the topic, but I am nevertheless hopeful of that precise consequence.
Unfortunately there is still much for me to accomplish this evening. I must bid you goodnight that I might retire before dawn. Until tomorrow...
Sunday, June 20, 2010
June 20, 2010

Dearest Diary,
Another day and another celebration ensues. Fathers, as it turns out, are among the honoured guests this evening and mine is a most beloved father. I thrill at the anticipation of attending a cricket match with him in only a week's time. Before such excitement however, we had the pleasure of dining with him at his favourite establishment this afternoon and attending the theatre this evening. These are two of his favourite activities. Travel, a third, he shall enjoy on the morrow...
Saturday, June 19, 2010
June 19, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I had spoken to you of additional sport when we gathered last evening. As it turns out, I am preparing to travel an unseemly distance of a little over thirteen kilometers in the coming month of October. That is a remarkable and absurd distance to go without the aid of a horse or carriage. Nevertheless I have given my word. Therefore I am off this evening for a bit of exercise with the eldest Miss Lindsay, about the grounds of the Disney estate.
Prior to now I have spent much time engaged in the literature of many students of the University. It is a tedious task at best but one that must be completed. It is rather early for our conversations this evening, but I expect fully to return to you on the morrow...
I had spoken to you of additional sport when we gathered last evening. As it turns out, I am preparing to travel an unseemly distance of a little over thirteen kilometers in the coming month of October. That is a remarkable and absurd distance to go without the aid of a horse or carriage. Nevertheless I have given my word. Therefore I am off this evening for a bit of exercise with the eldest Miss Lindsay, about the grounds of the Disney estate.
Prior to now I have spent much time engaged in the literature of many students of the University. It is a tedious task at best but one that must be completed. It is rather early for our conversations this evening, but I expect fully to return to you on the morrow...
Friday, June 18, 2010
June 18, 2010
Dearest Diary,
My waking hours are far exceeding my expectations this evening. However, there is much excitement within me. When one makes up one's mind toward a very great aspiration, it is rather difficult to settle long enough to rest for the night. I cannot bring myself to do it. Nevertheless, I have retired to my quarters for the evening and will commence resting as quickly as I can succomb to it.
The reasons for such excitement are not a revelation anew for I had decided to take such measures yesterday. And in fact even longer ago. Unfortunately, I lacked the discipline to put it into practice. Perhaps I am being somewhat vague in my description, but I am certain you are not wanting in understanding. For I very much long to alter my figure for the better. A maiden of significant age cannot neglect such attention. And after not three days on smaller courses and more frequent dinners, I am pleased to note that my riding trousers have loosened a very small bit. This is encouragement of the greatest kind.
I shall begin preparations for additional sport on the morrow...
My waking hours are far exceeding my expectations this evening. However, there is much excitement within me. When one makes up one's mind toward a very great aspiration, it is rather difficult to settle long enough to rest for the night. I cannot bring myself to do it. Nevertheless, I have retired to my quarters for the evening and will commence resting as quickly as I can succomb to it.
The reasons for such excitement are not a revelation anew for I had decided to take such measures yesterday. And in fact even longer ago. Unfortunately, I lacked the discipline to put it into practice. Perhaps I am being somewhat vague in my description, but I am certain you are not wanting in understanding. For I very much long to alter my figure for the better. A maiden of significant age cannot neglect such attention. And after not three days on smaller courses and more frequent dinners, I am pleased to note that my riding trousers have loosened a very small bit. This is encouragement of the greatest kind.
I shall begin preparations for additional sport on the morrow...
Thursday, June 17, 2010
June 17, 2010
Dearest Diary,
The chief of my day was spent at the schoolhouse with the children today. We took a music lesson and some arithmetic as well as some games of sport. I have again been mindful of the courses I consume and became party to a particular establishment for the health and well-being of the commoners. I can hardly contain my enthusiasm.
And yet I still wonder at what sort of good such activity might behold. Can I be counted on to succomb to the charm of some other commoner in the establishment? Or must I continue to dine and attend the theatre without an escort save for my family or close friends? I dare not concede that such company is unwanted, and I savour each moment spent with either. But I long for such Happiness as is found in courtship and a potential engagement.
Would that such Happiness could begin tomorrow...
