Dearest Diary,
This evening I had the good fortune to hear a recital in the gardens by a one Mr. Hicks. The gentleman is always a delight to hear and there is a great number of villagers who are also quite pleased with his particular vocal tone. I am one of many. I must confess that it is not uncommon to desire an alliance with this sort of gentleman and I cannot count myself out of such a wish. May I remit that following the performance, I introduced myself in a rather unusual sort of way, but he invited me to accompany him on his walk toward the inn not too far in the distance. Our particular conversation is one I shall not soon forget for he confirmed his engagements for the days to come and promised to sing a piece that I am most fond of. I am more than honoured at such vows. Should he e'er make the most desired proposal, I assure you, Dear Diary, that you shall be the first to hear of it. Perhaps such declarations shall begin on the morrow?...