The chief of my day was spent at the schoolhouse with the children today. We took a music lesson and some arithmetic as well as some games of sport. I have again been mindful of the courses I consume and became party to a particular establishment for the health and well-being of the commoners. I can hardly contain my enthusiasm.
And yet I still wonder at what sort of good such activity might behold. Can I be counted on to succomb to the charm of some other commoner in the establishment? Or must I continue to dine and attend the theatre without an escort save for my family or close friends? I dare not concede that such company is unwanted, and I savour each moment spent with either. But I long for such Happiness as is found in courtship and a potential engagement.
Would that such Happiness could begin tomorrow...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
June 16, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Today was the final lecture at the University for a fortnight. I will soon be journeying to the coastal regions to resume such activity but for the moment I am again on holiday. Tis unfortunate therefore that Lady Pigeon has been in a dour mood as of late. Such behaviour puzzles me exceedingly, but I've little to change her disposition. She is decidedly grumpy.
I am again seeking recreation in various forms as well as hindering my appetite that I might see changes in my figure. I am eager to gloat on a successful first day. Perhaps I might achieve the same on the morrow...
Today was the final lecture at the University for a fortnight. I will soon be journeying to the coastal regions to resume such activity but for the moment I am again on holiday. Tis unfortunate therefore that Lady Pigeon has been in a dour mood as of late. Such behaviour puzzles me exceedingly, but I've little to change her disposition. She is decidedly grumpy.
I am again seeking recreation in various forms as well as hindering my appetite that I might see changes in my figure. I am eager to gloat on a successful first day. Perhaps I might achieve the same on the morrow...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
June 15, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Yet another anniversary is upon us today as that of the eldest Mr. Lindsay who wed the former Miss Mata a fortnight of years ago. Although not quite the accomplishment of Mother and Father, fourteen years is a very great accomplishment indeed.
In celebration I dined with many friends today and paid a visit to the marketplace where I was able to purchase attire more appropriate for the summer months and some timepieces which enamoured my friend.
The remainder of the evening was spent at the estate with Lady Pigeon and the Chairman. I return to the schoolhouse tomorrow...
Yet another anniversary is upon us today as that of the eldest Mr. Lindsay who wed the former Miss Mata a fortnight of years ago. Although not quite the accomplishment of Mother and Father, fourteen years is a very great accomplishment indeed.
In celebration I dined with many friends today and paid a visit to the marketplace where I was able to purchase attire more appropriate for the summer months and some timepieces which enamoured my friend.
The remainder of the evening was spent at the estate with Lady Pigeon and the Chairman. I return to the schoolhouse tomorrow...
June 14, 2010
Dearest Diary,
There are certain visits to the Marketplace which inspire quite the daydream. I am afraid tonight's was one of them. I played witness to a warrior in training this evening and however unorthodox it may seem, I am eager to begin such training myself. It is not uncommon for a girl to find ways of defending herself should it ever become necessary and I have studied such art forms in the past. It has been almost a year however since the training has ceased and I should like to commence it again. I am also hopeful that there might be a worthy suitor pursuing the training as well. I do, however, find myself apprehensive to embark on such a journey alone. Would you like to join me? If so, let's discuss it on the morrow...
There are certain visits to the Marketplace which inspire quite the daydream. I am afraid tonight's was one of them. I played witness to a warrior in training this evening and however unorthodox it may seem, I am eager to begin such training myself. It is not uncommon for a girl to find ways of defending herself should it ever become necessary and I have studied such art forms in the past. It has been almost a year however since the training has ceased and I should like to commence it again. I am also hopeful that there might be a worthy suitor pursuing the training as well. I do, however, find myself apprehensive to embark on such a journey alone. Would you like to join me? If so, let's discuss it on the morrow...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
June 13, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Today is the day on which my mother and father were wed 40 years ago. It is truly amazing how rare and great an accomplishment that can be, for there are very few husbands and wives who have remained together for such a time. I cannot begin to bestow my thanks for having been born to them. In celebration of such an event (that being their anniversary, not my being born to them) we journeyed together to the northern county for the scenery and merchants. We paid a visit to the Castle of San Marcos and shopped in the village. Additionally, we paused a moment along the shore in order that we might partake of the cooling waters before returning to the estates. It was fortunate that my brothers and sister, as well as our beloved aunt was able to make such a journey together with Mother and Father. I am told there could not have been a finer way to celebrate.
It is often that on such an evening I should be telling you of the return to the schoolhouse in the morning, but alas I remain on holiday. Is not it wonderful? It surprises me daily. I shall indeed let it surprise me again on the morrow...
Today is the day on which my mother and father were wed 40 years ago. It is truly amazing how rare and great an accomplishment that can be, for there are very few husbands and wives who have remained together for such a time. I cannot begin to bestow my thanks for having been born to them. In celebration of such an event (that being their anniversary, not my being born to them) we journeyed together to the northern county for the scenery and merchants. We paid a visit to the Castle of San Marcos and shopped in the village. Additionally, we paused a moment along the shore in order that we might partake of the cooling waters before returning to the estates. It was fortunate that my brothers and sister, as well as our beloved aunt was able to make such a journey together with Mother and Father. I am told there could not have been a finer way to celebrate.
It is often that on such an evening I should be telling you of the return to the schoolhouse in the morning, but alas I remain on holiday. Is not it wonderful? It surprises me daily. I shall indeed let it surprise me again on the morrow...
Saturday, June 12, 2010
June 12, 2010
Dearest Diary,
It appears I was quite mistaken regarding the recital this morning. With very little preparation, I decided against such a performance. Instead the afternoon was again spent with Mother and Father, the eldest Miss Lindsay, and a most beloved aunt. There were of course the lectures at the University as well as the cooling waters behind the estate. Following dinner, Sister and I accompanied Father while Mother and her sister visited awhile.
There is much excitement to follow in the morning...
It appears I was quite mistaken regarding the recital this morning. With very little preparation, I decided against such a performance. Instead the afternoon was again spent with Mother and Father, the eldest Miss Lindsay, and a most beloved aunt. There were of course the lectures at the University as well as the cooling waters behind the estate. Following dinner, Sister and I accompanied Father while Mother and her sister visited awhile.
There is much excitement to follow in the morning...
Friday, June 11, 2010
June 11, 2010
Dearest Diary,
Tonight's dinner and recital was of a rather unique nature. I cannot deny it's remarkable flavour, however. Father was invited to join in the performances and additionally shared a dance reel with Mother in celebration of their anniversary.
It has also become apparent that I too shall partake in a recital in the morning. Would that such notice was given in a more timely manner. Unfortunately such considerations were not heeded. I do not enjoy being ill prepared for what I would otherwise wish to do.
Nevertheless, that is tomorrow...
Tonight's dinner and recital was of a rather unique nature. I cannot deny it's remarkable flavour, however. Father was invited to join in the performances and additionally shared a dance reel with Mother in celebration of their anniversary.
It has also become apparent that I too shall partake in a recital in the morning. Would that such notice was given in a more timely manner. Unfortunately such considerations were not heeded. I do not enjoy being ill prepared for what I would otherwise wish to do.
Nevertheless, that is tomorrow...
June 10, 2010
Dearest Diary,
I received this morning by post notification that a dear friend has come under new employment and had hoped to celebrate with a visit to the Disney estate. That is where much of the afternoon was therefore spent. And as evening drew near, it became necessary to journey once again to the Jervey Mansion that a music lesson might be given.
The real joy of the evening, however came two hours past twelve when Sister and I were able to keep Mother and Father awake into such hours in order that our youngest of aunts might make haste to join us in celebrating a certain anniversary. Were it known to Mother and Father that such a guest would arrive, the moment of the carriage's appearance would not have been as much an excitement. Mother of course shed some tears of joy and Father was also astounded. To have carried such a surprise off without a hitch was a rare accomplishment indeed. I am quite pleased to have done it so well.
Unfortunately, the morning will arrive early tomorrow...
I received this morning by post notification that a dear friend has come under new employment and had hoped to celebrate with a visit to the Disney estate. That is where much of the afternoon was therefore spent. And as evening drew near, it became necessary to journey once again to the Jervey Mansion that a music lesson might be given.
The real joy of the evening, however came two hours past twelve when Sister and I were able to keep Mother and Father awake into such hours in order that our youngest of aunts might make haste to join us in celebrating a certain anniversary. Were it known to Mother and Father that such a guest would arrive, the moment of the carriage's appearance would not have been as much an excitement. Mother of course shed some tears of joy and Father was also astounded. To have carried such a surprise off without a hitch was a rare accomplishment indeed. I am quite pleased to have done it so well.
Unfortunately, the morning will arrive early tomorrow...
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